This is as close to any crochet as I have got during the last week. Looking at all this lovely bright wool, waiting to be whipped up into more hexagons, but I've been unable to do a thing. Last week it was my two small people who were unwell. And being the generous wee things that they are, they then gave their lovely bugs to us!!
It is seriously not fun when both parents are sick at the same time - and boy were we ill. I haven't had the flu for years and years, back then I could stay in bed all day and feel sorry for myself. That's the hardest part of parenting - no sick leave entitlement!! Thankfully we are on the road to recovery now. Time to think about dusting off my crochet hooks ...

I had to show you this hilarious ball of wool - it's a whopper! 400g in total so about 8 times what I usually use. The sheer size of it gave me the creeps so I have started rolling it into smaller balls. Not to mention that if I try to use it while it's this big, my cat Bella throws herself all over it and ends up trying to have a snooze on it - it's certainly big enough for her!
So there's no crochet, no baking, no crafting of any type to show you. Lots of things in my head to remember to post about next time. But for now I am going to sign off and have a wee rest.
I hope you are all managing to stay fit and well.
Thank you for all your lovely comments too - they really make my day.
See you next week - if not sooner!