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Hand Sanitizer.
Not really on purpose but I was trying to think of something I collect so I could participate in Kelly's Korner, Show us your life post and all I could come up with was hand sanitizer, lol.
This "collection" started about a year and a half ago after I was told by my doctors how prone I am to sicknesses after the transplant and they advised to wash my hands often...I guess I take that to the extreme!
I have some in almost every room in the house....take a look:
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that's what I heard on the other end of the phone last tuesday morning!
I had just gotten Grayden ready for the day, diaper changed, new outfit on, hair combed and his rosy red cheeks Vaselined and then it was my turn to get ready. So I put gray in the living room to play so I could go get ready. A few minutes later I realized he was being very quiet in there so I went to check on him and this is what I found:
He had gotten into the Vaseline and was eating it by the handfuls! After staring at him for half a second I snapped these terrible blurry pictures like any true blogger would and began to clean him off. As I wiped down the tub of Vaseline I read the back label where it said "if swallowed seek medical attention and call poison control right away". YIKES!
To make a long story short I'll just tell you that he was fine, Helen was really nice and said its really not a big deal, there is just something in there that acts like a laxative. So we had a few messy diapers that day, a good reminder to me to watch this boy like a hawk and a good long talk about why we only play with toys and all was well! Thanks goodness!
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Since Valentines Day was the last day of our retreat we didn't do anything too exciting that day. Grayden made us some valentines with his grandparents and aunt lisa while we were away. They are so cute and was such a great surprise to come home too. We spent the evening cuddling and relaxing and celebrated more the next night with a nice dinner at home and a redbox movie!
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this video was shown at the retreat we were at last weekend..its amazing
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I've been unplugged from the computer for the past few days (other than the times I use my parents computer), ours bit the dust and after a few stressful days wondering if my pictures would be recovered all is well and a new laptop is on its way!!
i have lots to post about when it arrives including; Grayden's 9 month post, our weekend retreat with the youth group, valentines day, and all about a Tuesday morning phone call i made!!
Hope to be back blogging again soon :)
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We had a really fun filled weekend!
Friday night we went to visit our friends Ryan and Rochelle and meet their new babies at the hospital. We had a great time with them and feel honored to have meet their miracle trio! I have a special place in my heart for tiny babies! They are beautiful! <3
Saturday I went to an all day scrap booking event. My friend Angie, her sister in law, and myself all cropped til we dropped and had a great time while we were at it! I worked on Grayden's book and finished 16 pages but that hardly made a dent! I only got through the end of his first month!
While I was gone the boys spent lots of quality time together and I came home to a spotlessly clean house, freshly washed bed sheets, a bathed baby and a homemade cake with cream cheese frosting :) The table was set and there was a roast thawing in the fridge for Sunday lunch after church! And I spotted a gift bag underneath his bedside table, which he admitted was my valentines day gift!! My heart was swelling...I could go on and on! I have the best husband ever!
Sunday we went to church, enjoyed that yummy roast, took a family nap and got ready for the Super Bowl party with our friends! The food and fellowship was great but I wouldn't be able to tell you much about the game! In fact, as we were pulling into the driveway at home I thought I should at least ask Robb who won the game! haha! So congrats Saints!
Hope all of you had a great weekend as well!
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