Sunday, October 31, 2010

We really are alive!!!!!

Hi Everyone!  Sorry for the long break in posting!  I won't make excuses but I'll just say that I took a break.  And I won't try to update the past 4 months, but I'll just share some pics of summer and what we have been doing lately.  We are great, the kids are growing fast and we are just loving life and what we do!  Enjoy!

Well after our cruise, the kids wanted to go swimming every day.  We made it to Veyo a few times during the summer.  Here we are!

One evening while at Grandma and Grandpas in Enterprise, Case and Taleena thought it would be fun to go down the stairs in a sleeping bag used to sleep out on the tramp.  They had so much dang fun and no accidents!   

Well my big boy started Kindergarten this year!  It has been quite a ride, it took a few weeks to get into the swing of things, riding to school on the bus and especially being there all day.  He is loving it so much and is starting to read! 

Since Case is at school, Eva likes to sleep in.  So, she eats breakfast whenever she's ready and she tells me what she wants.  Well out of everything she could possibly want, she wants Berry Colossal Crunch every morning and toast with my raspberry jam.  So this is her enjoying her breakfast.  Too cute.  Oh, Eva's potty trained!  Yay!!!!

Tara came over a couple of weeks ago and we made salsa, here's Eva and Quader playing in my closet while I'm folding clothes!  What a couple of cuties!

Case got to play Soccer this year!  It's his first year and he really enjoyed it.  His team definitely wasn't the winning team by any means but that's okay.  They learned alot and played good.  Good job bud!

Well like I said, sorry for not posting forever!  I will be better and I will be doing some Stampin' Up! card classes that I'll post about and the kits will be available if any of you are interested let me know.  Love you all!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Our Vacation!

Well now that life has kindof slowed down a little, I can sit down and post some things for everyone! Wow, it has been a crazy couple of months, but we all are alive and kicking! :) So here's a couple of posts for you! The first post is of our Family Vacation we just got home from. We had so much fun. All my family went, including the kids. We left here on Sunday, May 30th in a big motorhome and headed down to Long Beach to board our cruise ship on Monday the 31st. After we got on, we headed over to Catalina Island. We stayed there for a day, and then went to Ensenada, Mexico. After spending whole day there, we headed back to Long Beach and spent a day at sea. We had a blast. Definitely something that's out of our element, but we all enjoyed it. I was so thankful that I didn't get sick or my kids. That's what I was most worried about. It was quite an experience and something I would love to do again. Enjoy the pictures, I'll write about each one. The second post is some cards so check them out too. I'll try to post again soon!

The first time we saw the boat at the port, and waiting to board.
Just got through security, and heading up the ramp onto the boat!  Case was so happy.
Here's me and Eva, just got on the ship and we are having some lunch.
After we finally got our luggage to our rooms, we cleaned up, changed our clothes and went to the top deck and watched us set sail.  Here's Eva posing for a picture!  There was the funnest Mini Golf up there.
Tessa and Leena at dinner- they got a little queasy the first night, but then they were okay after that!
Here we are heading over to Catalina- the ship had to port quite a ways away so we got on little boats and went over.  We saw Sea Lions in the water!
So was water was SSSSOOOOOOOOOOO cold but everyone went snorkeling anyway!  I was a big chicken and didn't do it at this time.  I wish I would have though!  Slade and my dad saw a huge Sting Ray and Tara said there was lots of beautiful fish.  Here's Kyle trying it out.  He loved it.
Eva loved the little beach and digging her toes into the sand.
The food on that cruise ship was amazing.  Pretty much anything you wanted you could have.  We ate at the Paris Restaurant for Breakfast and  Lunch (buffet) and for dinner we at the Destiny Dining Room.  Case had our waiter on his toes bringing him food.  One night, I think it was this night, Case had:  Peanut Butter and Jelly, Fries and Chicken Nuggets, Spaghetti and vegetables, Prime Rib, and a Lobster Tail.  He seriously ate so good.  What a kid!  Here his is cutting up his Prime Rib.
Here we are in the kid pool- the big pool was too cold!  We didn't have the hot weather that we thought we would.  It was cloudy and overcast the whole time.
Here's the kids down on the main level on the ship on the stairs.
I think the best part for Case and Eva was the ice cream machine.  Case got pretty good at making his own ice cream cone.  One morning they had pink!
Here's some more random pics!  Eva swimming with Uncle Slade.
Eva in daddys glasses and hat.  What a cutie!
I got this little guitar for Case down at La Bufadora.  Kyle, me, Tara, Slade, and Quade got off the boat at Ensenada and went down to La Bufadora (the blowhole) and did a little shopping.  Hasn't changed in 12 years!  I went there in High School.  Case absolutely loved the bunk bed in our room.  He would sit up there all evening and then say "Good night mom, good night dad, good night Eva" about 15 times and then roll over and go to sleep.
After we got off the boat on Friday morning, we all got in the motorhome and headed for the beach.  We went to La Jolla, and it was way fun.  Kyle loves the ocean, but the kids were pretty leary.  Just something that's new and they weren't too sure about the waves and there was a bunch of kelp everywhere and Eva didn't like it under her feet.  Oh well, at least the sand kept them busy the whole time.  Here's a picture of Kyle taking them out to the water, and Case is jumping up and down because he doesn't like the kelp.  He was throwing a little fit.
Well, there's our trip in a nutshell.  We sure had fun!

