Wells Family Adventures

Monday, October 23, 2017

Brody day: ??? Feels like a month

Amanda decided to finally let me post a blog as long as I promised to not say anything to embarrass our family. 😉 there are so many things to say about the last 10 days and how they have changed my life and our families lives for ever. First off I know we have been watched over by angels from the Brigham City temple to recovering here at primary children’s hospital (both spiritual and temporal) Brody has had the best care possible and Jaxson, Kayci & Dawson have been looked out for and watched over by some of the best people on the planet!!! On Friday as Brody was preparing to go into surgery I was overwhelmed by so many different thoughts and emotions and all the what if’s going through my head that it was hard to even just sit and wait. (Thank goodness for LEGO Harry Potter) We walked with Brody as they pushed his bed down to the OR and then got to that point where Amanda and I couldn’t go with him any further it was all we could do to hold it together. How many times in life do you have to give up total control of the situation ( or your child’s life) and rely on someone or something whole heartedly?? It was about this time that all those prayers and the blessings of people fasting in your behalf truly start calming your heart, for the next 3+ hours in that waiting room the only thing we could do was rely on the lord that he would bring our sweet little 8yr old boy back to us with a fixed heart ❤️. I wanted to kiss the old lady answering the phones in the waiting room after I’d heard from the nurse that surgery had gone well and that the surgeon would be out to talk to us in a few minutes. The surgeon assured us that his heart looked great and that he would be able to make a full recovery with no lasting effects later in life. How do you thank a man you don’t know that has just preformed successful heart surgery on your child? Again we felt all the prayers that had been offered for Brody and our family at that moment. His recovery to this point has been slowly getting better with every day and there is a small light at the end of the tunnel about being able to actually go back to this place we call home. Cant wait for the day when I’ll be able to see Brody back on the soccer field, Football field & basketball court! Feeling Truly blessed by all the wonderful family, friends & people in our life that have helped us through this Trial with Brody! Good night!

Friday, October 20, 2017

My heart is full of gratitude for amazing surgeons and doctors who diagnosed Brody’s heart. My heart also hurts because my baby is in pain and I can’t do anything to take it away. As a mom it’s our job to protect our kids from hurt, and  I can’t. I know this is what’s best and I am beyond words for the blessings we have recieved the prayers that I have felt this whole week have helped me be strong when I want to crumble.  Brody is strong and he is going to conquer I can’t wait to see him play soccer, or run again with his friends. For now though I am just glad he’s here and he’s fighting. The surgery went great and it was the best possible outcome we could have hoped for. While waking up he said "I'm thirsty and do I have a scar?".  I've never been so happy to hear those raspy words.  I'll keep praying and thanking my Father in Heaven for this cute red head who calls me Mom❤️.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

I woke up last night and as I looked over at my baby boy in his hospital bed I knew that this was the most beautiful thing I had seen in a long time. He was so peaceful and snuggled in his blankets. Yesterday was another day of waiting. It’s hard waiting but, you also try to take in every minute of the wait. Brody was pretty stir crazy yesterday, yet he kept us all laughing. Just before bed we were watching a show and he out of the blue said “I’m not a cat person I’d like to drop kick a hairless one”.  Colby looked at me and we all busted up laughing.  He had a lot of snuggle time from his brother, sister, and Mom. If you know Brody snuggling, hugging, and saying I love you are not his idea of fun. He endured it like a champ😉. Thank you to everyone who is praying for this cute boy we have felt your prayers and love many times throughout the day I am brought to tears from the gratitude of everyone’s actions. I miss my other kids and they miss all of us but, we all have one goal to get our Brody better. The other kids are in great hands with my sister they are having fun, getting loved, and that helps me more than I can say.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

You can conquer all...

Saturday was an eventful day that ended with Brody at Primary Childrens.  He has Anomalous Left Coronary Artery from the right sinus.  He was born with an artery that was in the wrong place, while running around Brigham Temple grounds he started having chest pains and fainted.  I have never been so scared in my whole life as I watched all the life go out of my boy.

Sunday- We have felt Heavenly Fathers hand in all this as hard as this.  As I lay in bed listening to Brody sleep I am overcome with emotion and my heart hurts. Brody has been so strong and has everyone's heart at the hospital.  He is continually laughing, and loving being treated like a king.  He asks questions about what is going to happen and says he is nervous. We have been overwhelmed with the love shown our way.  My testimony in the power of prayer has grown immensely.  Many questions are still left unanswered but, as we meet with more doctors tomorrow I feel comfort in knowing Brody is in the best possible hands ever.

