
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thinking caps

After having London's weather for almost a week, the sun finally came out today and actually stayed there throughout the whole day. Does this mean that it's going to be hot from now on? I sure hope not! I love rain... ok that is not entirely true. I love cloudy weather...

I've been doing nothing but reading HP7 today and I'm almost done with it. There goes my design project...

Ahh...I haven't do a review of this semester's subjects like I did for last sem. You know, last sem, Ling Ying googled one of our subjects in hopes of finding extra stuffs or something, and she ended up in my blog! *lol*

Wireless Guided EM (core)
It's basically a continuation of our year 2 subject Electromagnetism. Nothing much to say about this subject. It's mostly mathematical stuffs so far. Oh, and my particular time slot of this lab has only 3 students in it. Well, at first we had more than that, but then they decided to change their time slots, so one go all go, and wala... 3 of us are left behind... hmm...I sure hope he won't close this time slot and ask us to change to another one...

Engineering Design (core)
The title says it all. Our project (everyone is doing the same thing! boring...) is to build an unmanned image recognition vehicle. In simpler terms, the car supposed to scan an image and then decides where to move next.

Industrialisation Process (elective)
There are basically 3 parts in this subject. The first part is on LabVIEW and I have no idea what the other 2 is about, yet anyway. Oh, and this is the subject where we thought we have labs but actually, no. So now, I have to change my concentration during lectures from counting how many times he said "so then" to actually listening to what he is lecturing... Since the first lab was canceled, I have no idea who is in my lab slot. Not that it matters anyway as some people says. More than half of the class are seniors by the way, cause it is a 4th year subject. All elective subjects are 4th year subjects, how come?

Electronic Test Technology (elective)
As the title says it, again. It's basically about what types of, when, why, how and how much testing we should do on the components and parts we manufacture. For the first lab, all I did was to retype some stuffs/info into the program IGXL (its a combination of something anc Excel, so it looks like Excel). It is said that for our last lab of the semester, we will need to go to Freescale to run the programs written by us throughout the semester *hmm* has been a long time since I last typed this much in a post. I noticed I've become lazy in typing a post since I got my camera *lol* Let all the picture do the talking laa...

Saturday, July 28, 2007


I was going through my pictures and I found this...'s from the DE2 board. Ever wonder what is it for?

Friday, July 27, 2007

Spying from aside

Last Saturday was Taylor's University College Music Club's Musical Night, and yes, you guessed it right, I went and kaypoh there for awhile *lol* I have some friends performing that night la... Below is a picture of the Programme sheet.
Inside, you can see that Taylor's now has their own string ensemble, formed in 2006, 2 years after I left the place :( I thought of forming one in Monash, but seeing that I'm already in my 3rd year, forming a club now doesn't worth the time and effort anymore.

Anyway, upon further inspection of the participant names, guess who is also playing!

*wala!!* me?

I have said this many times and I'm going to say this again : There are seriously too many /leesooleens/ out there...

After one hour of delay, the show finally started...

To be honest, they were horribly out of pitch... but good try though...

After looking back at the pictures only did I realised the number 7 for 2007 is missing... I wonder where it went...

That's Chin Suet on the clavi, Kuevendran on the sax and Chee Chao on the Stagea... hmm... maybe I will post a video on them later, couldn't upload stuff (yet again). The VIP guests of the night was Chan Kwok Fai, Astro Talent Quest 2005 champion. Anybody knows about him? Looks quite cute, but he's half a head shorter than me :P

Ahh... Taylor's Taylor's Taylor's... never been there since I completed my SAM (not that I have any reasons to go there anyway). They did some renovation and upgrading there since I left the place. The mini lecture theaters that used to house rows of benches have been replced with the single sitting types.

Stepping into the compound gives me a different feeling I used to have when I was studying there. The place seemed smaller than I remembered. The MPH looked shabbier than I remembered. The corridors looked narrower than I remembered... Maybe I got used to the high-classness (of which cannot be compared to Segi as some people says) of Sunway, and now, the new campus... (oh, you know, now my fav place in the library is those tables by the windows at level 3, perfect view of the surrounding, and also perfect place to spot leng chai - speaking of leng chai, I saw this really leng chai guy at Subang ktm yesterday! and he got off at Klang too! too bad I didn't have my camera with me *lol* - so buzz off from there :P)

Ghostly figure of Taylor's college...

