July included swimming lessons for the boys. I love their swimming teacher. I love that she believes that they can do it...and they can. She has them do things that I never think they are ready for... but they are...and they do! So proud! She also takes these awesome underwater photos that are so fun! The boys love swimming lessons!
We did a lot of Seven Peaks. With just us and whoever had a pass to go with us! The kids always have a great time there!
We went to the Provo Parade for the 4th of July. I love that we can enjoy it right on Center Street in Aunt Wanda's front yard. (Thanks, Jill!!) Afterwards our neighborhood had a party complete with a dunking booth and pie eating contests. The boys took full advantage of all of this and Chase is still talking about the dunking booth. He absolutely loved it!
We checked out the Springville reservoir. We had a fun time there but it was SUPER busy. I liked that their is sand there for the kids to play in!
The boys were able to participate in the flag burning ceremony. This always brings such pride and patriotism. I'm glad they get to participate in this.
We went to the Lehi Trafalga. That place is going down hill But the kids didn't notice and had a great time anyway. Ty even got all the way to the top on the rock wall! He was so proud of himself!
Jentry did a lot of fishing in the early mornings with her friend... Don't worry, she got in big trouble for this picture.. WHERE IS YOUR LIFE JACKET!!!!
We did the Temple To Temple 5k on Pioneer Day. We (ok, I) look forward to this!
The girls went to girls camp. Jentrys last girls camp. She didn't want to go because she felt too old. I told her this is her last year with Brinley and she ought to go. She actually had a good time and she is glad she went! I'm glad she did too. Mother knows best.
The boys couldn't let summer go by without a Lemonade stand.