Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A new Love!


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Friday, April 22, 2011

Tubes, Tubes, Tubes

I love modern Medicine!

Oh it is so good to have my smiley little baby back. after months of ear infections we finally moved forward with putting tubes in his ears, and it has been wonderful!

He did so good with the surgery. I was worried they told me he would scream for an hour or so and as we were waiting in our room while he was in surgery the kid next to us( who also got tubes) screamed the whole time and so bad he started throwing up. It was so sad! But as they brought him to us I could hear him whimper and then let out a scream then he saw us and was just fine we just snuggled him and he did great. he fell asleep on the way home and slept for a few hours, then woke up like nothing was wrong with a smile on his face ready to seize the day! what a tough kid!

Now how come my Hospital sock aren't this cute?

Friday, April 15, 2011

9 Months

So Big

Just a quick Picture of the ever growing Colter!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

They crack me up!

Conversation with the girls tonight after letting them go to the restroom by without me at the restaurant...

Kinzie: Mom that was scary there was a lot of people we didn't know
Halli: I'm never doing that again
Kinzie: Yeah I'm glad Halli knows some Karate moves
Me: Bahaaaaaaa
I couldn't stop laughing to hear the rest.
Oh how I love those 2!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's great to be 8(months)

Crawling, and walking around furniture at nonstop paces we hit the 8th month mark. I can't believe he is 8 months, please stop. Still weighing in around 20lbs. I think the lbs have finally started to slow down. He is just so fun to have around, I love this little man! Our little Budge!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ear Infections! Boooooo!

5 for 5
5 ear infections in less then 5 months!
This Is the first child I have had ear infections with. And it is not fun!
I swear I am at the doctors office 1- 2 times a week, When I see the doctor I tell him we are here for are weekly visit, its true we have also been in with the other kids. Tis the season! But I think it is about time they gave the option of a monthly membership or package deal. Don't yall think!

But even with a 102+ fever he is still smiling!

Friday, February 25, 2011

February- a little late (or really late)!

7 x 2 ( They still get older)
No matter how much I try to slow them down they still grow. My little baby girls are 7 going on 16.They are so full of energy me and Scott have given up on keeping up with them. I love these 2 girls!

For there birthday I flew them to California for the day and we headed out to the Santa Monica Pier. We had so much fun and there was no stopping these to fish from getting in the water, they love the ocean just like there mom. they even were doing cartwheels all over the beach and in the water, their to favorites, the beach and gymnastics!

I Love you Baby Girls!

WE have been teething around here so it makes for some long days, and soaking wet shirts. Colter is a trooper though still full of smiles, just some bad moments here and there. The poor man is has 4 coming in at once but the bottom 2 are just about there.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

7 Months

7 Months

7 Months and going strong!
Colter is crawling all over the place and getting into everything. he is so full of personality he is definitely one of my kids!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I've got Skills!

He has been able to do this for awhile But I thought I would post! He thinks he is pretty neat!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A whole Decade??

Wow has it really been a whole decade? I can't believe I am even old enough to say that I have been, married for 10 years, the concept has been very strange. If  I remember right those 10 years seem to have gone a lot faster then my first 10 years a a child. But all the years seem to go by so fast since I have been married.
 As I was going to bed last night I wondered what I would have been doing 10 years ago that moment, I am sure I was all twitterpated and all gaga over everything, oh I miss those feelings of dating, and really having no worries. I am sure I was up with my 2 good friends that I have known since I was just barely 11 years old. I remember getting up early to get ready. And most of all I remember seeing him across the alter and the feeling I had and the tears that came to my eyes as we were sealed together for eternity. Don't you all wish you could go back and relive that day? I often do. When the day was over, I was so sad, something I had waited my whole life for was over just like that, over!(am I the only weird one?) I was crying and Scott looked at me and I told him why I was sad, and of course he sad, " But just think we have our whole lives together to look forward to, he was right. And the memories that we create  are what keeps us going. In bad times I can always look back to certain moments and it always puts a smile on my face, we have a lot of good memories and things that we can laugh at together and we have the most beautiful children and I couldn't imagine my life any different because with out our life experiences I might not appreciate the things that have been given to me. I am so grateful to share my life with this man, and I am pretty bossy so I don't think anyone else could deal with me as well as he does.
 Love ya babe!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Trend Setter???

So Colter thought that he would try out this seasons new Fashion trend, so far it is going good I think all the little kids that stare and point in the stores are just Jealous that  they cant have one of these, only a few lucky are chosen to even have one of these customized just for them, so it is extra special. And with his physique it just makes him look like a nice line backer!
What do you think?
 Theses 2 were the day they took a mold I love the top picture he thought it was so funny. Now when they put the casting on he did not like that.

Here he is waiting the day he got his lil Helmet!

And this is his favorite thing to do at the Doctors office now!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Long time No Blog!!

