
Friday, August 29, 2014

Mixtape Friday

Even though I'm no longer in school, its hard not to have some nostalgia when the end of summer is here and school is starting and you look up in the mountains and see some color changes. It was a season of change literally with the weather but also with the new people you would see, the new classes you had, a new grade you were in. It was a really fun time, but it was also a little nerve wracking with all the unfamiliarity and unknown around you. I have a strong association with some music when school started. I've made a mix tape in honor of those seasons of change, which include songs I remember listening to when I was in high school and early college (bear in mind that some of these are guilty pleasures that are only listened to for pure nostalgia reasons) to some that remind me of those times. Boyz II Men, Amy Grant, Paula Abdul, Jesus Jones and REM's Shining Happy People....all of these songs remind me of not being able to go to sleep the days before school (I think i was going into middle school at the time) and the radio station KISN 97.1 played these songs over and over....and over again it seemed.  Anyway, enjoy.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Beck in Concert

Tonight I will be seeing Beck in Concert for the first time.  I've been looking forward to one of his concerts for the past 18 years.  I would consider Beck my musical idol.  His style, his talent, his song writing, just everything about him is awesome.  This is the first time he's toured through Utah in 14 or 15 years.  The last time he was here was in support of the Midnight Vultures tour back in 1999 or 2000 which would have been crazy awesome to see.

I've wondered what my ultimate Beck concert would be if I were to see him live. It appears that he's been playing about 20-22 songs per concert from the previous shows on this tour.  So I've compiled my ultimate Beck concert playlist.  Bear in mind this playlist is not reasonable.  They are simply songs that I would love to hear live.

1.  F###in with my head
2. Mixed Bizness
3. Elevator Music
4. Tropicailia
5. Dead Weight
6. Diamond Bullocks
7. Que' Onda Guero
8. Nicotine and Gravy
9. Hot Wax
10. Soul Suckin' Jerk
11. Jack-Ass
12. Think I'm in Love
13. Bottle of Blues
14. Broken Train
15. The Golden Age
16. Sissyneck
17. Beer Can
18. E-Pro
19. Where It's At


20. Devil's Haircut
21. New Pollution
22. Debra

Here is the actual songs if you want to listen to it.  I hope to follow up this post with a concert review.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mixtape Friday

Well its August.  No matter how long I've been out of school, I still get that feeling of school coming back in session, needing to go buy some new clothes and trapper keepers and pencils and pens.  The carefree days and nights coming to an end.  Nights are becoming a little cooler.....days are shortening.....the fall will be here in a month or so.  I hope this mix helps you reflect on the fun summer and the times ahead.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Album Review: Eyes Lips Eyes

Well its been approximately two years since the last release of new music from Los Angeles' Eyes Lips Eyes.  After recording the album, the band had a long hiatus to pursue other individual music projects and tackle life challenges.  They have finally given their fans the long awaited swig of music.

The album 'Place to Be' was put out earlier today and for those that pledged during the Kickstarter for the album they received it a little earlier.

It starts out with familiar song 'Never Alone'.  For die-hard fans, this will be a song heard from years ago when they put out an album on their own.  It kicks into high gear and into new territory with the spastic and fun 'Itty Bitty' with its catchy 'ooo's' and 'aahhhh's'.

Their single 'Hollywood' is their most polished number that has a very catchy and bubbly guitar hook.  Their most recognizable song 'Tickle makes the cut as well with its jangley guitars and sing-able chorus.  The album then shifts into a different gear and drops the happy honey glazed tunes.

The next song, and my favorite from the album 'Old', brings its primal repetitive guitar riff coupled with a powerful driving bass crashing drums that make you want to jump around and throw chairs through the most positive way possible.  From that description you'd think its some Rage against the Machine rip off, but not so.  Although its not mellow, its not something that's out of control either.  Its theme is more contemplative as it speaks of the natural reflection of one's life thinking that "I'm old, I'm as old as I've ever been........and I'll never be this young again."  Here is the song below.  Take a listen, punch a brick wall with your bare fists.

The surprise of the album was 'Getting Late'.  The song's first five seconds leads you to believe that it will be another mellow pop song until hits the gas and doesn't stop.  Its a song that as dance-able as any out there.  The added element of the cow bell really keeps the party going throughout.

"A-OK is a simple speedy rocker that will have you yelling with the background singers during the chorus.  The final song "Language Lessons", its a late at night driver.  Its not something that you'll fall asleep to, but will keep you going with its echoed thumping bass that keeps the pace.  Mix that with the accented and atmospheric guitar hooks that add flavor and it'll have your foot tapping non-stop.

I've always considered Eyes Lips Eyes to be a live band that you must see live to gain the full experience, but this album you catch some very real glimpses of what that's like and it comes as close as you possibly can.