
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Make Intentional Conversation: There’s More To A Person Than How They Make Money

So often we only identify those around us by what they do to make money. We’ve all asked the “normal” question, “So, where do you work?”. We’ll even phrase it differently by saying, “So, what do you do?”, but we mean the same thing.

What you do to make money is important, it is essential to your existence, but it should not be the first and only question we ask someone upon meeting them. It’s one of those easy small-talk things we say that just skims the surface of who we really are. I know these things and yet, somehow I too find myself asking that oh so familiar question and leaving it at that. It’s the easy way to make conversation. Passion evokes emotional responses therefore we stay inside our comfort zone as long as no one talks about things they are passionate about.

 Why not say “How do you spend your time?” or “What kind of things do you love doing?”  

As a stay at home wife and keeper of my home I have a hard time answering that “normal” question. I get really flat looks when I say, “I’m a stay-at-home wife.” I sometimes even get the question, “Oh, well, what do you do?” In our culture what I do is not the norm. I can’t answer that question in one sentence! Nearly everyone I know has a title. The normal answer to that question is I work at Walmart, I’m a lab technician, I’m a carpenter, I’m a realtor, I’m a truck driver, I’m a piano technician, I’m a receptionist, etc. If I said I’m a … and I told you what ‘I am’ based on what I “do” it would sound something like this: “I’m a broom pusher, a toilet scrubber, a happy face and a hug and kiss when my Husband gets home, a woodstove loader, a listening ear to my Husband, a garden weeder, a furniture duster, I hang three different coats of my Husbands up everyday, and I declutter closets…” and that would sound really silly! If you were to ask me “So, what do you find exciting and inspiring?”, I would be shocked into two seconds of silence and then you would still get an ear full because I would most certainly not be able to answer in only one sentence! It would blossom into a heartfelt conversation and we would leave with a much greater knowledge of who we really were. We would leave inspired and encouraged by one another’s passion even if our passions were on opposite sides of the spectrum.

So I challenge you…cut the small-talk and make intentional conversation.

Be inspirational and be inspired!


Friday, March 7, 2014

Joyful Living...

Two of my best friends...My Husband and my mother.

“Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile.
                                                          Smile at each other, make time for each other in your family.” 
                                                                                                                                                                                      - Mother Teresa

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

New Life + Loss

I have a secret...

 We found out we were pregnant the Friday before Christmas! I cannot even begin to express the joy, and utter amazement that we felt. It was the most perfect Christmas present ever! I actually did the test myself and revealed it to Trey in the form of a gift.
 Before we were married we decided that we would accept however many children God blessed us with. Sadly, that is abnormal in our culture, but that is something to talk about another day. Nearly four years came and went. We lived in this awkward place of being content with what God had for us at the time and also desiring for the Lord to bless us with children. It’s one of those things that you can’t grasp until you have been there yourself. We had our moments of impatience, but for the most part we felt so blessed by the Lord and He was and is still doing a work in us! He is helping us grow and discover ourselves and His plans for our life.
I was amazed and could hardly comprehend that I was actually pregnant! It was overwhelming to think that a little life was growing inside of me. I thought of things I had never thought of and felt things I had never felt. I began devouring anything that I could get my hands on that contained information on child bearing, delivery, breastfeeding and anything related to this new phase of life I was entering. We had told several people that we were expecting but I used secret boards on Pinterest for the first time ever, as we had yet to publicly announce our wonderful news. I began to learn the most amazing things about pregnancy and childbirth! Trey dug in and began learning right alongside me as we both wanted to be informed and know as much as possible about the process so that we could make the best decisions for our little baby, myself, and our family as a whole.
We celebrated four years of marriage on February 14th! The next morning I awoke from a fitful sleep and discovered that I had begun spotting. I remained calm but as the day progressed I began to cramp more and more. I knew it was all in God’s hands and I prayed that He would help me keep this baby or help me to let it go. Things remained pretty much the same until around 8 o’clock on Sunday morning. My cramps then grew in intensity and I began to bleed heavily. I tried to stay lying down as much as possible, but I had to keep getting up so that I didn’t make a mess. I passed out twice and felt miserable. I kept hoping that everything would be okay, but I knew it was possible that I was losing the baby. My heart broke. There are no two people alike and I realized that if I lost this baby there would never be another person like it. The world would miss out on what this baby would grow up to offer to those around it. I would never know just what its personality was like or how it looked. I wouldn’t even know if it was a boy or girl.
We decided to stay at home unless the situation became an emergency. I’m so glad that we did. In the midst of this terrible physical and emotional pain I was able to be in the most peaceful, restful, and relaxing place. Trey took such good care of me. He was my rock. He saw to all of my physical needs and offered his loving support and encouragement. One of the best things that he did was to play his guitar and sing softly and quietly. It took my mind off of the pain and helped me relax.
I finally miscarried on Monday afternoon. My heart was sad and I felt so empty. One of my first thoughts was that our suffering was so little compared to what Christ suffered for us. He took on the sin of the world, our sin and died in agony on the cross. He was patient and willing in spite of the physical and emotional pain. Our sin separated Him from his father. God could not even look upon him. He did that for us and he was there with me through my pain. He was with me all the time.
I cannot explain the days that have followed. God has poured such peace and joy over us! I know it sounds strange to say that we have been joyful, but it is true! Trey and I have laughed together more these past two weeks than our entire married life so far. God blessed us with time to spend together to draw strength and comfort from one another. There have been moments of tears and sadness, but the joy of the Lord always overwhelmed our sorrow. Friends and family have brought food, sent letters, called to check on us and visited us. We have been lifted up in prayer by so many and we are truly blessed.
God numbered the days of our child before it even was with us. I wouldn’t trade the last few months for anything. God blessed us and our child was a blessing to us while it was here. I will always love my baby and one day I will meet it for the first time in Heaven! God has amazing plans for our lives and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us! Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