Monday-  Another emotional day, we had the CT scan which confirmed the location of the artery that the doctors saw in the Echo.  Weve been playing bop-it, cards, video games, and more.  Brody gave the nurses a scare while playing air hockey his heart rate numbers went crazy because of his movements.  He had a giggle attack before the CT scan but, did great said "it was easy".  Jaxson and Kayci came up after school this is so hard for them.  On the way home from the hospital both were crying and saying how scared they were.  We talked about how we can help Brody,  I told Jaxson that the best part of today for Brody was being able to play video games with his big brother.  My heart is constantly aching for this cute, smiling, happy Brodster.  He has so much strength and I feel like he is holding me up.  I will keep praying for this little man of ours.  He will CONQUER.... this I know!!!

Nighttime is the hardest when I have time to just sit and think. Is he going to be ok?  Will my baby be able to run like he's dying to do right now. His friends came to visit and as they were leaving little Jett ran out the door and Brody said "awww why can't I run too". Breaks my heart but, I am comforted in knowing we caught it when we did and he is Strong he is a champ he will conquer!!!  
We have been so blessed by family and friends, I can't keep up with all the texts. My sister has Dawson, my family and friends who have send texts, prayed,  brought us food, cleaned our house, done our laundry, mowed the lawn. I have no way to adequately thank them or put into words how much they are helping. I don't know how we could get through without everyone's love and prayers. The prayers and kindness are what is holding me up.  My heart has never heart so much. I am so blessed to have this little boy in my life everyday when he giggles I soak it in. Being in this situation brings a reality to what's important hug your kids every chance you get.. love you Brody you will conquer, you are so strong!!!  My friend sent me the song A Childs Prayer and it is constantly playing over and over in my heart and mind. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Fun Grandkid Pictures...

My sister was in town for a few days in February so we decided to do some fun grandkid pics.  My brother Adam is so amazing and talented these pictures turned out awesome.
This is my favorite pic my kids love their new little brother Dawson

Jaxson is getting so big he is such a good kid and so handsome

Kayci is truly the sweetest little girl ever she is the princess of our family

Who couldn't love this cute little red head, with that adorable smile.  Brody is always happy and knows how to make everyone laugh.

My cute little baby he changes so much everyday, he is so happy and such a joy.  We all fight over who gets to hold him.

Jaxson, Colin, Cole, and Kaden the oldest grandkids

Here is our next fun group of boys Cameron, Stewart, Tyler, Lincoln, and Brody

Our three little princesses, Kayci is the "princess", Ashlyn is the "little princess", and Kennedy is the "littlest princess".  That's what grandpa calls them, such cute little girls Kayci was so happy to have girls in the family.

All the grandkids we are so blessed to have such fun cousins.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wow time flies...

I can't believe how fast time goes my little baby is almost three months old...
Here is our sweet little boy Dawson

I can't believe it I am a mother of four beautiful children, we are officially a family of six (WOW)

Sweet little boy on his blessing day we just love him, everyone fights over who gets to hold him, he is one spoiled boy one day he will have to learn what it's like not to be held all the time.  Until then we will just enjoy every minute because he is getting bigger all the time.

Look at that cute face!

Okay so much has changed for us in the last six months we had a cute little baby boy named Dawson who we all love, and we moved.  Last May my parents sent an e-mail out to all of their kids with a great oppurtunity to move in and help out with the farm.  Well we have always had a goal of building on the lot across the street from them so after a lot of talk Colby and I decided that we would move in with my parents for a few years and then build.  At first I worried about the kids but, they love being on the farm and we have all enjoyed living with my parents and Brittany... So, in Sept. we rented our house out and moved, all while I was getting bigger and let's face more emotional since being prego.  Here are some fun pics of life these past few months.
Jaxson favorite thing to do is ride his motorcycle,  he loves to go out in the field and ride for hours.  It's amazing to watch and see how good he is.

I went outside the other day and found this, I love that Brody will wear those goggles everywhere.  As a parent it's so fun to watch your kids play so well together. 

Of course dance, dance, and more dance my little girl has got some serious dance skills she is so good, and loves every minute of it.  All day she dances and cartwheels everywhere she goes it's so fun to watch her.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Can you say Slacker...

I am such a slacker when it comes to updating my blog, I love reading and keeping up with other's blogs.  Anyways here is yet again another attempt to catch up on spring and summer adventures...
Happy 3rd Birthday!!!
Our little Brody turned 3 way back in April he is such a joy to have around and a character.  The other day Kayci caught me telling him that it is so hard to get mad at him because he is so cute.  We all love having him in our family he always can make us laugh or smile and is so smart, and of course just like his dad, and brother he thinks he can do anything they do- I catch him following Jaxson off bike jumps and at Lake Powell he wanted to jump off the top of the houseboat.  It's a good thing I am the responsible one and told him "no way".  
Brody kneeboarding for the first time
Brody kneeboarding all by himself... my cute sister Alisa and her husband JD took all my kids boating while I watched their baby (I always get the better end of the deal).  Brody came home all excited that he went kneeboarding.  Come to find out they were trying to get Kayci and Tyler to go, and Brody said he wanted to so they let him he loved it.  He is so dang cute! 
More fun at Herriman Beach
Riding the go-cart at grandma and grandpa's