Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's been a while

I think my problem is the need for posting pictures when I blog. But that just doesn't seem to happen. Sorry for that. So here is some fun news for our family. Over Christmas, Dan and I sold our Mazda 5 car and purchased a 2012 Honda Odyssey. I am so thrilled. It's great to drive, It's quieter and there is enough room for our growing family. Yes, that is our other bit of news. We found out last fall that we were expecting again. It took me a while to get used to it, but it has finally sunk in. I am now 17 weeks pregnant. They bumped me up a week when I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. And we found out it's a boy. That is perfect for us. 2 boys, 2 girls.
So maybe now I'll be better at writing if I don't put the pressure of putting photos up on me. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Baby Jason

Wow, it's been a while again. I need to get better at this, however I don't think it will happen too soon with a 5 week old. Here is our little Jason Daniel at a week or 2. So little. By now he has actually gained weight. He gained 3 1/2 pounds and grew 3 1/2" at his 1 month appointment. That's our little guy.
This coming Sunday he will be blessed in church and afterwards we will celebrate Megan's 2nd birthday. She is going to have an elephant cake. I have to do that on Friday because we're crazy busy on Saturday getting ready for Dan's family. I can't believe that Megan will be 2. She is getting so big now.
And Jocelyn is 4 and is such a little mama to Jason. She will be great someday. I've never seen a 4 year old so wonderful with an infant before. She's got mad skills. I call her my little baby whisperer.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's been a while

I've decided that I've been a huge slacker. Most of you who follow this probably are on my facebook where I've been as well. But just in case I'm missing some people, I'll share the news that we are pregnant again. We are having a little boy in probably late August. I'm just about to start my 3rd trimester.
I was sick for a while in the beginning and started to feel better after about 13 weeks or so. I wanted to blog, but my memory card from my camera died on us. So horrible. Now I'm thinking that at least I'll write, even if I don't put the pictures up.
Jocelyn started taking gymnastics a couple of months ago. She loves it and is doing so well in it. Megan has started talking a ton more, which is what I thought would happen. The doctor was a bit worried that at 16 months she wasn't saying 5 words, but she was signing and I knew she understood what I said. I wasn't worried. Now she's good. She knows a ton of animal sounds and is such a personality. I have such great kids. I do worry that she will have some issues when our little guy is born. She really like me to hold her and be with her a lot. I hope she can transition well.
We started a small garden this year and put some fencing up so we don't get rabbits eating our food. I hope it turns out well. Next year we might to a little bigger garden. I figure we'll start small and work our way up. I don't want to get overwhelmed.
Life is so good and we feel so blessed for all that we have. We have wonderful family and friends and are happy to share our lives with you all.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Ok, so it's been months since I've updated. Wow, I'm lame. So like we do every year, we went apple picking. We had a great time. From those apples, I made some pies and some canned pie filling for the first time. I hope that turns out well. I'll find out when I make a pie.

Megan turned 1 in October, we had my parents and sister and family here to celebrate. I made very cute caterpillar cupcakes for her birthday plus had a free one from our local store. We had a great time celebrating. It's amazing that she's already 1. What a big girl. She still doesn't say much, but she's pointing and doing some sign. She'll talk when she's ready, I guess.

In November, we went to Dan's family for Thanksgiving. We had a blast there. A lot of Wii golf going on, some out door soccer and good cooking. It was pretty nice to enjoy our family. Then we had about 3-4 weeks back home. Then it was off to my parent's for Christmas. It was just us 3 girls and families. So fun. The kids played well together and it was great being with family. On Wednesday, Sandy and I went to my Grandma's nursing home and sang and played the piano for everyone there. We wanted to bring some Christmas spirit to them. It was really nice.
We came back home on the 28th and got back in the groove of things.

Now we just hunker down with the cold. Stupid winter. I'm not a fan of the cold. So there you have it, our recap in a quick nutshell. I'll have to get pictures up here soon of Christmas. But I thought I should post something.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Summer Updates

So, we'll see how much I can cover. I was just so busy and all my pictures were stuck on my camera until last weekend. I know, sad. We had a great summer. At the very end of June I took the girls to my parents' home for a week. Lori and her kids were there and Sandy and Claire were there. We painted my mom's room and rearranged it. We went cherry picking, we played together. It was so much fun for all of the cousins to be together.

Jocelyn picking cherries Megan at 9 months- yes it was cold in the morning

Then the following week Dan's family came up and we went and saw the Hill Cumorah Pageant with them. On our way back to Albany, we stopped at Watkin's Glenn and hiked it. It was beautiful. I think that the last time I was there, I was 10 or so? It was great. And then we went to Ithaca to the pool. I didn't go in, the water was about 62. Jocelyn touched the water and played a tiny bit in it with Dan. It was a great few days with his family.
Timmy, Megan, Me, Jocelyn At the falls pool in Ithaca brrr

In August we went to an apple picking place that had a kiddie play area. That's why we went. We had fresh blueberry ice cream. Jocelyn went down this slide that was 200 feet. She loved it and probably went down about 10 times. They also had a little train ride that we went on. She and Megan loved it. It was a great family day.

Jocelyn, Megan and Dan on the train
This is the view from the top Jocelyn near the bottom

We were able to have K and S over for a sleep over this August. We had so much fun. They threw water balloons and ran through the sprinkler. Great thing for a hot day.

K,S, and Jocelyn in the sprinkler Throwing water balloons

Jocelyn holding a frog Megan at 10 months

We went to a little beach for our play group. It was fun. But Jocelyn's shirt got wet, so I used my wrap to make a shirt for her. I thought it was adorable.

Jocelyn in the lake Megan on the beach
Jocelyn's made up shirt from my wrap

Dan was able to work on our swing set for the girls. He and a friend built it and it's great looking and very sturdy. I'm very proud of his work. We've had a great summer and are now loving the fall with cider and apple picking. Fun for us!!

I was able to make Jocelyn an apron as well. I've been promising her for a couple of months. I think it turned out well.
Jocelyn's new apron Megan at 11 months
In a few weeks we will be celebrating Megan's first birthday. We are so loving her in our family. What a beautiful girl.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Jocelyn's Birthday


So my little girl turned 3. I just can't believe it. Was it really 3 years ago that she was born? Really? She is such an amazing little girl. She is very athletic- loves to play soccer with Daddy and run and play on the monkey bars. She enjoys reading and playing games and definitely playing on her swing. I think she adores that, and who wouldn't? So here is an adorable little story about Miss Jocelyn. So a few weeks ago we were on our way to church and she was singing I am a child of God. She said that song was funny so I asked her to explain. Well, in the 4th verse it says ,"Celestial glory shall be mine if I can but endure." That is not what Jocelyn hears. This is her version. "Celestial glory shall be mine if I can butt in you." Way too funny. Dan and I just cracked up. So here is her birthday events. Enjoy.

This is Jocelyn all ready for church.
See the matching bag?

Jocelyn taking a swing at the Pinata.

Jocelyn opening a present.

The Elmo cake. I think it turned out quite nice.

Jocelyn waiting for the cake.

8 Months

So, I'm a week late. It's what I do best. So Megan is now 8 months! I can't believe how big she's getting. She can roll anywhere...around corners, into the kitchen, it doesn't matter. It's awesome to see her roll. She looks like she's getting ready to crawl too. She's been rocking on her hands and knees. She loves to say mama mama mama, dada, dada, dada, and fffffaaaa. (That's the F sound). She is just such a smiley baby. We feel so blessed to have her in our family. What an adorable girl. She's eating a ton now too. Toast, cherrios, most foods. And she loves her sippy cup. Apple juice all the way! It's so fun to see her grow.