where I ramble on about what's happening in my little world
and hopefully you have some enjoyment reading about it!

Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awards. Show all posts

I forgot....

I did say I was going to forward my award to 5 more blogs 'in the morning' I just forgot to mention which morning!!! Ooops ...
I have no idea exactly what the award is for, but here goes .... in no particular order, the awards go to....

Kat of Kat the Hat Lady - who isn't very well at the moment but is still putting smiles on other peoples faces with her new creations

The Moon Museum - (El Museo de la Luna) I recently discovered this blog and it has beautiful artwork and a lovely quote from Bernard Shaw "you use a glass mirror to see your face, but you use works of art to see your soul"

Liberty Biberty - another recently discovered blog who has the most gorgeous shabby chic things that could make even the most hardened of Halloween addicts go all pink and fluffy!! LOL

Carolee over at King of Mice studios cos I just love her work, and would one day love to own some of her work but alas I am too poor...and her stuff sells so quickly too!

and to Debie of Piskies & Poppets cos if my translating is any good, she is a top-rate artisan & good friend so the description fits her perfect! :o) lufs ya kins x

I dont like picking out just a few peeps for awards, so if anyone wants to receive & pass this award on, please also accept it as a gift from me!!! ooh I do love to break the rules LOL


I am so easily distracted....

I have been absent (again) from blogland for a bit as Ive been quite preoccupied with my new chickens this week and weve had lots of glorious sunshine that has made me want to head in the direction of the garden and not the workroom! My new chooks were kept well away from my other girls when we brought them home, as you never know what germs they may be harboring, and Im glad I did as there was much sneezing and snuffling going on so Im glad I contained it. I spent the week chook-chatting and had to give the speckledy one antibiotics which I dont like to have to give, but it really was a necessity with her as she got quite poorly, but she's much better now so the new girls finally got partially introduced to the rest of the gang today when we moved them into a new enclosure we made within the one they will eventually live in. They are now just a few days away from all being one big happy family :o)

thats the view from the inside of my conservatory, where I sit with my morning cuppa and watch my girls for a while

A big bonus for today was that 3 of the 4 started laying too !!!! much clucking and sqwarking was heard and each time I went out to see what it was all about I was pleasantly rewarded with a nice big egg! its just 'special speckles' that has to start laying , I think she must be waiting till shes all better maybe? this was my collection today

the second one in, is a large sized shop bought egg just for size comparison, but the rest are all todays home grown beauties, tiny bantie ones to extra large maran eggs but they are all welcomed and will make some crackingly yummy cakes tomorrow :o)

I also received a lovely award from Debbie over at Tiny Treasures since I last posted :o)

apparently I make her laugh...... and am "wonderfully creative when Im not playing with my chooks".... hmmmm, maybe this explains why I have no miniatures to show you this week and have just spent the last few minutes rambling about my chooks, I think the bantie eggs are the only miniatures I've dealt with all week LOL
Thankyou Debbie x
anyway I have to forward this to 5 other blogs but my eyes are drooping and I now need my beddybyes as pumpkin hour is fast approaching .... so promise I shall do it in the morning x


Books, books, more books and an award

I made a start on the gazillion books I shall need for the skoolroom shelves and made 58 of the blighters over the weekend. Not all in one go though, I think I probably spent about 6 hrs altogether cutting, gluing, painting etc but Im pleased with them but its not as big a pile as Id have liked, but its a start .... I might have to schedule in a set day for book making as its gonna take me a long time to fill those shelves!

I also got a nice suprise, not just 1 but Wow, 2 awards in one week! I am still in a state of shock that anyone finds my ramblings that interesting, let alone likes it enough to award me for it.... but then we all say that, dont we! LOL I've been awarded the Kreative Blogger Award by Michelle at Michelles Mad World, who I only discovered recently but love visiting her blog to read what progress she's making on her Hogwarts mini project.

There are 7 rules and they are:

1. Thank the person that gave it to you
2. Copy the logo and place it in your blog
3. Link to the person who nominated you
4. Name 7 things about yourself that nobody knows
5. Nominate 7 kreativ bloggers
6. Post link to the 7 blogs that you nominate
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know that you nominate them.

Ok in no particular order, here's my 7......