Never take for granted the life giving power that you wield and may the joy of the Lord be your strength! 

~ Clair

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Trim Healthy Journey...

Last October I shared this post after receiving my copy of Trim Healthy Mama in the mail.

I'd like to tell you a little about my journey so far! I am sharing this personal information, in hopes that it will in some way encourage you to live a healthier lifestyle; so that your days upon this earth will be blessed with abundant good health and vitality!

I've been eating the Trim Healthy way for over a year now and I can honestly say it has been the most wonderful year of my life (food and health wise). I’m 22 years old and I have PCOS. I have been married to my wonderful Husband for 3 ½ years. I've struggled with my weight since I became a teenager and every year the weight seemed to inch a little higher. On my wedding day (I was almost 19 years old) I weighed around 175 lb. and after two years of marriage I reached my highest weight, 205 lb.!

Me at my highest weight, 205 lb.

             I felt sick all the time, I had terrible neck and upper back pain that would NOT go away, I had heartburn almost everyday, irregular monthly cycles, my body sent the signal that my tummy was full hopelessly late and therefore I over-ate. I slept restlessly every night with terrible nightmares and felt stressed and exhausted upon waking each morning like I had worked all night long. All of that extra weight was plain uncomfortable and it became harder and harder to feel comfortable in my own skin!
            My Husband and I tried a special diet for 5 months. It involved juicing, eating mostly vegetarian, non-dairy, etc., etc… It was full of rules and just plain horrid! My Husband got too skinny and I lost about 25 lb. It was not practical whatsoever! After realizing that we could not continue eating that way we stopped cold turkey and I quickly gained most of the weight back and began to feel miserable again.
            One day my Husband surprised me with an unexpected package in the mail. It was an interesting looking book that I had been longing to read; it was Trim Healthy Mama!
            Trim Healthy Mama was a super easy read in spite of containing 650 pages. It was full of wisdom gained from much research and study and delivered in such a fun and often times humorous way. I wanted to give this thing a try and see if applying the principles in the book would actually work. I made my first on-plan meal on October 23, 2012. I began my Trim Healthy Journey at 192 lb.

Me at 192 lb.

 In the next few months I would begin learning how to nourish my body in a healthy and slimming way and yet never feel deprived! I enjoyed cooking more than I ever had before and honestly, I enjoyed what I was eating more than I ever had before!

By our 3rd anniversary, in February, I had lost 12 lb.!

Me at 180 lb.

For four months I yo-yoed and plattoed. I did my first fuel cycle at the beginning of June and lost 4 lb.! I learned so much from that fuel cycle. I realized I had been having too many “Heavy “S” meals, not enough “E” meals, and too many off-plan meals. It was time to get serious. I passed my wedding weight and stalled at 174lb. in August, but after a fuel cycle at the beginning of September the pounds once again began to slowly melt.

Me at 174 lb.

This Thanksgiving I weighed 163.8 lb.! I was fourteen the last time I weighed that much!

Me around  160 lb.

I actually lost weight over Christmas and I've made it to the 150's!!! This week I weighed in at 157.4 lb. That means from my heaviest I've lost a total of 47 lb., with 35 of those pounds being lost after reading and applying the principles found in Trim Healthy Mama! That means I'm over halfway to my original goal weight! It seems almost unreal to me that I have made it this far and without ever feeling deprived!

 I may yo-yo slightly, I may even platto for a while, but I now have the knowledge of what to do when that happens! I know that if I keep taking it one meal at time I will eventually make it to a healthy weight for me! I’m 5’ 3 ½” tall (yes, exactly), and my original goal was 130 lb. It may end up being more like 120 lb., but I’ll know when I get there. When Trey says, “Honey, you’re getting a little on the skinny side…” it’ll be time for some crossovers that will help me maintain. Oh, but wait, there is so much more than weight loss, that’s only part of the blessing that Trim Healthy Mama has been in my life!

