
Friday, November 30, 2007

Windless storm

At first I needed a pair of sunglasses. But now I need ear plugs for work too =.="""


I operated the handler today by myself =.=""" With lots of help over the phone though =.=""" You know what? I'm having a hard time differentiating who are engineers and who are technicians =.="""""""

I kept on doing the wrong stuff at work =.="""" I just realised that when I was being told what to do and so on, I'm not actually listening. One minute I will be listening and the next I will be in another dimension =.=""" I blame it all on not enough of sleep =.="""'

Well, my camera went for a holiday at Australia, so no quality pictures for the moment.

I just got hold of both seasons of Heroes. So I'm going on a Heroes marathon! I didn't know its going to be so gross. I've just started a few epsiodes and it has grossly deformed body here and there =.="""" Oh, and I would still like to think that rabbits are cute little furballs which hops around =.="""""

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


A theory created by a very highly respected friend during yesterday's lunch break...

Industrial training report = 3000 words
1 picture = 1000 words
3 pictures = 3000 words

Oh noooooo...

Click image for better view...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Weirdness' wisdom

Latest news in Malaysia? The Indians want to sue the Queen of England...


I've been warned twice already about downloading/saving/watching pornographies during work.

Do I really look THAT ham sap?


Sunday, November 25, 2007


THIS.... has got to be the worst toast I have ever eaten in my ENTIRE life...



On my first day of work I saw this...

On my second day of work I saw This...

On my third day of work I saw THIs...

On my fourth day of work I saw THIS...


Some of you might know this and some of you might not be aware of this, but I have started my industrial training for 2 weeks already. And that explains the lack of updates here.

My cubicle number...

Due to unforseen circumstances, the above was my lunch on Friday... rotflmao


I am a giant mushroom!

Ok, that's all. Now I'm off to chew on the thought, whether did I packed the chips correctly or not, on Friday...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tempering patience

I attended my first group meeting today, and realized that all present were guys and I felt like a secretary there instead of a trainee engineer =_="" that is, until a lady engineer walks in to the meeting room *lols* And that's it folks. 10 men and 2 ladies (if you don't count me kuchi rat here, then there will be only one lady). And yes, I'm aware that I'm taller than most of the people there..........

I used to not believe in the word/meaning 'forever'. Then i started to change and thought that maybe there is such thing as a 'forever'. But now, I'm starting to remember again why I did not believed in 'forever'.

Anyways, if you are using the Opera browser, go download this widget called Spirograph. It produces stuff like below. Cool, ain't it!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I have been introduced a tastier, but rather expensive version of Rocky. It's called Pocky and it hails from Japan.

Here's how the box looks like...

...and inside that box, there are 3 of these...

...and inside one of those, there are only 4 sticks...

Here is how it looks like...

...and here's the cross sectional area of it... look at the amount of chocolate on it!

Oh nooo... now I'm craving for it next to Timtams... :(

Wonder how much it costs? Appoximately 6 times a packet of Rocky... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pssstt... who's going to Japan?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hmm... if you realized, I have just recently changed the accompanying song in this blog. If you haven't listen to it, turn on your speakers and try listening to it. It reminds me of Christmas everytime I listen to it...

Monday, November 12, 2007

just ignore

I'm so overflowed with emotion that I don't know where to begin this...

I think one of the saddest things is to see that the one you liked, communicate better with your other friends and not to yourself.

It's as though that there is a hole in my heart, and it just keeps on getting bigger and bigger day by day. I tried many ways to fill the gap, but then nothing seems to fit nicely, instead it made the gap bigger. I don't know why am I feeling this way. Why am I so sad? Why should I be feeling sad in the first place? I'm still alive, I have all my limbs, I can see I can hear I can walk, I have a roof over my head, I don't have to worry about my next meal, I have 2 parents who just adores me... but, why do I still feel envious of others? Why am I not satisfied with my life? I should be shameful to even think like this, right? I'm tired that people only come to me when they want something from me, but at the same time, I don't deny the fact that I only find people when i need them... but why am I like that in the first place? I'm just tired of listening... all I do all day in and out is listen listen listen... that sometimes I forgot how to talk... forgot that I can think, forgot that I too have my own opinions on things... I just want to get rid of all this frustration, it's just draining my energy off. I tried to think positive, to be more optimistic, to be more happy probably, but with just one soft blow and I'm off to Narnia... It must be my fault right? I mean, of course it's my fault, who else's then?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ole Ole Bali

See picture enough already laaa...

Got more picture of the food than the people *haha*

Can you tell where is this?

Nah, Jun Xue, this is for you *wahahahahaha*


I'm having a headache since the moment I woke up this morning. I don't want to take panadol. It's been 10 months since I last took one... (great achievement?)


I just took one... couldn't stand it... :(

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Not as it seems

On the week before my papers, I decided to go and find the exact location for my first paper to avoid getting lost *lol* It was room 9608. I thought that I could reached it using the elevators between building 5 and 9 *har har how intelligent of me...* When the doors to the elevator opened at level 6, I came to a small area with 3 doors. 2 of them saying some sort of mechanical/chemical labs, and the other nameless (=_=)" So, since I was there already, might as well explore the place. Those 2 were locked, but the nameless door opened to below...


Friday, November 02, 2007

I am a giant mushroom

I was watching Martha Stewart this morning. They were cooking some kind of sauted mushroom dish... lots of mushrooms, all kinds of mushrooms... hmmm... Then I went and changed my status at Facebook as "... a giant mushroom". I wonder will anyone realized that, and what their first reaction will be... of course I hope it makes people laugh, but Erin's first reaction was that it's weird. Ahh... just made another social suicide... lol

I am currently watching the kdrama "Snow Queen" on Crunchyroll *hehe* It's showing on TV now. It's quite a nice show (because Hyun Bin is inside *lol*). They said its licensed bla bla bla, but I can still watch it, so I'm going to quickly finish watching that show before they really take it off, unlike what happened to Coffee Prince...

Anyways, I was watching the show, and there's this scene where the ringtone of the heroin's handphone could be heard, when I realised that, 'Hey, I have that song!' *off to set that song as my ringtone too...*

Nah... that didn't happened... *wahahahaha*

Suddenly I'm feeling too free. When I got up this morning I was like, 'Must go study, eh, wait, study what? oh Design... errr... later laaa... zzz....' I went like from my computer to the TV to the piano aimlessly throughout the day *sigh* I guess, this is the time of the year where I feel the loneliest...

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Undeclared freedom

I took the facebook link off my Opera' s speed dial, and I no longer log in to facebook that often *lol*

I sat my third paper this morning. It was actually easier than what I had expected, but there are still some questions which I can't do because I forgot the formula =_="

With that, I'm done with all the 3 heaviest subject of the semester! *yay* I'm left with one more Design paper next Friday, which carries only 30%, but I still have to pass it though, and I don't know what is my internal marks!

Oh, today, the 'head of invigilators' added a new sentence to his usual speech before every paper:

"Do not smoke in the toilet"