Thursday, June 09, 2011

She's 5!!!

Well, I figured it appropriate to start back to our blog exactly one year later. Our pictures had been stuck on a hard drive and i don't blog without picts, but thanks to my wonderful husband- they are now safe!!

Katelynn had a wonderful 5th birthday weekend!! She has been telling me now she is so ready for summer to start but even more ready for kindergarten to start. I'm happy I have summer with her before she start kindergarten!

We had a Tangled birthday party with friends this year! My mom had a wonderful idea to make hair for the kids out of yarn. It took her many hours of works but it made the party- thanks mom! We made a tower of doughnuts for Rapunzel's tower.

The kids went on a scavenger hunt to find the lights like Rapunzel- they found the cake there too!

We had the kids pin the frying pan on Flynn!!

Here are all the kids with their beautiful hair! 

Katelynn's actual birthday was a few days after the party! The great thing was there was no school or work for the kids and dads. We went to the beach and it was a beautiful day. The kids had a blast. First thing in the morning she opened one present.

We gave her a razor. She LOVES it so much. She rides is every day for almost 30 min! She was riding right in the morning trying to balance and get both feet on the razor. Once she did she told my dad "now my life has begun!" She is very inspired by movies! If you ask her what she got for her birthday though she tells you a pillow pet. Her cousins gave her a pillow pet and sine she has been wanting one for a long time I guess it comes to mind first. It is so nice to see presents getting used so well!

I knew we'd have no time to make another cake for her real birthday so I made lots to last for both parties.