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Monday, 9 March 2015

After reading this post, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again: Case Study of Banana Fruit.

Wellness Lab

Case Study of Banana Fruit
This is interesting. After reading this, you’ll never look at a banana in the same way again.
Go for banana fruit, nature’s own energy-rich food that comes in a safety envelope! Fresh, delicious bananas are available year around and in fact, one of the cheapest fruits. Botanically, the fruit belongs to the family of Musaceae. Commercially, it is one of the widely cultivated crops in the tropical and subtropical zones.

Scientific name: Musa acuminata colla.
There are several cultivars of banana grown with different size (4”-9”inch), color (yellow to brown), weight (70-150g) and taste. Structurally, fruit has a protective outer skin and delicious, sweet and tart, creamy-white color edible flesh inside.

Plantains are other cultivar types, more often used as cooking bananas. They are closely related to the familiar fruit banana or dessert banana. Plantains are used as a staple diet in Thailand, Laos, and other Southeast Asian as well as in many parts of tropical African and Caribbean regions.
Banana is a perennial herbaceous plant that develops from the underground rhizome. It flourishes well under tropical moisture-rich, humid low-lying farmlands.

In fact, the whole plant is a false stem (pseudostem), consisting of broad leaves along with their petioles overlapping around each other in a circular fashion standing up to 2 to 6 meters tall from the ground surface depending upon the cultivar types. At maturity, the rhizome gives rise to flower (inflorescence) that is carried up on a long smooth un-branched stem through the centre of the pseudo-stem emerging out at the top in the centre of the leaf cluster. The flower subsequently develops to hanging bunch consisting of 3 to 20 hands (tiers), each with at least 5-10 fingers (fruits) in each hand (tier). Banana plant or plantain bears hanging clusters of fruits as a bunch. Fruits are arranged in tiers, with 6-20 fruits in each tier.

Whether as a quick snack, cut up and tossed in the blender for a fruit smoothie, or used to make quick bread or pancakes, most people enjoy bananas. Bananas are such a staple on produce shelves that most of us don’t stop to think about their tropical origins or their many nutritional benefits.
addition to a healthy lifestyle. With 110 nutrient-dense calories per serving (126 grams, or one medium-sized banana) it is deliciously easy to add Chiquita bananas to your family’s routine.

Wellness Lab
Nutrients in a banana, per serving*:
Vitamin B6 – .5 mg
Manganese – .3 mg
Vitamin C – 9 mg
Potassium – 450 mg
Dietary Fiber – 3g
Protein – 1 g
Magnesium – 34 mg
Folate – 25.0 mcg
Riboflavin – .1 mg
Niacin – .8 mg
Vitamin A – 81 IU
Iron – .3 mg
Medicinal Property and Health benefits of banana fruit

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

Forget the pills – eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.
High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of haemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anaemia.
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit’s ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
200 students at a Twickenham school ( England ) were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation.
Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system..
Overweight and at work? Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and chips. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.
The banana is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chroniclercases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.
Many other cultures see bananas as a ‘cooling’ fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand , for example, pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.
Wellness Lab
Consider some of these facts also:
1. Hands and Fingers
Bananas do not grow on trees. The banana plant is classified as an arborescent (tree-like) perennial herb and the banana itself is actually considered a berry. The correct name for bunch of bananas is a hand of bananas; a single banana is a finger.

2. Heart Health
One banana contains 467mg of potassium, providing powerful protection to the cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of the potassium-packed fruit helps guard against high blood pressure, atherosclerosis and stroke.

3. Bones
Although bananas do not contain high amounts of calcium, they do supply the body with an abundance of fructooligosaccharide, a prebiotic substance (one which encourages probiotics, the friendly bacteria in the digestive system). As fructooligosaccharides ferment in the digestive tract, they enhance the body’s ability to absorb calcium.

4. Energy and Mood Balancing
Another benefit to bananas high potassium content derives from that mineral’s role as an energy-supplying electrolyte. Since bananas also contain tryptophan, serotonin and norepinephrine, they help prevent depression while encouraging feelings of well-being and relaxation. In addition, the vitamin B6 in bananas helps protect against sleeplessness, mood swings and irritability.

