
Thursday, December 31, 2009


2009 will be one of those years that I do no wish to remember.

Anyways, hope you had a great time, and will have great time ahead.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Chia par par boh mi gia zhou

Yesterday night I went to the infamous I-City. Heard it was beautifully lit up for Christmas. So went and take a look... Didn't had my camera with me so here are pictures from my phone :)

Looks like some towering glowing white ghost from afar...

A closer look...

An even closer look at it...

Ling Ying's gonna love this XD

Je Te Veux

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


During hot days the cat always likes to sit on top of the gate post and relax wan...

10 minutes after I said that it rained...

Friday, December 18, 2009

Second wave

Urrghh... I sudah tak makan untuk 4 empat hari.... feeling very weak...

Been... having problems retaining food inside my body...

There goes my beggar's chicken makan trip.... there goes my Singapore shopping... just when I have some $$$ to actually shop T_____T

What have been going on lately you asked?

Well, first of all, today's a public holiday (Awal Muharram), but it sure doesn't feel like a holiday because of my current social status T___T

Next... I want to post pictures up here! It's been a long time since I last post up something nice. But then... I don't have any nice pictures lately T___T

Except for some old pictures of a strawberry plant.

Honda Citys for sale...

The plant died several weeks ago. Apparently due to overdose of fertilizer...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I feel so confused

Money cannot buy happiness. If it could, happiness will be the first thing I would purchase.

Remember. Remember that things turned out this way because You caused it.

Saturday, December 05, 2009


Say whatever you want to satisfy yourself.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Whadyano... it's December already =.=""

Yes, there have been very few updates recently. Nothing much going on (or should I say there's too much going on that I'm just floating by time...)

Spent half my bonus in one weekend =.=""" Yes, I need to manage my finance, smarter =.="""

Hmm... what else...

Notice that I've changed the header of this blog? Nice? Nice? It reflects my current mood and also the weather... I know the picture is of poor quality. Blurrish and loads of grains... But I like!

I feel... very tired.

Every morning I get up and felt even more tired than the night before. As if I haven't slept a wink.

My dreams seem so real. As if I'm really working in my dreams.

As if those events really happened.

As if I lead another life in another dimension... A dimension controlled by my subconsciousness... While my real self sat aside to watch everything that's going on...

Like watching a TV program...