Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Card Pictures

Here are some pictures of my last attempt at getting a good picture for my Christmas Cards.  Dressed them up in their Christmas outfits, and I think I got a good one.  The last one is the one I used.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Well everyone, I have been a big slacker in the blog department of life.  Why is it that time flies on while I'm trying to hang on it's tail?  I'm glad I'm not the only one though, because it seems like everyone feels like me too!  Well, here is our November and first part of December.  November was a fun month, it seems like we did something every weekend.  I love being with my families and the fun things that we do together.

My first activity in November was attending the Time Out For Women in St. George at the Dixie Center.  It was such a good couple of days, being surrounded by amazing women.  My mom, me, and Tara attended together, and met my cousin and aunt there with some of her family.  It was great, we listened to some amazing music.  If you haven't listened to any of Hillary Weeks, it's about time you did.  Her Christmas album is great, along with everything else she records.  So uplifting and spiritual too!  There were plenty of speakers that we listened to, some right there in the ballroom, and some in the mothers room with Tara, cause she had Quader with her.  It was a very great weekend for us.

Our next activity was Taleena's birthday party.  We went to the Rosenbruch Wildlife Museum.  Case has never been there and he thoroughly enjoyed every minute.  We took lots of pictures with the animals, and Eva loved it too.  She has turned into quite the animal freak lately.  All she did was point and jabber constantly.  Then we had dinner at Texas Road House, which is becoming a little birthday tradition with the Truman girls!  We love the Road House!

Love this one, we always call the kids little 'turkeys' so had to have one with them!

Can't forget Case's Thanksgiving Program.  He is quite the little singer and sang his little heart out.  He definitely is in tune, knows the words and sings on the beat.  I keep hoping he'll make millions one day seranading the world with his voice!

Case and his cousin Hali.

Case and his buddy, Hesston.  Case and Hesston.  What a pair!

The love of Case's life, his teacher, Mrs. Reber.  Notice his hand on her shoulder?

Thanksgiving 2009 was up at Grandma Sharons this year.  Love when it's up there.  All the Trumans were there this year.  We had yummy yummy yummy food and lots of good visiting.  The weather was absolutely wonderful, we all ate outside!

Tessa is very full!

Case and Aunt Monette

Ward Christmas Party.  We had a fun Christmas Party this year, and of course Santa made an appearance.  Case jumped up there and rattled off his list, which is at least a mile long!  Kyle sat Eva on his lap really fast so I could snap a picture.   I was surprised that she didn't scream her head off.

This is what I get when I let the two kids outside on a chilly December afternoon in their cold weather gear.  Playing together wonderfully in the sand!  What good kids.

Getting a Tree.  What a trip this year.  I won't go into detail, but I'll just say this:  It was VERY COLD, and the road absolutely sucked, but at least we got a tree.  My fingers almost froze off, and I was worried Eva would shift the truck in the reverse and head down off the mountian while I hiked up to Kyle to help him haul the tree down the mountain, but we did get an awesome load of wood.  We ended up accidentally leaving Kyle's chainsaw and jack so we had to turn around about 15 minutes later and go get them, but after all that, we made it home safe and sound with a great tree for our living room!

Decorating the tree:  I love decorating these kind of trees.  So easy and the ornaments hang so perfectly.  One thing cool about my tree this year:  All my ornaments are old ones.  I got all my Grandmas old gold and silver balls that she had when her kids were young, so I got on ebay and found some more colorful old vintage ornaments, and some vintage tinsel.  I love my simple beautiful tree!

Gave Case my camera, and this is what he does.  Candid moments of himself.  Love it.

Eva's new trick:  Climbing.  Geez.  What a messer, and now she's climbing.  Case taught her how to pack around the stool and climb up.  Her new thing is getting the little cups next to the fridge, and push the water on the fridge, and letting the water go everywhere.  haha.  very funny!

Love this one, tippy toes!

She knows exactly where the candy kisses are, so here she is one morning having breakfast in the kisses bowl.

Well, I'll definitely post more throughout the rest of the month and the new year.  Merry Christmas to all of you!