            I feel AMAZING!!! My neck and back rarely hurt anymore, heartburn-a thing of the past, my monthly cycles have become regular, after eating a moderate amount of food my body actually signals that I’m full, and I sleep like a baby most nights! I feel calmer and more in control instead of being up and then down all the time. I feel free and I can think clearly! Over all, I just feel like superwoman!

            I can't express my thankfulness enough to the authors of Trim Healthy Mama and the changes that it has brought in my weight and overall health. I wish I had a million free copies to give away to anyone who was willing to give it a try, but I don't. My hope is that after reading this you will be encouraged to get serious about your health and that just maybe you will give Trim Healthy Mama a try.

Before and During...

  Lovin’ this Trim Healthy Journey! Come join me!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's That Time of Year!

    Wow, we've been busy, busy around here lately, as I'm sure you all have been! It's the time of year that we all get caught up in the whirlwind and find ourselves with more on our plates than we bargained for! I didn't plan on taking a break from blogging, but I guess I took about a month off. I should have planned to take the time off, so I could enjoy it more instead of constantly thinking, "I need to do a blog post!".
   Our internet has been down for almost three weeks which has seemed like months! You don't realize how much you use the internet until you don't have access to it. I find myself going to the computer to find a recipe and then remembering that I can't get online. I've been too busy with other things to spend any leisure time online though. While in the midst of knitting and crocheting Christmas gifts I've been knitting like a crazy woman on a last minute order for 8 hand knit scarves. I just finished the last scarf at 9:30 last night and I was so relieved to have the job completed! They are being picked up by the customer today and I hope she loves ever single one! I imagine they will soon be packed up and sent off as Christmas gifts and it won't be long before they are wrapped close around someone's neck, warding off the chill of Winter.

    I finally decorated the house for Christmas just last Wednesday. I love all of the festive Christmas colors and decorations! The deep reds and greens and crisp, pure white.

    We are certainly behind on our Christmas festivities this year for we still don't have the tree decorated! We cut our own live tree every year and yesterday was the first chance we had to go and get one! We enjoyed picking out the perfect tree and actually decided on one a little smaller this year. The sky was so clear and blue and it was a beautiful day to cut a Christmas tree if you didn't mind the mud. I came prepared with my rubber boots, though.  Trey and I plan to decorate it tomorrow evening and we'll leave it up until after the new year.

     You may not hear a lot from me in the next few weeks, for I'll be enjoying the festivities of the season, but don't worry, I won't be gone forever!

    Well, I better head home because I have some more crocheting to do!

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The View From My Office Window...

Yes, this is the view from my office window! When my eyes get weary from looking at the computer screen, I can just look up and be totally refreshed. I am so blessed...


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

From the Pages of My Life...

November 4th, 2013                                 Monday 9:30 p.m.

    I am astonished that it is November already! The time has flown by! The Autumn leaves are beautiful right now, but I am sad for I know that they will soon be bare once more. How could such beauty vanish before our very eyes?

    We are in the process of building bookshelves! On Saturday we designed them and bought the supplies and Sunday we began work on them. We got them all cut and partially painted and stained before it was too dark to see, (we are working outside) and so today we picked up where we had left off. They are now completely painted and stained, except for touch ups, and two of the shelves are assembled, all but the front trimmings. We made them to fit the dining room wall; one on each side of the window and one underneath. I painted them light blue using a distressed painting technique. I hope they turn out well! It is always nerve wracking to do something out of the ordinary, because you never know just how it will turn out.

    On Thursday of last week, while Trey was working in the backyard, he destroyed the home of a mouse and her 5 babies. Seeing the mother scurry around in the chilly rain to protect her babies made Trey feel so sorry for them that he brought them inside to me. 


    We decided to keep them in a cage for the day, to enjoy observing them and then let them out when better weather came. Less than 36 hours later the mother chewed her way out of the cage, abandoning her babies! She had plenty of food and water and a warm, dry place to sleep, but I guess she wanted to be free so badly that she would leave her helpless babies behind. We were baffled and hoped that she would come back for her babies, but we've not seen her since. Great, now we're stuck with 5 hungry, baby mice that need us desperately! If we don't feed them they will die. After at least 3 attempts at raising abandoned baby mice I wasn't looking forward to the intense care of 5 of them! We could not just let them die so we've been feeding them milk through a dropper with a paintbrush tip attached to the end. It sounds strange, but it works. They are now able to eat little bits of shredded mozzarella. They appear to be about 12 or 13 days old. They all have their eyes open but one and they crawl around like crazy! They are darling, lovable creatures and enjoy curling up in the palm of my hand and napping. Thankfully they are old enough to keep themselves clean and they seem to be doing well considering their circumstances, but you never now. The success rate for mice is only 25%, so they may not make it, but I'm thankful for this amazing opportunity to observe and enjoy God's wonderful creation!
