Monday, November 24, 2014

woot-woot -

happy 6 years honey-babe!

Friday, November 14, 2014

yep. more pics.

yep. just wanted to post another pic of me and my kiddos. i love them so much.
there is so much of their personalities showing in this picture - it's amazing.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

our little ones.

i love these two kiddos.
they are just so full of spunk - and just so fun to be around.
here are some pics of us lately -

chillin' while mom and dad pick out a new dishwasher

makin' faces 

our little pumpkin patch

Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

baby #3....boy or girl?

well, here is a pic of baby #3 - nice and chill in my womb.

and - for the big unveiling - yes, this is Baby Boy #3 for our family. 
can't wait to meet him!!!

Friday, October 3, 2014


Well, today is the halfway mark in this pregnancy. i'll have my "big" ultrasound next week to check in on how things are going and to check the baby's organs and stuff. We do already know the gender of this baby. you see, once you hit a certain age, they consider you high risk. then you can do all sorts of tests that include genetic testing - which include the gender of the baby stuff. so we've known for about 6 weeks what the gender of our baby is. i'll save that revelation for next week, after the ultrasound, when i can post a picture of our baby.

here's to baby #3 - KEEP GROWING!!!!

PS - we even have the baby's name picked out, too, i'm pretty sure. we both like this name so i'm hoping we'll stick with it and use it.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


well, the chubbers got his cast off a little while ago.

Before picture

During picture - i LOVE the look on his face here. 
it's like he's thinking - "dad, i can't believe you're taking my picture and letting them torture me like this."

Dr. 2nd son. 
he crawled up on the chair and started typing away - just like he knew what to do.
so cute!

after picture - so happy!!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Last week we were able to go on a trip to Heaven. Yes, Heaven. 
How else would you describe this place? Exactly - it's Heaven.

the cousins

the chubbers swimming with the hubbers and the noodle

here's the hubbers modeling some of Jakey's clothes that he left on the boat.
(too bad he didn't come on the trip - he missed out!)

here is the hubber's new toy. 
he took some of the kiddos on rides each day - and they LOVED it.

the second son just hanging out in his life preserver. it was his best friend.

here is a pic of the chubbers and his awesome addition to our car rides - the seat belt pillow. 
it totally helped with neck aches.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

bouncing high -

this week started off really crazy. the chubbers got bounced on the tramp at grandma's house and landed funny on his arm. (we're guessing that's what happened because no one saw what really happened.)

so we took him in to get checked out by the doctor

turns out he broke his elbow

so - he got to have a cast put on the next day

(still not sure where this sticking-my-tongue-out-in-all-my-pictures is coming from)

we were all smiles after the hard cast got put on. way less chance of getting bumped around - therefore - less pain.

thank goodness for waterproof casts

Friday, August 8, 2014

just in case -

those post is just in case there is anyone out there who still reads my blog. :)
you're getting a real treat today - if you do.


Coming soon.........