Wow I have been MIA for sometime now. I really have wanted to sit down and do this but I am so far behind It just stressed me out, so it got pushed back even more, Shame on me!
Well a lot has gone on since my last blog so here we go...

Rain and Monkeybars????

This is what happens when you let your kids play on the monkey Bars when it is raining outside!!
The poor thing ( Kinzie) was over at the play ground and me and Scott were watching Miks football pratice when Halli came Screaming, "Kinzieeeeeeeeeeeee fell she fell! as soon as we saw it we knew it was broken really it was totaly lower then her wrist the Doctor first thought surgery but since she is so young the orthopedist thought she would be ok one it was placed. that was good news! Bad news, broken ulna and radias. She was so good through the whole thing I think Halli was the one who was the most tramatized. Kinzie was so dissapointed about missing a few months Gymnastics but has got all cuaght up and has even mastered her one handed cart whell and is now working on her front and back handsprings


     I love football season it is so fun to watch Mik out there plying footaball he is just so good at it! He eat, sleeps, and breathes football all year and is a walking talking football know it all! His team is great but struggle, I have strong feelings about that but I will keep them to myself. I really do love his coach and am sad this is Mik's last year to play with him. Mik's team did make it to the play offs and was beat out. Mik and his friend Max, who is so sweet just like mik had a ruff time with it but i just love this picture it catches such a sad moment for all of us as this was there playoff game they lost and the final game Mik will play with the Vikings since we have moved out of Pleasant Grove.

     We are all struggling Mik, Scott and I that he will not be able to play football with all his friends next year, but we hope that they all still grow up playing together and can't waite to see them next year even if it across the line of scrimmage! Go Vikings!!! Oh I mean go West lake Thunder!!( Vikings sounds so much better)

This video clip is from his end of the year football banquet! I just love his coach he saved Mik for the end to say goodbye! Love you Coach Lew!

We have a 9 year old!
It is true and I can't believe it either but Mik is 9, where did the time go?
On October 21 Mik turned 9 he has really grown this year and really is looking like a boy and not my little man any more. He of course loves football and any other sport, he loves to hang out with his friends and taunt his little sisters. he is a graet big brother and is happier then ever to finaly have a little brother that he can play football with someday!(The sooner the better)

I love when it starts to cool down and the leaves start to fall, but something I love is to get the kids dressed up for Halloween, ecspecially the girls its so fun for them so this year after much debate the girls decided to be bumble bees and they were the cutest little bees around.

 Mik came up with a quick idea after I failed to get his costume together in time he had the great Idea of being Bronco mendenhal, the BYU football coach( of course) it is so funny that he even knew that he puts his playbook in his pants in the back so mik of course had to do the same.
 Colter had a simple one this year and was a BYU football player and indeed a line backer at that with all his chunkiness!


 Wow it happened fast but we after not owning a home for a few years it is great to be in our own place again. It feels like we have gone backwards alot bot we are just happy to be here even if it is smaller then our previous place and we have a basement and room to grow someday! So we have moved to Saratoga Springs. Wow it sure has changed out here from a few years ago were close to everything and it is only a short drive for Scott to get to work which is great!! The house was already built and has been sitting for almost a year so it was a great deal!This house is full of Character which is what I love!
I just found out that hour house is known as the beach house to most of our neighbors I think a lot of them really don't like the house but I think its just because all the rest off the houses are all tan and ours is green, and not stucco like the rest it is hardy backer which is the new modern siding which I love, and if I were to build my dream house it would use plenty of it because it adds so much character. Any who here are a few shots Ill post more in the future!
 Kitchen small but nice features
 Love the staircase
 Love, love, love the molding!
 Kids bathroom Counter!!

 Bad picture but this is Colters room
 Another bad picture, this is our loft that we love to just hang out in and we love the skylight!
Now we are just waiting for Spring so they can come finish the yard I am sick of the Mud!!!!


Wow this kid has grow so fast I just want him to slow down, but I have enjoyed every minute with this kid, he is so smiley and so full of life!
Colter is just a chill kinda kid as long as mom is in sight!!!!
here is Colter the last 6 months

1 month
2 Months
3 Months
 4 months
 5 months
 OK so I am working the the 6 month picture. he just turned 6 months the other day so it's coming.
Christmas eve we did have our first ear infection and it was a double thank goodness the insta care was open and we were able to get some meds going the poor little guy was screaming and that is not normal for this Happy go Lucky kid!
here he is with his daddy, We were all a little tired!!!!


Christmas time really came to our house fast this year we were still getting moved in but it was another good one to say the least. the girls got a lot of little thins like pet shops, zhu zhu pets Calico critters games and more. Mik got an Itouch and same other little things ( spoiled kid i don't even own an ipod). Colter got his saucer and some other small things but loved all the paper the most!!!
For all of you wondering where your Christmas Cards are we never got them this year but hope to send them out next year, but thank you to all of you who sent Christmas cards to us we love getting them every year!
 Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

I think I am almost caught up but still have a feww more things look forward to some more of the Family!