Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Water Breaking

So last night wasn't a fun one. No, my water didn't break. But Rose came into our room at about 4:30 am because she had to go potty. I guess I was rushing to get out of bed (taking 30 seconds instead of 45) because my pelvis popped again, and I couldn't get out of bed. I had to wake up Brian to help her. Then, for the rest of the night (morning, whatever....), I had LOTS of pressure on my tummy. I could barely change positions it hurt so badly on my stomach. I was really afraid that my water might break before I got ready for the day. Luckily, I'm not in as much pain now, but still having lots of tummy pressure. I'd like the baby to stay in at least a few more weeks, but this is certainly starting to get uncomfortable!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby Dropped

Yes, just that! The baby dropped 3 nights ago. I was slowly changing positions in bed and I decided to stretch my legs a little. When I did there was this really loud "Pop." It hurt like crazy too. Luckily it wasn't my water, just my pelvis re-positioning itself or something. But yeah, I couldn't even walk to the bathroom it hurt so badly. I nearly woke up Brian to carry me to the bathroom just a few feet away. But once morning came, my belly was hanging nice and LOW! I'm very excited. In fact I was so excited about it that I cleaned the oven, stove, did 3 loads of dishes and laundry, before I felt a cold coming on to slow me down. Man, and I was ready to clean the fridge/freezer too!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Old Games

Brian and I were talking the other night about old games we used to play as kids. I suddenly remembered these! What were some old games YOU liked to play?

Hot Potato! I can barely remember how to play this game. Didn't you push the potato and it would make music or something, and if you got stuck with it, you had to slowly spell out H-O-T with some cards?
Pizza Party was probably one of my favorites! I think I drove my parents crazy with this one since I loved it so much! I don't really remember how to play. I just loved that the pieces had different genders and looked pretty.
Or who could forget Pretty Pretty Princess? I remember humiliating a male babysitter once. We put ALL the pretty jewelry from this game on him. Poor guy ;) Hope you don't end up with the black ring!

Friday, September 18, 2009

More Time

Does anyone have some more time I can borrow? I just realized I have LESS THAN 2 MONTHS before this baby is born, and I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I'm pregnant--even though we were trying for this baby!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So yesterday I was going for a walk when I saw something I don't normally see. We've all seen VW Beetles with spoilers. But when I saw this one from the side, I thought it was a Beetle with WINGS. Yes, it looked really strange to me. It's like wings/spoiler. Well, I did a little research, and this person did this to their car to reduce the drag on their car. Interesting. Enjoy the picture!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fun With Aunt Becca

The kids enjoy reading books with Aunt Becca. As you can tell, we got our Halloween costumes today. Rose LOVES her bumblebee costume. Better pictures to come. Ben chose to be a chef, but isn't wearing his costume at present.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Ben: Mommy! "Y-B." That spells BYU!
Liz: Close. "B-Y-U" spells BYU.
Ben: Really?!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Yesterday, since Brian had work off, we decided we'd go car shopping. Since we're now almost a family of 5 we can't fit in our small Kia Sephia anymore (car seats are just soooo wide!). We were out to look at vans. Yay! Funny but Brian and I each prayed separately without the other one knowing about which dealership to go to; we both got the same answer. Let me tell you, the people at Brent Brown are wonderful. No pushing or shoving whatsoever! They don't even come on the test drives so you can feel comfortable doing anything you want. Anyways, I also prayed if this was the right day to go shopping and got an overwhelming "yes." We tested out a few and actually got the first one we tried out. We weren't really planning on buying a van yesterday, but we did lots of research on minivans before we went shopping and found just what we needed within our budget (and we couldn't ignore the "Yes" we got for shopping on that specific day). We both prayed about the specific car as well and got another overwhelming "yes." It was just a really good day. And the kids were pretty good too for the 3 1/2 hours we were there. So, here's our new (used) Dodge Grand Caravan 2007:Ok, so this isn't OUR van, but it looks exactly the same (same color and everything). I found this off the internet. I mean, if you look at the sign in the background, you KNOW I didn't take this picture. I'm having a little bit of a hard time getting used to all the automatic features since our Kia is a base line, but loving it at the same time. The kids love it as well. Brian even liked the space you could get in the back when you lower the seats/benches into the floor (not the kind where you have to take the seats out!) So, Brian will take the Kia to work, and the van is all mine! Mwahhahahahaha!!! Ok, so he gets to drive it too, but I'm mostly the one who will use it. We feel like we could actually visit family members in WA and NC now that we have a car comfortable enough for long car trips! But anyways, happy to be prepared for Baby #3 now :) Now I just have to make sure that Brian and I keep our keys out of kid reach so the kids don't have too much fun with our "panic" button!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hogle Zoo

Today we went to Hogle Zoo. It was the kids and Brian's first time going! I haven't been since I was about 9, I think. But all the memories came flooding back. I'm proud I lasted the whole 3 1/2 hours. With about 30 minutes of me not being on my feet. I'm moving pretty slow these days.
One tame crocodile!

Ahhh...the turtle shells. Good memories. And for some reason also reminds me of this quote: "All my life, I had a lump at the back of my neck, right here. Always, a lump. Then I started menopause and the lump got bigger from the 'hormonees.' It started to grow. So I go to the doctor, and he did the bio... the b... the... the bios... the... b... the "bobopsy." Inside the lump he found teeth and a spinal cord. Yes. Inside the lump was my twin." 10 points to who can name the movie.

Rose taking the reigns.

"Buckle up, Ben! I can make this thing go 0 to 50 in 30 seconds!" (50 mm, that is.)

"Can we take it home, Mom? Please?"

My chicks.

They got rid of the rabbit hole slide from when I was a kid. But replaced it with this much bigger python slide!

Raise your hand if you have a picture of yourself at this fountain!

Rose's favorite animal to see: the elephants
Ben's favorite animal to see: the rhinos

The kids first time on a train. I swear this ride was longer when I was a kid. Was it always a 2 minute ride? Ben was thrilled with it all the same. This movie didn't quite capture what he felt.

Ben expressing near the end how he enjoyed it. It pretty much took his breath away.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Quote of the Day

Maybe I should do quotes of the day, instead of the week.
Ben: Mom! I was at the library and there was a boy who was wearing a Buzz Lightyear shirt just like me! But he didn't talk to me.
Liz: Was he a baby or a big boy?
Ben: He was a big boy. He was probably 6 or 55.

East (Quote of the Week)

Yesterday the kids went on a walk with their Auntie Becca.
Becca: Benjamin, do you know which direction we're going in?
Ben: No.
Becca: We're going East. Whenever you're walking towards the mountains, you're going East.
Rose: Does that mean the EASTer Bunny will come soon?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Someone Like You

So, yesterday Brian sent me a song. We're really not the type of people who say, "Oh, honey, it's OUR song!", but yesterday Brian sent this song saying this is our song. So go ahead and listen to it. I really like it :) In fact, with my lovely unbalanced hormones raging, it makes me cry every time. Yeah, I'm pathetic, I know. But it is really a sweet song!