This next part is a card kit that I have for sale.  $10 gets you 10 cards, 2 each of the following 5 designs.  I did a card class before I left and I have 3 kits left.  Let me know if you are interested in it.  Everything is cut, all you have to do is glue and tie ribbon.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well here are a few things that we have been up to lately! 
Case has learned how to do a front flip on the tramp
Matching toes!
Eva found a comfy spot and decided to take a little snooze.
We took a trip up to the Enterprise Reservoir and had to go on a hike to take some
cute pictures of the kids in the water.  Eva liked getting her tootsies wet!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Well first I have to say that I really haven't forgotten about this blog!  And I am sorry for the slacker that is within me.  Just lots of other stuff to do lately and it really hasn't involved the computer.  Well I guess it has because I have lost a bunch of pictures when Eva was a baby and that has has me freaking out trying to get all my pictures uploaded, printed, and burned on CD's before it happens again.  Pictures are my life and I have been sick with loosing so many pictures (around 400).  Anyway, here's on to a quick update.  With Deb being gone to KY since the first of January, poor Steve has been fending for himself (not really, we do take care of him) but he went to Costco the other day and bought these HUGE strawberries.  He had to share with us cause we love strawberries.  When we got home, I had to take pictures with Eva and these strawberries that are literaly the size of her hand.  I thought it was kinda cool.  Here's for you Deb!  We love you and can't wait to see you!  I'll try and keep this thing updated more for you----------  :)  PS these pictures were before I trimmed Eva's bangs- yes, they were getting TOO long! 
And on to Easter.  We had a great Easter, with lots of fun things.  The Easter Bunny surprised the kids with 16 new baby chicks.  We are excited to have chicks again and rotate out our old hens.  We love farm fresh eggs!  Case had way too much fun coloring eggs, and Eva loved sticking stickers all over hers.  Who knew a 19 month old could stick stickers?  We had a yummy Easter dinner at my parent's house and a fun Easter Egg hunt outside.  Eva loved finding all her eggs and had them found in 10 minutes.  Case loves finding eggs that dad and grampa Troy hid.   Quade even found some!  We had a great day with my family.   Here's pictures from Easter!
So the Easter Bunny sent the kids on a treasure hunt for their Easter stuff.  They had stuff in almost every room of the house!
Gotta love that morning hair!
Getting ready to bust outside and find eggs.
Slade and Eva tetter-tottering after the hunt.
After the festivities of the day were pretty much over and everyone was napping except me and the kids, we went up to Grandma Lue's to see her for Easter.  It's been awhile since I took the kids up there and for that I feel very guilty, but we had a nice visit and she got to see the kids.