
Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Remember I went to watch a movie with my cousin, aunt and maid last Thursday? When we sent the maid back to my grandfather’s house (there is where she stays), she passed me a bunch of keys and I was supposed to hand it to my aunt. Then, this evening my aunt called me and asked me where did I put the keys. Only then did I realize that I sort of ‘lost’ them.


I spend the next 30 minutes hunting high and low through out my house searching for the particular set of keys. Keys nowhere in sight. I then asked my aunt to search her car. Nope, it wasn’t there either. Where are those keys???


I still couldn’t find them now.


This morning I had a very pain menstrual cramp. It was so pain I felt like fainting. I swallowed a Panadol. 10 minutes later, still damn pain, so I took another one. Then only the pain began to subside. And all this happened on my last day of exam!!!! swei or not?

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