Saturday, October 10, 2009

My family!
We finally got family pictures last weekend! I was told by one of the photographers that I was smiling too big....."it looks too happy becki, my gosh" okay so I am cheesy...I'll admit it. :) I purposely didn't put the cheesy ones in I look normal? :) I am just thrilled Gary is actually smiling and not doing the fake "i'm a man, and men don't smile" pose. yay!!

They are so cute it makes my heart feel great!

We also got to celebrate Grandma's 90th birthday that same day, it was great and we all took pictures with her. Justin was behaving and sat so well with grandma, he talks about her alot and loves to visit. He mostly visits with her toys he finds under her sewing table, but whatever it takes to visit with family is fine by me.

Our other big news is that my parents are going to Frankfurt Germany on their mission! we are so happy for them and can't wait to support them and enjoy the mission field with them. :)