Just last week I was complaining that I had probably ran out of steam blogging. I had nothing to write about then. I had blogger's block. So I ended up posting pictures and a YouTube link for a fabulous movie I watched. But yes, a week has since passed and I am back with quite a bit to bitch about. Where shall I start? But first, NAHHH! Yes, instead of the middle finger, I've decided to put something closer to the real thing. A bit of graphic swear to kick off this blog post.
Why so rude ah? Why so lebih-lebih ah? Phuh! It has been a busy week for me. Traveling all over the place. Last Thursday and Friday was in Penang. No sex. Weekend was like nyonya doing housechores. No sex. Then Monday flew to JB for day trip. Tiring. And then Tuesday flew to Jakarta and only got back today. Tired and still no sex. Wah! Tired but very horny you know? And now, mom and dad are in town for a month or so. Whenever, they're in town, they usually stay with me during the weekend. Again, no sex. Cannot bring hot guys back home liao.... for the next four weekends. How? How? (Not that I always bring hot guys home la, in fact I can't quite remember when, or did I? But whatever it is, the thought, the possibility of it has been dashed....).
The Past and The Future
As I collect my hand-carry bag from the security scanning machine at the Gate leading to the aircraft, I turned behind and saw a familiar face. A tall, fairly well built guy with quite a handsome face. Yes, I remembered him clearly. He caught me looking at him. I smiled and looked straight into his eyes. I winked. He was caught offguard for a moment. Puzzled that he was being cruised so forcefully and unashamedly. Then, he remembered who I was.
It has been such a long time since I've seen him or contacted him. Must have been like 4 years. We have a common friend (whom I have also lost touch) back then, and we were introduced by that common friend. At that time, I was still a virgin, and so was he. Nope, sorry, wrongly stated .... hehe... I am still a virgin now. So two virgins how? Ok ok.... I digressed a bit. At that time, we were relatively new to the plu scene. According to him, I was his second plu friend wor. Wah! I feel so terharu! Back then, we met up quite a bit for a short while, but for some reason, there wasn't really anything going on. Eventually, the friendship just died.
The aircraft was eerily empty for an international flight. I think only about 40 passengers, I counted. As we were lining up to get on board, I asked him where is he seated, so that I can come sit next to him and chat. 15D. I looked at my boarding pass: 15C. Wow! What a coincidence! How impeccable! After 4 years of non-contact, and of the 200 seats in the aircraft, we were assigned seats next to each other, only to be separated by the aisle! We laughed at it, and we spent the next two hours talking and catching up.
When we found out that we're going to be living in the same neighbourhood (he's shifting from PJ to a place just 5 minutes away from my place) by next month, we got even more excited about it. We're practically neighbours. Yes, there'll be another kaki to hang out with soon in the area.
Banten, Indonesia
This time, my trip to Banten was relatively short. Thank goodness! I usually had a driver to take me to the work site, but this time I had two. One of them act like a bodyguard la. Wah! Everywhere I go, he follow me you know?! I never felt so safe before. He even told me he will take good care of me and assured me not to be scared.
So, on the second day, I treated them with food when they break fast at around 6pm.
Clockwise from bottom right: Sayur Asin Char Tahu, Ikan Bakar GurameSayur Asam (in small bowl), rice, and Ayam Kalasan
On the way back to the airport, we passed by the poorer areas of Kota Tangerang. There were people washing their clothes by the drain. The water is so murky and filthy, but yet, these poor people use it to wash their clothes. Yes, shocking, but painfully true. We should be thankful that we didn't have to live under such deplorable conditions, with limited access to clean water.
I came back today and went for BodyJam. But my usual Jam kaki was nowhere to be found. With their passport, they have migrated to the other branches, in search of instructors with good techniques and cues, as well as of course, in search of lengchai la. So, I bodyjammed today without them. Hmmp!!! Sindy has agreed to subsidize my passport upgrade, until now also keep quiet only. Cheh! I wonder what the future holds for my Jam kaki....