
Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Scientist

The Scientist - Coldplay

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely your are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I'd set you apart

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tales
Heads on a science apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh, take me back to the start

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science and progress
Do no speak as loud as my heart

But tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start


Haih... after eating the duck rice my tummy hurts the whole day... zzz....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Updates for Jun Xue 2

Oh... one more thing.

That day damn suey I tell you. Damn mensiasueykan. I broke my Grandfather's CD while taking it out from its' plastic casing =.="""""""""""""

So for few days I was known as the granddaughter who delibrately broke her ah kong's favourite CD =.=""""""""""""""

Stupid plastic CD casing manufacturers. Can't even make something that fits the CD nicely that I had to used some force (which proved to be too much) to dig it out =.=""""""""""


@__@ at 3:25 to 3:44      just those 20 seconds...


I was watching Gem of Life, until at one point, I got sick of listening to Bach's Air in D (or whichever letter you see fit) everytime a dramatic scene comes up.

Then I heard that the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango is out!!! So I switched drama for awhile. (Yes, all kdrama fans must watch this show and all kdrama fans are currently debating on the ending, and yes, Lee Min Ho somehow looks similar to Jerry Yen of Metoer Garden and both of them have Takuya Kimura's smile, aih Joo Ji Hoon you're pushed to number 2 now ^___^) And I haven't even finished downloading the Japanese version one!! The torrents are moving at a miserable 0.5kB/s during day time.

While waiting for the next episode of Boys Before Flowers, I'm downloading/watching Beethoven Virus, another korean drama on musicians. Looks quite interesting so far. Quite funny at some parts too.

Speaking of downloadings, it is damn frustrating when you're doing a DDL at 5kB/s on a 700MB file, reaching 90%, when you suddenly got cut off from the internet!! *aarghhh* It is so difficult to maintain a steady connection to the internet let alone getting a fast one.

Besides that, I've watched Sweet Rain (I prefer Kaneshiro in short hair) and Painted Skin (Chen Kun!! XD How come Zhao Wei looks so old in the show wan...) Next are 10 Promises to My Dog and Wall-E.

Hmm... the Oscar awards are coming. Checking the list of nominations, I realised that I've watched only 2 shows; The Dark Knight and Benjamin Button =.="""""""""""" And yes, there's been a big question going around on Why Batman wasn't nominated for Best Picture. I wonder why.

Yorr.. I'm really out of digital space already. Currently my laptop shows that it has another 2GB free (yes it is a miracle that my OS is still running) and my external harddisk has only 5GB left. Die. Need... to... get.... new external HD. Probably next month.


Looky! Chocolates with alcohol in it!

The bronze one got squashed when it was soft...

I tried the red one first cause it was leaking abit already.

It's hollow and empty!

Well, the chocolate had a very strong alcoholic like smell, so I guess there really was alcohol in it but it all leaked out earlier. Haih.. this picture reminds me of Pocky! I missed Pocky T__T


That pretty much explains what I've been doing, besides pretending to look for a job *lol*. Dunno man, I don't wanna work. I guess realising in your final semester that you want to stay on in the academia after you graduate is kind of late. If only I was 10% more hardworking. If only I was 10% more intelligent. If onlys...

Thinking back on the last 4 years of my life at Monash, I think I was the happiest and most at ease during second year, though none of you would agree with me on this. No doubt the transition from first year to second year was astronomically tough, but I tried to be positive on the challenges I faced. Third year was the worst year ever fullstop. 

Fourth year. Fourth year was... a dream. I poured all my energy into my FYP and I actually loved what I did. My topic wasn't very 'engineering' based. I would say that it's more on mathematics (besides, it was the easiest topic on the list, ever) and with it I managed to con some folks into giving me the Best Project award XD. Fourth year was also the year I learnt pingpong! (and probably will be the only period of time I play it in my entire life), laughed till I cry, and was annoyed like shit. I also kind of realised that I wasn't viewed as a girl but as another dude in the course *lol*. That explained alot of things for the first 3 years.

First year..... what happened in first year? Anybody got any ideas? Hmm... there was alot of 'first time' in that year...


And... oh great. Now Microsoft managed to detect that my MS Office is 'not genuine'. Gah... must be some new updates/upgrades lately.


Monday, February 16, 2009

So now what?


qing ren de yan lei - Vocalist: Carrie Zhang Le

The movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button rox!! I haven't read the original book, so I don't know how good it is compared to the real thing, but the movie itself is so touching... and sad T___________________T can cry I tell you T________________T

I like how they tell the 'if' parts leading to the accident. What meant to happen will eventually happen. And always look left and right and left before stepping on to the street :)

Come to think of it, I wonder how accurate is the movie to the book, or how much detail is described in the book cause, well... the book was and is written in the 1920s after all =/

Friday, February 13, 2009


Thus begin my obligatory post on another Friday the 13th.

Gua putus cinta sekali lagi jadi gua pigi potong rambut. Maaf, takde gambar kali ini kerana takde mood nak camwhore..


Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Haha... I didn't had to encrypt this post. But since I have already fixed the html part of it, might as well make full use of it once in awhile... Email or msg for password... Good luck!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Two thousand seconds apart

Now, this is what I call ba(s)king under the sun...