
Saturday, August 29, 2009


Tiger... Tiger.... ey... where's Tiger?

Hmm? Don't know wor... He's under who ah?


Lion......... !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

See anything?

See anything here?

See anything yet?

Still don't see anything?

Hahahahaha!! So cute man the fella...

Turning point in life... Do I really want what I want?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are you pregnant?

When was your last period?

Now, who would ask Claire that question? More importantly, What did Claire do that she was prompted this question? (>_____~)

Sooooooooo adorableeeeee....

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh Love

Life..... isn't that great... but it isn't that bad either..... rite?

I mean...

I still have all of my limbs and all are functioning...

I still have my 5 senses...

I have a roof over my head... though it is slightly leaky...

I have parents who dotes on me... albeit a wee bit too much...

There are 2 new packets of Timtams and dozens of Bonbons sitting in the fridge...

I get to have random jokes with random strangers all day long...

etcetera etcetera...

The Raining season is making it's way here slowly... So nice to listen to these when it's raining...

Damn selamba man this fella...

It takes years to forge friendships but only seconds to destroy them. Why is it so? Trusts is fragile as paper airplanes.

Life's like watching television. The only problem is that I'm not allowed to change channels. If I'm allowed to change channels, it would mean that I had an amnesia and have lost all recording memory of previous episodes - so it would be like I'm viewing a new program on a different channel. But then, how would I know that I'm on a different channel and not the same one? - either that or I have switched body with another soul, which can never happen, scientifically speaking, or can it?

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Ai lub mai shuga

Here is Hershey's latest product in the local market. Packing design looks the same as their usual choco bars, but this series is thicker - like those VanHouten and Cadbury bars, and do not carry their usual thin bars trademark.

"Artificially flavoured" lol... products nowadays are becoming so awfully lawfully right. Let's flip it over and... behold!

It's made in China! From what I understand, all Hershey's products are made in USA, except for this one. But nevermind, let's all... I meant me, have a bite and see.

Lalala.... taste wise... nothing special. I don't get the same umph like I get when eating this one...

After drooling for a few days at the Arnott's section at Coldstorage, I finally adopted one TimTam value sharepack! It's the made in Australia one and not the one made in Indonesia, mind you. Muahahahahahaha...

Next, Cadbury's latest product, the Bournville series, the dark chocolate range. I had an RM1 off coupon from the newspaper and I had and itch to use it *lol*. There are four flavours altogether - Simply Dark, Almond, Hazelnut and Fruits and Nuts. So, what better ways to enjoy dark chocolate than the original flavour.

Yea, my fridge was down last week. Immediately after repairing, it was once again fully stocked with ice-creams.

Last but not least, Bon Bon!! Ahh.... my current adoration (next to timtam). Sorry no picture of inside contents. It is similar to that of Ferrero Rocher. But at a cheaper price. And I love it! The chocolate one, that is. Haven't try the other flavours though.

Ja neh~~