1. I dont 'do' Horror Films, I only like happy films, I dont like my head being messed with by scary or disturbing stuff! Scary images are fine, moving scary images are a no-no! and even though I love to watch lightening, I will never answer the door during a storm in case there are frazzled peeps hit by lightening who need my help. Maybe cos Im useless in a crisis who knows? oh & werewolves .... cant watch them at all, they freak me out .... shudder. I suppose thats kind of odd for some-one who loves Halloween as much as me! LOL
2. I was thrown head first from a horse into the sea and dragged through the water, never been so scared in my life, before or since .... they are beautiful creatures but I doubt if I'd get on another horse ever!
3. I have a real sweet tooth & would be quite happy to live on a diet of fruit and puddings. Luckily I have the sense to have things in moderation and dont have problems with my diabetes.
4. When I was about 7, for some idea I decided that I must have been adopted as my mum ran a small childrens home and there were no baby photos of me for about 6 months. This was because there was lots of kids with whooping cough so I was quarantined away from everyone as I was only a few months old. Anyway.... I was convinced I must have really been a princess and wrote to the Queen to ask her to come and collect me and take me 'home'...... she never wrote back.... that was the end of that idea! I was a total tomboy after that.
5. When younger, I only ever wanted to want to be a lorry driver (apart from the brief spell of believing I was a proper princess) and the main reason becoming diabetic at 16 upset me so much was cos it meant I would never be able to get a lorry license. I never really new what I wanted to do after that.
6. I have fibromyalgia/M.E. which leaves me absolutely shattered most of the time and often in a lot of pain, but I'm a cup half full sort of person so it only really gets to me when I havn't slept for a few days, at my worst I was sleeping about 18 hrs in any 24! luckily I have found ways to manage it now and normally have a fairly average sleep pattern and am almost back to 'normal' (is there such a thing as normal? LOL)
7. A gift from the grave? my Dad passed away shortly after I met my (now) husband, unfortunately they never met. Hubbs had been told by docs previously that he couldnt have children so was more than happy to step into the dad shoes and care for my son from a previous relationship. After we had been together a couple of years, I began to get very upset about the fact that he'd never met my Dad and slightly obsessed wodering if he would have approved of him or not. I got my answer about a month later when I discovered I was pregnant with my beautiful daughter and to this day I'm convinced that was my Dads gift from the grave to say all was well and my hubbs was a keeper. Thank you Dad, you'd have loved her too x

I'd like to pass this award to lots of peeps but most of them have received the award already :o( will try to give it to some that havn't had it already, some though just have to get it twice LOL cos they really are kreative in their blogging!
Nikki of witch & wizard miniatures & Debbie of Tiny Treasures - these two peeps have become really good friends and seem to be the centre of the Miniature world Blog Universe! LOL
5 more ......
Dawn creator of OddFae & Lorell of Notes from the Fae side just cos I love their work!
Casey's Minis her writing of Tessies antics is so uplifting and amusing :o)
Tabitha Corsica who has a great blog full thats always interesting.
GrimDeva @ What's Bubbling At Cauldron Craft Miniatures? who writes about some great 'Dark' stuff
Ruth of a faerietale of inspiration who always posts such lovely things to look at and think 'oooh I want one!'

edit... oops, I'm no good at Maths!!! LOL theres another thing about me to equal the fact that I gave out 8 awards!


You are my Sunshine ....

I had a fairly rubbishy day today and spent most of it either sleeping or ache-ing, so was more than happy when I had the eeyore cloud blown away by Jain of Giddy Kipper dolls when she awarded me ...yep me! a sunshine award! well it has made my day, so thankyou Jain for putting a big sunny smile on my face once again :o)

I now have to award it to 6 other blogs that I enjoy, so in no particular order......

Nikki @ Witch and Wizard Miniatures
Celia @ Secret Diary of a Mountain Witch
Jodi @ Creager Studios
Debbie @ Tiny Treasures
Ruthie @ A Faerietale of Inspiration
Inhae @ MIlk Toof

all of these blogs really do make me smile, and all inspire me, for which I thank you x there are more that have this effect on me ..... but rules is rules and it only said 6 :o(

Tomorrow I am hoping for a day where my body doesnt shout at me and I can get on and do 'stuff' ..... off to the land of nod for me now xxx

Weekend Ramblings

OOh I've been a bad blogger! Ignore the above date I did start a post on Friday but now its Tuesday!! I have taken a few days off form blogging to spend a bit of time with the poor neglected family over the bank holiday weekend and instead neglected you all, sorry :o( I had one of those busy doing not-a-lot weekends full of grass cutting, weeding, planting & we finally fitted a gate to the side of our 'new' conservatory (last summer!) we had sort of got used to sliding a fence panel back and forward so we feel quite posh now with a proper gate! LOL
We also had a wonderful day with friends yesterday, BBQ and chatting with a drink or 3 - well it was on 3 when I lost count anyway! We had taken Spike our noisy rooster to go and live with them as they have much more tolerant neighbours than we do and he seemed to like it there. In fact he had a queue of girlie chooks lining up to check him out so I think when he's settled in he is going to be more than happy there! its VERY quiet here now though.
I did do a bit more mini furniture painting/crackling on Friday so Hagatha & Grumpbolds room is looking nearly done all bar the laying of the parquet floor that is really annoying me as it wont go right.... have to rethink the flooring I think and just give them floorboards and a rug. Oh and I have to fit their ceiling light too before I fix the floorboards in the room above, in fact there is such a long 'to-do' list still that I wonder if my Skool of Majick will ever be finished!

