Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You are Seriously telling me that I live with 3 teenagers????

It is official.  Samuel turned thirteen on the 24th of October.
I made him a chocolate cake kind-of resembling something from minecraft.
He thought it was cool anyway.

We enjoyed eating the cake and watching him open presents. 
One present was full of his favorite snacks.  The other two were things he asked for.  Lucky kid.

Life is always entertaining with Sam around. 
And like I told his older sisters;  You can choose the kind of teenager you want to be, so

Monday, October 7, 2013

Well, September just Zipped By!

I can't believe it has been a month since I've said a word about what we've been up to!
The rest of August and September just flew right by!
I hate to play "catch-up" but this blog post will be full of just that!
We finished August off with a night at the Martin Harris Pageant.
They only put on this pageant every other year, so we have actually never taken our family to see it.
To make our trip even more important, a few years ago Aaron and I had the opportunity to sing on the soundtrack for the pageant.  It was a lot of fun to hear how we sounded!
 The pageant is performed in an ampitheater located right next to the cemetery where Martin Harris is buried.

The kids decided to try shaming the dog.  I'm not sure it worked, or if replacing the battery in his collar did the trick, but he hasn't chased the chickens since.

School started again.
It's Shenna's last year of high school.
She wanted to take a picture of herself holding a picture on her first day of kindergarten. 
It turned out awesome!

 Kiera 10th grade and finally in high school!

 Samuel 7th grade
 Enoch 5th grade..last one in!
September meant Peach Days and the Whitaker Family. 
We all spent some quality time together watching the Peach Days Parade.
Kiera marched with the band in the parade, so she had her very own cheering section.

Two of the littlest Whitakers..Colin and Lauren watching the tractor go by.

Shenna and Abbie. goofing off. What else is new????
 Then came Shenna's birthday. 
It was a big one.
Big 18!
When I asked her what flavor of cake she wanted she replied, "chocolate!  Why do you have to ask every year???? If I wanted something different, I'd let you know!"
Okay, so I made chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, and for good measure, I included chocolate chunk cookies all around the cake.  Enough chocolate do you think?

Her birthday was pretty low key, but I think she enjoyed it.
I still can't believe she is 18!