Saturday, January 31, 2009


My Birthday Present. Even though it hasn't arrived yet im in love..............................
Big Day. Chocolate was involved. Im happy.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Last night as a 26 year old

It’s the eve of my 27th Birthday. I have great expectations for this year and as part of my new years resolution I am starting my very own blog. My other resolutions are........
  1. Lose baby weight + some
  2. Get organised
  3. Learn to say No!!!
  4. Photos, I must take lots of photos
  5. Learn how to use my camera

As a mother I tend to forget about myself and this week was just another example. The first newsletter came home from Kindy informing us of a working bee being held over the weekend. I of course sign Stephen and myself up and volunteer tools, trailer etc. Get home and remember. It’s my birthday! Oh well.

I have planned to have lunch with my family then a nice relaxing afternoon/evening with some friends, a movie and takeaway. Oh and there will be chocolate, lots of chocolate!!!