This year was the first year we were in our own home for Christmas. We were able to decorate our own tree. I am not sure when these kids grew up. We bought our own tree to decorate.
Tyler is still trying to figure out the smiling for the camera. Kate on the other had has no problem posing.
At our ward party, Graham was obsessed with getting to Santa. I walks everywhere and can't be held for long, and each time we set him down he was running to Santa. Watch what happened when we finally came to talk to Santa.
Kate is part of
Singers Company and performed a couple times, once for the Rancho Santa Margarita Christmas party and once for family and friends. She had a blast performing, singing, and we even caught her trying to teach Ty the moves and words.
Christmas Eve was fun, filled with Christmas tree building, Nativity story telling, and a the cousin/PJ presents to open.
Such wise men!
A couple of kids excited for Christmas.
Christmas Morning, the stairs shot. I think that they are excited, what do you think?
Kate and Ty both received from Santa bikes and helmets. While Graham received a magna-doodle and a zoo play set.
Kate's bike looks huge when she rides it and Tyler can now keep up with the girls when they ride their bikes and properly chase them.
For the month of September, we challenged our children to stop sucking their fingers. Blankets disappeared and a reward was offered. They decided they wanted to go to Disneyland with me so we went for my birthday in November. Well, we didn't want the sucking to relapse so the blankets stayed hidden. They opened them on Christmas. They were excited to say the least. That was one cheep gift!
Jen made these capes for the boys. They are super cool and attach in the front with magnets. Graham's is a little big but with the way that boy eats, he will fit it fine in a couple weeks. (No, seriously I am not sure there is an hour during the day that doesn't have G eating something. I think he sometimes is eating more than his siblings at meals.)
Ty asked Santa for a bike and shark helmet and a triangle thing. We had no idea what triangle thing was. Jen took Tyler to the store and found these dreamlight things were what he was calling triangle things.
Here is Kate Christmas morning and all her presents.
Kate has started to really get interested in reading. The last few months, Kate and Tyler will tell us they aren't tired when we are putting them to bed, so we told them to read books. Ty looks at the pictures but Kate has really been reading. She is starting to read chapter books on her own.
Tyler's spoils.
We then traveled to the Grandparents where more presents were opened.
One of the benefits to having an older brother is that you learn quickly how to wrestle. G will walk up and start wrestling without provocation. Kate says about this picture that Graham was "Attackilish."
Well Christmas is over. I think that the kids had a blast and the break has just begun. Hope you all had a Merry Christmas everyone.