It is so nice when blogger buddies think of me when they give awards out, always makes me get that slushy, warm fuzzy feeling :o) This time its from my friend Debie at Piskies and Poppets and is very much appreciated. I also recently got tagged by Debbie of Tiny Treasures and need to pass that award on too, but am going to wimp out and not single any specific person out for the award to be passed on to cos everyone of my 'followers' and friends are as deserving as the next and I would hate for anyone to feel left out! so if you want to receive either, take it, its yours with love.

and finally, for Kat the Hat , the pic of my son's goth quilt using some of that Alexander Henry fabric I covet so much!

I got tagged!

I got tagged by Debbie of Tiny Treasures , who has the most amazing recreation of Diagon Alley - check out her slide show on her blog!
The tag asks you to name six unimportant things that make you happy...... This is a dilemma for me as what makes me happy isn't unimportant! ? (scratching head time) I then have to pass it on to six other people and they have to do the same thing to six others, on to infinity.
I'll do my six happy things now but will hold on for a bit to pass it on as I need to put my thinking cap on....
1. Jaffa Cakes! yummmmmmy little things that always make me smile.... there are 12 in a packet so if I eat 2 at a time does that take up all 6 things I have to list?
no? erm..................................
2. Listening to my kids laughing
3. Seeing other peoples kids laughing
4. Playtime with my dog, my kids, with friends, by myself - whatever
5. Taking time to stop and smell the flowers
6. My stuff - its mainly little things and it all makes me very happy! (shallow perhaps but I'm trying to be honest LOL)

More awards!

OOh its like luvvies day around here LOL! got another 2 awards today :o) Julie from Jakdaws attic returned the award I passed to her

and then Debie sent me a sweet one too.

so to show my appreciatation of the award My Top 7 Loves are :
1. Hubbs and Kids - without them I just wouldn't be me - they are my soul mates. (does this use up more 'loves'? if so I admit greed and need more than 7 loves!)
2. My Pets - my dog Twinkle is as daft as a limp brush, drives me nuts but I wouldn't be without her or my chickens - I know they are plural but would use up all my 7 if I listed them individually!
3. My Miniatures - ....? perhaps this isnt so much a love as an addiction, in fact I was going to name my 'business' A Miniature Addiction!
4. My mini friends - kind and thoughtful, all generous sharing their knowledge, I love that I need all of you x
5. The internet - what a fantastic invention it was ! and all the neat things you can research or learn or just admire and for free! (I love free!)
6. My life! - sure there are things that I'd like to be a bit different, but I'm happy how things are and like to think of my cup being half full not half empty.
7 .and finally....Jaffa cakes! - shallow I know but hey, they have to be in here somewhere!
Hello again, I can't believe it has been so long since I popped in here! I am equally as surprised (pleasantly though) that I had an award waiting for me when I did get here, from Minikat at Little thoughts from an average mind It is a wonderful feeling that someone I didn't know a week ago has become such a sweet friend & thought of me so kindly - so thank you for the award Kathleen you are a true gem :0)

I copied this info from minikat
"This is the blurb about the award:
This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY-nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!”

So I now have to pick eight bloggers to pass this onto. The trick is trying to pick someone who hasn't been awarded that same thing already. Hmmmmm.......
1. Julie at jakdawsattic cos she's lovely and has been a good friend both online and off.
2. Debie at piskies-and-poppets ditto above reason!
3. Eileen at eileen sedgwick - a wonderfully cheery & truly amazing all round artist that creates breathtaking pieces.
4. Roz & Aidy at lilyelf for creating D-a-m-e, a great group for both miniaturists and enthusiasts alike and for giving me the confidence to get 'out there' with my work :o)
5. I know its supposed to be for those who havn't received it before but.....
Jodi at creager studios for being such an inspiring and wonderful person, and the first person who's dolls I truly admired and did the ''I really want/need/wish I could own that'' at!
6. Debbie from debbies tiny treasures really deserves this for just being so nice!
7. Nikki at witch and wizard miniatures for having such interesting blogs.
8. Last but not least the whimsical goblin cos I think Goblinz head will explode at the thought of someone being nice!! LOL

Another thanx for Kathleen as this award has also taught me how to find out and add links to other blog pages which is going to be very useful sending people on to other great stuff I find so they can enjoy it too :o)