Today damn siasueh lo... don't have lab but thought got lab. So stayed back for no reason, but at the end we did the labs by ourselves. The best part is, everybody knows there's no lab, except me and Ling Ying *wth...* Cannot sleep in lectures anymore! I'm always feeling so sleepy during lectures, some more the room soooo coooollllllld, plus with the monotoneous speech of the lecturers, equals sleeping pills zzzZZZzzz.....

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Library

Library is 'the' place now,
Library is 'the' meeting place,
Library is 'the' studying place,
Library is 'the' place to lepak,
but must of all,
Library is 'a' giant refrigerator... (=_+)"

Monday, July 23, 2007

Of chairs and tables

The one thing I cannot understand is, why Monash got those unadjustable chairs for the library and computer labs. After half an hour, my neck started to ache for the table's height is too low for the said chair. Some people might say that I should be fine with it because of my height and that at least my feet touches the floor (my toes, when if I put my whole butt on the chair), but it doesn't suit the table's height!!! You might be wondering why am I complaining just on a chair, but then again... chairs and tables damn important when studying, k!!! Ok, maybe I understand abit la... adjustable height chairs spoils easily at the rate all the barbaric student uses it =_=

Printer printer printer... always about the printer... (enough said)

And well, the semester's first lab for ECE3022 spotted 3 potatoes in class (including me). What a bonus!!! Full attention from tutor!!! Maximised fees!!! Maximised utilities!!!

HP7... boring... must be boring...cause after a few chapters, I couldn't be bothered reading it already *lol* Nevertheless, still I must complete reading it!

It's a miracle I'm still walking around, I don't quite have any feelings for my body, felt like dropping dead soon

Saturday, July 21, 2007

HP 7

I just got hold of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The first thing I did was to turn to the back page to find that Harry is alive and well *lol*


Friday, July 20, 2007


"So how's uni life?"

"Buzz off... go ask him"

him says: "......"

Friday, July 13, 2007

For fun

I reached level 36 and got stuck there.


Today is Friday the 13th! *muahahahahaha*

You know, my seat number for my last paper, Optimisation, Estimation and Numerical Methods, was 'C4'. Now, say it slooooowly... /seeei fooorr/ *geddit geddit??* Ironically, it's the paper with the highest marks for this sem. It's a miracle that I actually passed Microprocessor.

Remembered I complained about the irritating sound on my laptop? I can even hear it with the laptop off! It seems to be embeded into my brain already. Anyway, I made a complained to Dell, their technicion came and have a look at it, meddle with it for 2 hours (he even changed the motherboard), and the sound is still there. So they are going to replace mine with a new one!

Monday, July 09, 2007


Now, this is what I call love... *lol*

I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat
I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat
I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat
I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat
I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat I'm fat...

Sunday, July 08, 2007


Arrghh..... I have been getting alot of junk emails recently. All of them are about selling viagras!!! Damn irritating. I can't even classify them as junk mails cause everyone of them comes from a different email address! Arghhhh...

Anyway, my latest project is to arrange an ensemble piece for 5 electone players, on songs from Final Fantasy. I was thinking, 'How am I gonna write this???' Then insipration came...

I got a piano manuscript book, tore out the middle piece

Connect the lines in the blank space as shown below

Then go photostat as many copies I want! But then, I forgot one very important point....

Bar lines!!

Now I have to draw bar lines for every piece I need...


I'm sure all of you were aware that yesterday was 07.07.07 The Live Earth Concert was also held on this date in several countries (they had sort of a mini concert somewhere in KL too) all in the name of spreading the climate crisis awareness and to 'trigger a movement to solve the climate crisis'. But, after the news this morning, it shows that this hoo-haa thingy created more rubbish (in KL) than it created any thoughfull minds. Ahh... I expected that anyway.

Concerts = Lots-of-people = Crowds = Mountains-of-rubbish

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about all those climate thingy, you should be aware of that yourself. Everytime I look at the symbol... reminds me of Vista pointers/timer thingy *lol*

Yes, I'm still watching Goong S, while waiting for the next episode of The Devil (starring Joo Ji Hoon, of course). Oh, I'm also dying to watch Gedo Senki and 5 Centimeters per Second. I can't find anywhere where I can watch them online =_="

I got myself a wireless router liao!!! *yay* Now can surf net anywhere in the house!! Toilet also can...

I get depressed everytime I use MSN (don't ask me why), so from now on I'm not going to appear on your list as frequent as I used too...


Major dilemma for next sem:

1. Which subject to take

2. How to go back

Monday, July 02, 2007


I ran out of topics to blog.