5. Vision
Bananas, combined with the African herb orinol, have been used to treat cataracts in Nigeria. They also share with other fruits the ability to prevent macular degeneration, the leading cause of vision loss in adults. According to a study published in the Archives of Opthmalogy in 2004, people who eat 3 servings of fruit per day are statistically unlike to develop the vision-diminishing disease.

6. Better Digestion
Bananas suppress acid in the digestive tract, alleviating heartburn and helping guard against ulcers. Since bananas contain pectin, a soluble fiber, they aid in the elimination process, helping prevent constipation.

7. Baby Food
Since they are easily digested, bananas are a perfect food for babies just beginning to move to solid foods.

8. HIV Protection
The Journal of Biological Chemistry in March 2010 published a study which revealed the healing potential of BanLec, a lectin protein in bananas. Researchers found that this protein which binds to sugars can also bind to HIV-infected cells, enveloping them and preventing their replication and transmission.

9. Clones
Due to modern shipping practices, this tropical yellow berry born of a herb seems so ubiquitous that most consumers take it for granted. However, the banana’s constant availability could end soon. Nearly all the bananas sold in stores are cloned from just one variety, the Cavendish banana plant, originally native to Southeast Asia. This means disease could potentially wipe out the cloned plants in one fell swoop. Next time you peel and eat a banana, take the time to savor its flavor and texture, so if this fruit disappears, you can tell future generations about the healthy snack encased in yellow flesh.

That potential disappearance does not derive from science fiction speculation. Botanists say it is likely to happen in the next 20 years and in fact it already has happened. At the beginning of the last century, the dominant banana species was the Gros Michel, also a cloned species, which was wiped out by fungus. The Gros Michel was preferred over the Cavendish because it was larger and had a longer shelf life, and, according to old-timer recollections, better-tasting. The Cavendish replaced the Gros Michel after the latter species decimation because, of the over 1,000 varieties of bananas in the world, most do not have an appealing taste. There are the less sweet plantains, and also a variety called Goldfinger which has an apple-like taste.

10. Save the peels
Even the peels of this fruit are useful. Apply the inside of a banana peel to pimples to naturally dry out these skin blemishes. Also, banana peels make a wonderful fertilizer, particularly for roses.

Some more valuable health benefits of Banana

  • Vitamin B6 is the vitamin needed by people who feel weak, irritated easily and have difficulty in sleeping.
  • Potassium regulates blood pressure and reduces chances of high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Potassium enables muscles to contract and expand smoothly during exercises. It reduces cramps.
  • Potassium helps to rid fluid retention .
  • Carbohydrate found in bananas contribute to the daily energy usage.
  • Fiber in bananas help maintain healthy, regular bowel movements.
  • Bananas are easy to digest.
  • Bananas can be used to substitute sweets and candies because they taste great. It helps people with sugar cravings.
  • Not only chocolates, but bananas too have serotonin and norepinephrine that helps elevate depression. It naturally improves your mood.
  • Banana is the best fruit to eat after a 4km jog. As the body loses vitamins and minerals, 2 bananas is enough to replace the nutrients lost as well as replenishing energy.
  • Bananas are the best solid food to introduce to infants. The fact is bananas contain 0% fat, is easy to digest and is not allergenic.
  • Bananas are a natural hit with kids because of it’s taste. Moreover, children are growing all the time and they need the energy provided by bananas.
  • Green tipped bananas are good to cook.
  • Yellow bananas are best eaten raw.
  • Brown specked bananas taste best when baked with bread, muffins or cookies.
  • The riper the banana, the sweeter it is. Reason is the starch turns to sugar.
  • Sliced bananas added into cereals, salads, yogurt, smoothies or shakes makes it taste even better.
  • To preserve bananas, put them in the fridge. The peel will darken but the inside remains firm and delicious.
  • To ripen bananas faster, put them a paper bag with an apple and a tomato.
Safety profile
Banana fruits are sometimes rarely known to cause skin and systemic allergic reactions. In “oral allergy syndrome” which causes itching and swelling around the mouth or throat within hours after ingestion and is related to birch tree and other pollen allergies.
The other type of reaction is related to latex allergies and causes urticaria and potentially serious gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
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The Burden of Cervical Cancer and Its Prevention – Dr. John Teo

Wellness Lab

According to the latest report in 2012, Cervical cancer is now the 2nd commonest cause of female cancer in Malaysia. 2145 new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed annually and 621 new cervical cancer deaths are recorded in 2012. That translates to about 6 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in Malaysian women everyday and nearly 2 women will die from this dreaded and tragic disease everyday.Cervical cancer was the 3rd commonest female cancer in Malaysia in 2007.

