The Carlson Family

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ella's Dance Recital, April 24th 2008

Such beauty and grace, Ella did fabulous! She just decided to turn around and watch the scenery and those dancers behind her the last half of her dance. She was still doing most the steps though!!! It was so hilarious, you could hear her teacher, "Ella turn around," but she just kept on doing her own thing!

That's Ella 2nd one in on the Left. I think I almost had as much fun as she had! She was ecstatic, so that's hard to match!!! It was so fun to do her make-up, get her pictures taken (wholly strike a pose the photographer couldn't get her of the mat!!) She was beaming the whole two days, (the day before the recital was dress rehearsal!) It was wonderful to see her feel so good about herself, you could just tell how proud she was!

She loved getting her make-up done , the hair done not so much though!
She wouldn't touch her lips together for fear of the lip-stick coming off!!!

Waiting in the wings to go on stage!!! They are Snow White!

Doing what princesses do best looking beautiful and graceful!

Ella's Dance Practice, January 2008

Camping Trip Canyon Creek, July 8th 2008

This was one of my most favorite camping trips of all times,...we camped up on the dry farms just above where I grew up...just a mile or so from Green Canyon... the kids had a blast as there were cousins and about 20 other kids to play with.
Top 10 List:
1) four wheeler ride to packsaddle lake...have so many fun memmories there
2) seeing Isaac tarzan off the rope swing into the lake
3) seeing Ella and Olivia follow the older girls around and try and be like them(chasing and teasing the boys, yikes!)
4) helping Isaac learn to ride the motorbike, the proud look on Ryan's face and excitement of looking forward to when Isaac will be able to go ride in the mountains with him
5) roasting starbursts and smores over the campfire
6) being with my sister
7) riding four wheeler back to farm, hitting all the huge hills that feel like rollercoasters... gettting sprayed and soaked by the end guns... remembering all the fun my brother Brian and I had roaming every inch of the was amazing to share this with Ryan and my kids
8) playing games with nephews, Straton & Keegan (they didn't even fight, in fact I think they were actually nice to each other!)
9) swimming at green canyon...Ella running out to the end of the diving board with her arms over her head ready to dive then at the last minute just jumping...Isaac doing awesome flips and attempting a few dives...Keegan doing a gainner?(I think thats what it's called when you do a flip inward towards the diving board) and then his younger brother Hayden saying well I can do that watch and he does it like a pro...Isaac and Ella doing the poller bear and trying to coax Ryan and I to as well...unrelentlessly
10) dutch oven 7-up chicken and scones with marshmellow cream mixed into the honey butter

Isaac learning to ride his cousins 50,
this was the perfect was nice soft dirt and lots of room!

Ryan, ran beside Isaac and ran, and ran some more!!!

Still running!!!

Isaac got pretty brave after an hour or so he had this little bike reved up as high as it could go in first gear, circling all over the field!

Ryan's a little tired, and understandably so!!!

I'd say that is a proud dad if I ever saw one!

This is the rope swing at Pack-saddle Lake! I was amazed Isaac wanted to try it... he only hesitated for a moment and then went for it!!!

Looks fun hey? That water is freezing though!

Rexburg Temple Dedication January 2008

Ella having fun trying to catch the enormous snowflakes that were falling!!!

The kids were pretty fascinated by the temple, their favorites were the baptismal font, the sparkly chandeliers, the mirrors in the sealing room, and all the pictures of Jesus!!! ... Oh, ya and getting the funny booties put on your feet by someone (What could compare to that!)

Hopefully this is only the first of innumerable times

that my children will enter the temple, that is one of my greatest wishes as a mother!!!

Left to R.-Holly, Ryan, Isaac, Ella, Straton, Hayden, Whitney, Olivia,Keegan, Conn
We all stuffed ourselves at Craigo's after the Temple Open House!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Super Hero Moves January 15th 2008


Spider Man-Paul (one of Isaac's Best Buddies)

Sister Without a Costume Super Hero-Ella

I am amazed none of these super heroes took each other out!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

No more, "Angry Mom Moments"

Today was an amazing day; thanks to a wonderful friend who watched my kids for several long hours when asked last minute, (Thank-you so much Darla!) I was able to go to the Rexburg Temple to be with my cousin Kenzie as she went through a session and got her endowments (she is getting married next week!!), then after we left the celestial room we went up to the Sealing Room and her family (my Aunt Leta and Uncle Brent and she and her sister Brittany) where sealed together for time and all eternity. The spirit was so strong as they all kneelt around the alter! This was one of those tender mercies of God moments for me, one of those powerfull glimpses into how much Heavenly Father knows and loves each of us...he is trully mindfull of us...amazing in't it!!! I wondered if my Dad was there in the temple taking part and I am sure he is so proud of his baby sister!!!

We also got our taxes back and it was much better news then we thought!!! (Yeah, baby!)

I just have to say I have two really good kids. They could tell I was in a hurry and they got ready and went and got in the car before I even asked them to! When I got in the car they where already buckled and grinning ear to ear. Isaac said, "Aren't you glad mom... we did this for you, so you didn't have to have an angry mom moment!" To cute! Sure made me stop and think... big huge note to self: A LITTLE MORE ADVANCED PLANNING ON MY PART WOULD MAKE OUR WHOLE FAMILY MUCH HAPPIER!!! To often, I am running around last minute gathering and nagging to get ready to go. Saying, "We're all ready late... hurry come on... we've gotta go!" My kids do not like to be rushed it seems and when I go into this frantice mode it seems to make them move like cold tar, then I get frustrated and just a bit cranky!
I just want to remember today because it was such a contrast from this pattern and is such motivation to make a change! My goal is to look at my calendar each morning for just a day in advance so that I can use that day to get things ready for the day to come. (What a novel idea... bet nobody has ever thought of that before ey?... jokes!... i just have to be sarcastic about this because i feel like it is so simple and silly...this is common sense and yet I struggle with it... taking baby steps to conquer a weekness day in advance is progress!!!
I Will Become the Person I Want to Be!!!! I am gratefull for all that my children help me become! I love them sooo much!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cabo San Lucas November 2007

We ate dinner at Big Tony's Surf Line Restaurant right out on the beach with pretty big waves crashing on the shore! I absolutely love the sounds and smell of the surf. It was amazing ambiance!!!
This is the sunrise from our balcony!!! Isn't it breath taking?
We are getting ready to go snorkeling!!! It was so amazing. We saw several different types of fish and we took a big bag of bread to get them to come a little closer... well they came all right! It was like swimming in fish for a few minutes you could feel them all over you as they went wild in a feeding frenzy. It was so freaky!!! Just behind being able to spend time with family...snorkeling was probably my favorite part of the trip!
