
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

*hearts shoes*

One of my favourites <3

Monday, November 29, 2010


I was laughing all the way watching feilou in brown trying in vain to catch up with his skinny friend in red who overtook him with a zoom! So cute XD

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Fsl's cat snoozing away...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Xmas deco @ Empire

Somehow the picture above gave me an eerie feeling cause they are all void of people in it :/

Christmas is a month away!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mini Oreo!

How any more mini can you go!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Munchy's cream crackers

Latest must have at work. Munchy's cream crackers in rectangular shapes! Perfect for dipping into mugs filled with Milo!

Sunday, November 21, 2010




I hate pms. Because it annoys the shit out of me cause i annoy the shit out of others.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Christmas is coming. I want a Totoro thermos mug. EOM.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Do not depend on me for I dislike being depended on. I allow only people I like to depend on me. So, do not freely depend on me as you wish.

 Life is too lonely... but I'm not complaining.

I have small feet...

Friday, November 12, 2010


This is ridiculous. I have a car sitting at home, while I'm stranded at work.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The truth is, nobody cares

In this world, you gotta save your own ass cause no one else will.

As I stood at the balcony overlooking the Federal highway, a flock of birds flew passed by. The birds flew in sync around some trees below. I find it amazing as they all flew in sync together. Turning left and right together, flying higher or lower together, making a swish here and there all in sync. There were probably 30 to 40 individual birds, but when they flew, they flew as one. The birds flew together, never leaving anyone out. They all belonged together.

Strange how this trigger my sense of belonging. I think, as a human, it is important to have a sense of belonging within us, which probably is one of the reasons that will keep us sane throughout our lives.

Where do you belong?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sulyn Rox!

I swear that is not me =.=

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Freedom. What is freedom? Someone who has never had freedom craves for it. Someone who always has it doesn't understand restrictions. I don't need you to tell me how to live my life. Not everyone wants to live their lives the way you lived yours you know.

While washing Babe yesterday, the neighbour's kids were playing badminton in their porch. After awhile, I heard a loud bang and I saw the racquet laying beside Babe. The racquet freaking flew and hit Babe! T___T I gave them a warning to play on the other side of their porch but they all stopped playing and quickly went into their house =.=""" I continued cleaning Babe and suddenly the alarm went off =.=|||||| Note to self: Need to dis-alarm Babe before starting cleaning.

Itulah riwayat hidup si Claire...


Hahahaha... siennes... I have been quite busy the last few weeks. But I can't recall what I've been busying about lately (=.=)? One thing for sure now is that, I seriously need to conserve my outgoing cash flow.... zzzz....

Ok. Let's start from recent activities and move backwards in time.

Two days ago was Deepavali! As usual, went to this relative's house for Deepavali lunch like every other year.

 The white specks is the moon...

Last Wednesday, I did my first night shift as an operator (machines operator, not the telephone operator), in my life. It starts Wednesday 6pm and ends Thursday 6am. I have to admit, it was quite fun actually. Staying up the whole night was fun! Spending the night at the test floor was quite fun too! I can go rounding anywhere in the floor without looking overly aimless or 'free', unlike during normal shift. Somehow the canteen food during the 1am break looks much better than the normal shift lunch break. I wonder is it because it is really better, or because it's 1am and well, everything looks better at that time.

Tasteless Maggi soup...

I felt fine at 3am, though it started to get quite chilly, so I went around looking for machines that were blowing out hot air. But from 4am onwards, it was getting very very difficult to stay awake. The cold environment makes it even tougher. I felt like I was floating around, that I'm not inside my body, that I'm in another world... After 5.30am, I was wide awake again. Must be because of the excitement that the shift is ending soon! After the shift ended, went to Mcd at SS15 for breakfast. Eating Mcd at 6.30am with your parents, how many of you experienced that man! :D Went back home at dawn, plonked myself on my bed and was out for 3 hours and I'm up again! Altogether, I was awake for 23 hours straight. What's the longest time have you stayed awake?

Last Saturday I went to do a blood test. I had to wait almost an hour for my turn and since I didn't had any food since I got up, the waiting became an agony. Finally it was my turn. The fella took my blood pressure, it was around 101/80. Then she tried to draw blood from my right arm but failed. Apparently my veins are very small. So she tried drawing blood again from the back of my right hand. Blood failed to come out again and a few needle adjustment is needed (read pain). Thankfully the blood started flowing out after sometime =.= Report is out. Besides the fact that my blood is thick, LDL over limit, high protein and potassium, and high dunno what else which the doctor finds it weird, I'm healthy.

On the same day, I went to my mom's singseh (who is actually a school mate of mine), measured my BP yet again and this time it reads 92/68 =.=||||||

And on the same day again, I went for my second facial. As I had a sudden breakouts few weeks back, the extraction session was rather... painful. Can cry man T____T I envy people with smooth and spotless skin.

Yes, last Saturday was a very eventful day.

WW43 is when Chin Huang kena shingles *muahahahhaahaha* Yea, I laugh at people's sufferings.

Two Fridays ago, Hush Puppies had a warehouse sale at Hotel Armada in PJ. Me and a colleague went over during lunch time and I sapu 4 pairs! So cheap! One shoe was selling at RM 219 in shops but at the warehouse it was going for only RM50!

Two Saturdays ago, I went to my first wedding dinner of a colleague. It's in Klang. No reason to say no *lols* Oh, the current price for gold is RM151 per gram @___@

3 weeks ago, was my cubemate's last day at work.

Started reading Pride and Prejudice few weeks back, and then stopped *lol* No mood to read.

Am watching Bad Guy. It started out quite interesting. But it's getting really.... boring and... weird.

The weather was HOT during the days before Deepavali, but today it drizzled on and off since morning.

Ok, I'm starting to talk about weathers already. It's time to stop.

So what have you been doing?

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Your heart is my compass

I dreamt an innocent dinosaur stepped on my passenger. Why is it innocent? Because it didn't even realised it stepped on a human. Why didn't it realised it was stepping on a human? Because it didn't see the human. Why didn't it noticed the human? For the obvious reason of course, which is, humans are far smaller in size compared to a T-Rex and thus rendered them almost not visible to a dino's eye, and also because the dino was ecstatic to show me something, which I can't remember what already.

Now, reading the excerpt above, did it prompt you to question, why did the dino noticed me but not my passenger?

Strange. Even stranger things happened.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Happy 6th anniversary!

Today brings my blog's age to a grand total of six years. Throughout the years, this blog's layout has changed many times. So did the title, blog description, profile picture, profile description, and heck, even the url address itself. But, have I changed?