Preventive efforts to decrease the incidence of cervical cancer are vital towards maintaining women’s health as well as saving women’s lives and preserving  the health of the nation.

Among the preventive steps that can be taken are Human Papilloma virus immunisation  for teenage girls, Pap smears and Human Papilloma virus testing for sexually active women as well as patient education.  It is the coordinated and multi pronged efforts that will be effective in the fight against this deadly disease.

Gardasil and Cervarix Vaccination available

The Ministry of Health, Malaysia introduced HPV immunisation for 13 years old on a voluntary basis as a nationwide programme in 2010, making Malaysia one of the very few countries in the Asian Pacific region to offer such a vital life saving programme to its girls and joining many European countries and United States to place the health of its women and girls as the utmost priority. This is indeed one of the boldest and most valiant efforts towards women’s health preservation and must be hailed as one of the greatest achievements of the Government and the Ministry of health in the area of women health.

The reason why the early adolescence age group are chosen is that cervical cancer prevention by vaccination works best before the initiation of sexual activity and that the same age group exhibit the strongest antibody response towards the vaccine, thus by convention, may translate to better as well as longer protection accorded by the vaccine.

Pap smear has a sensitivity of 56% to 83% and taking the midrange, it’s only about 70% sensitive. Translating these figures to the normal implications of the test, a negative Pap smear result is only 70% right that the women do not have any disease related to cervical cancer or pre-cancer. Therefore because of the long time frame for cervical cancer to develop and the relative inaccuracy of the Pap smear results, such test should be repeated at regular intervals, typically 3 yearly.

In order to improve accuracy of Pap smears, the addition of Human Papilloma Virus Co testing is advocated. If both tests results are negative, the possibility of women developing cervical cancer or pre-cancer within the next 5 years is extremely low and thus screening interval can be extended to 5 yearly.

Please note that the women who are suitable for HPV/ Pap smear co testing are those 30 years old and above. Women below 30 years old are not indicated for HPV/ Pap smear co testing as the incidence of HPV infection in the younger age group are relatively higher with most infections being transient without any harmful sequelae . Thus doing those tests for young women below 30 years old may results in more unnecessary potentially harmful procedures without the expected cancer prevention benefits.

Now with the more accurate testing for cervical cancer is Thin-Prep Cytology and Sure-Path Cytology, both available in Wellness Lab Health Screening Centre (Malaysia) with Clinic Medical Sense attached. For more detail, please call 1800-88-5001 for appointment and reservation.
Sure-Path Cytology
Thin Prep Cytology

The World Health Organisation has recommended that Primary cervical cancer prevention by vaccination be given to girls between the age of 9 to 13 years old  before sexual initiation and Secondary prevention by Pap smear alone or HPV  co – testing be performed at a minimum in women 30 years and above to the age of 49 at least once in their lifetime.

It is important to realise that most girls will acquire HPV infection shortly after initiation of sexual activity and that most infections are transient or temporary. It is the persistent HPV infection with high risk types that may develop into cervical pre-cancer and ultimately cancer.
Wellness Lab
HPV infections are mainly transmitted through sexual contact and thus all women who are sexually active are at risk of cervical cancer.

The global efforts to prevent cervical cancer have been, to a significant extent, limited by resources including Malaysia’s; and the realisation that placing women’s health at the forefront of a Nation’s goal is pivotal to a Nation’s economy and health is increasingly gaining traction.

Let me end this by sharing a story of a young British girl who succumbed to this devastating disease at the age of 23 years in 2012. Her name was Mercedes Curnow. Following are the excerpts taken from the Mercedes  Curnow Foundation Facebook page reporting about her tragic passing.

“Fighting back her tears, Sandra Cousins gripped her daughter’s hand tightly as she watched her take her final breath, “Mum, I am going now”, Mercedes,  23, whispered  as her eyes slowly begin to close.
Weighing just 5 stones and with her hairs cropped short due to the effects of chemotherapy, she finally lost the battle against the  cruel disease that have ravished her young body. Just 18 months earlier, Mercedes was a bright and bubbly young woman with her whole future age ahead of her. Now she lay motionless on her brightly coloured bedroom, the walls around her decorated with pink flowers and love hearts.”

No mother, no father, no families, no husbands, no daughters and sons need to suffer such untold tragedy which is totally preventable .

We need to decide, as a society, that women’s lives  are worth saving. We have all the knowledge and technology to prevent this devastating disease, but the lack of will to close the gap between what we know and what we do has proven to be deadly for many women and continues to destroy families unless we do what is right for women.

Dr. John Teo is an Obsteatrician & Gynaecologist in Sabah. He serves as a Medical Advisor to the state Family Planning Association and is extensively involved in contraceptive and HPV prevention teachings nationwide. He has a d
eep passion for women’s health and reproductive rights.

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Harvard Scientist Urges People To Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk

Virtually every piece of nutritional advice you can find recommends you to go for low-fat or non-fat milk. Yet a growing number of specialists are mentioning that it’s healthier to eat and drink dairy products with all the fatty tissue left in.

While raw, organic milk provides various health benefits, a Harvard analyst and also doctor says that traditional milk and also dairy products are dangerous to your wellness because of the added health-compromising sweeteners. Did you know that cup of 2-percent milk has 12.3 grams of sweets, more than a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and also practically as much as a delicious chocolate chip biscuit?

As David Ludwig stated in his research study, which was released in the Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics, they have numerous pieces of research study confirming unsafe effects of sugar-sweetened refreshments. The over-consumption of sugar has actually been connected to obesity, diabetes, inflammatory-related discomfort, and a lot more. And as a result of sweet’s unfavorable results on our wellness, even the United States Department of Agriculture, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and various other companies are advising against taking in calories from sugary drinks.

When you consume low-fat or skim milk, not only are you drinking a denatured fruit, you’re contributing to excessive weight. A 2005 research published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine followed 12,829 kids, ages 9 to 14 years. The research study found that drinking reduced fatty tissue milk was connected with weight gain, whereas full-fat milk was not.

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This Can Save Your Life!! How to Stop a Heart Attack in 1 Minute

Many people don’t know that cayenne pepper can prevent heart attack in a minute. Make sure you always have it on hand, in case someone from your closest family members needs it.

Dr. Christopher, an American herbalist, has never lost a patient to a heart attack in his 35-year career. He gives a cup of cayenne pepper tea (a teaspoon to a cup of water) to patients who are still conscious. After a minute, they are all alive and safe. Scientist based this theory on their own personal experience and not on studies done in controlled conditions.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This also includes Habanero, Thai Chi, African Bird, Jalapeño, Jamaican Hot Pepper, and Scotch Bonet. A combination of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a glass of water can be given to patients who have had a heart attack, but are still conscious and breathing. If the person is unconscious, put a few drops of cayenne pepper extract under the patient’s tongue.

Cayenne pepper increases the heart rate and carries blood to all parts of the body, thus balancing circulation. It has hemostatic effect, stops bleeding, and helps in heart recovery.

The following tincture is considered to be the best remedy for emergency cases of heart attacks. Just remember to use cayenne pepper and not hot pepper.

Chilli is a bushy tropical plant and twenty times stronger than regular pepper, because it contains much more capsaicin, a pepper alkaloid. Its heat is inversely proportional to its size, so the tiniest peppers are usually the hottest. Always choose this kind.

• Cayenne pepper powder
• a few fresh cayenne peppers
• 50% alcohol (you can use vodka)
• glass bottle (1 litre)
• gloves

  1. Put your gloves on because cayenne peppers are pretty hot.
  2. Fill a quarter of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder and put enough alcohol to cover the powder. If possible, do this on the first day of a New Moon.
  3. Blend a few fresh cayenne peppers, and add enough alcohol so it gets a sauce-like texture.
  4. Add the mixture to the bottle which should now be 3/4 full.
  5. Fill the bottle to the top with alcohol and close it well. Shake it several times during the day.
  6. Leave the tincture until the next New Moon (after 28 – 29 days), and strain it using a gauze. Keep it in a dark bottle.
  7. If you want to have a very strong tincture, strain it after 3 months.
  8. Close the bottle and store it in a dry and dark place. It doesn’t spoil, so you can use it as long as you want.
Dosage: 5 – 10 drops of the tincture to a conscious patient who has suffered a heart attack or a stroke. Add another 5-10 drops in 5 minutes. Repeat the treatment until the patient’s condition improves.

If the patient is unconscious, put 1-3 drops under the tongue, and start a CPR. Repeat the treatment every 5 minutes until the patient’s condition improves.

Health benefits:
  • Cayenne pepper has antifungal properties which prevent the occurrence of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum
  • It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system – it stimulates the production of gastric juices, and relieves gases.
  • It has anticancer properties, especially for lung cancer and smokers. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is known to prevent the development of tumors caused by tobacco, and similar results are noticed in patients diagnosed with liver cancer.
  • It helps in the treatment of stomach problems, migraines, flu symptoms, allergies, obesity, redness, toothache and arthritis.

Cayenne pepper has 26 different nutrients, like calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamins C and A. Make sure to always have the tincture on hand, because cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural spices that can do miracles for the heart.

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You won’t Believe Putting this in your Navel will help you with Colds, the Flu, Cough, Abdominal and Menstrual Pain

A tested folk remedy method that treats various conditions in folk medicine – setting a cotton with brandy to the navel. This method relaxes your whole body and gets rid of the pain.

When it comes to the flu, the common cold or sore muscles, this method is very effective. It’s a great alternative to “over the counter medications”.

When having a cold or the flu, simply soak some cotton in brandy. Push it nicely and put it in your navel. You can stick with duct tape, light tape, a band aid or cover it with a nylon bag and a cloth. Whatever seems the most comfortable.

During menstrual pain use the same method, stay in the supine position and press the cotton with your hands.

To avoid vomiting while traveling, as well as to ease stomach pain, you can do the following: Soak some cotton in brandy, push it, sprinkle it with salt and stick it in the navel.

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" Bitter melon " A Simple Plant Kills Up To 98% Of Cancer Cells – And Stops Diabetes

I’m always looking for natural substances that throw a “monkey wrench” into the peculiar metabolism of cancer cells. It’s vital these substances kill cancer cells and leave normal cells untouched.

By Dr Robert Rowen

I’ve told you about some of my discoveries in the past. They include resveratrol, green tea, Seanol, and others. But today I’m going to tell you about another plant that safely starves cancer cells as efficiently as a powerful chemo drug. In fact, it even works on pancreatic cancer cells, which are particularly difficult to kill.

This plant is a common vegetable from Asia called “bitter melon.” It is popular among the long-lived population of Okinawa, Japan.

Bitter melon juice diluted to just 5% in water showed remarkable potency in severely damaging all four pancreatic cancer cell lines researchers tested. The bitter melon reduced the viability of two cancer cell lines by 90%, while it knocked off the other two lines by a staggering 98%. And it did so after just 72 hours of treatment!

In the past, I’ve told you about apoptosis. That’s nature’s way of dealing with wayward cells. They simply kill themselves. Bitter melon juice induced this programmed cell death along several different pathways. And even better, it also activated a pathway, which shows that it knocks out the cancer cells’ metabolism of glucose. In other words, it literally starved them of the sugar they need to survive.

Do these lab dish studies apply to living animals? A resounding yes! University of Colorado researchers gave mice bitter melon at doses easily achievable in humans. The animals had a 64% reduction in pancreatic tumor size without side effects! This level of effectiveness beat the most commonly used chemo drugs for this lethal cancer.

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CLINIC Medisense - Open Vacancy for DOCTOR (Locum/ Permanent)

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 .Able To Perform Ultrasound Scanning, Pap-Smear and interpret E.C.G results.
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 .Working Area At Johor Bharu Branch (Taman Sri Terbau)
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