I Don't get it.
I so strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. Weather you may be a Christian or just a believer in a higher power, I know that both sides tend to believe this as well.
But then there are also those that believe in randomness. This is all fine with me.
I am a Christian. I believe that God has a purpose and a plan for me. I also have learned that I can't always figure out where or why he is guiding me. Most of the time I try not to figure this out as I just prefer to leave my troubles to him.
Then there are the other times that I try to analyze every little thing that I am going through and why God is sending me down a particular path. This I know is futile but none the less I find myself doing so.
Case in point: Today.
I am supposed to be resting, per doctors orders. I feel good but I am, for the most part, feeling exhausted. So I rest. I do a little and I rest.
My pug hasn't been feeling well. She has Doggy IBS. So first thing this morning I had a few messes to clean up.
I had planned on just resting until my doctors appointment at 3:30 this afternoon.
You do know never to use the word "Plan" if you are a Christian. That word makes God laugh. He has a wonderful sense of humor. Did you know that?
The phone calls started in the late morning. There were tax problems at the Church. I made a few calls, got things straightened out, then had to go to Church to do the actual physical straightening. The computer work.
It's all good as this isn't physically taxing.
Get it? Physically taxing. Your supposed to laugh there. Anyway the bookkeeper, treasurer and I got it all straightened out, I think.
I was there almost two hours then had to leave for my doctors appointment. Another follow up visit.
I guess I'll start with the waiting room. Please don't judge me here people. I'm tired. Thanks.
My appointment was for 3:30. I arrived at 3:20. As I sat reading a year old issue of
" Good Housekeeping ", which by the way, is my favorite magazine of all time, the people started to roll in.
I observed many different characters to be sure but the one that really struck, bewildered and annoyed me was a very old man who I assumed was accompanied by his daughter who had a good ten years on me. I guesstimated his age to be around 90.
I love old people. I always wanted to be a geriatric nurse. It was my dream. But I tell you, this man irritated me to no end.
He had the most annoying ticks. He constantly smacked his lips, over and over. In between which he would be moaning and sighing.
I texted to my husband, as I waited two hours just to get into the exam room, that I was sitting next to a very annoying old man. Did I mention that he smelled badly as well?
Now remember I said, please don't judge me. I thought about all of the things that he may have went through in his life. Upon close examination, I supposed that he was probably quite handsome in his day. And he must have been a nice man at one time, even though he complained to his companion the whole time about the wait.
I was irritated with the wait and I was there longer than he was.
I no longer could focus on my "Good Housekeeping " so I texted to my husband that I was still waiting (1.5 hours now) and was sitting next to a very irritating old man.
He texted me back. " Get up and go to the bathroom and then change seats.".
I don't know what happened next. I guess I was slap happy. I was all alone waiting and one of my biggest nightmares happened.
I was overcome by one of my infamous, hysterical laughing fits! Right there in the waiting room while approximetly 15 other people were waiting.
I'm talking roll on the floor, shoulders shaking, tears flowing, laughing fit.
How embarrassing.
I fought mightily to control myself. I kept looking at my phone as if someone had texted something really funny. Damn funny.
I truly hope that I didn't offend anyone. I am thinking that God was playing a joke on me for my thoughts. You don't want to know my thoughts.
I felt badly for my unladylike outburst.
It wasn't much longer after I gained control before I was called into the exam room. I do believe that I moved rather quickly to get in there.
After about another 30 minutes of waiting, I finally got to see the surgeon. As usual, she was very caring and patient.
I am doing well but there is some scar tissue in my neck. I have to go for another doppler test tomorrow. I'm still not allowed to exercise or do strenuous housework for at least a month.
I can do a little but am supposed to keep resting...
Sitting on my butt for another MONTH !!!!!
Good Lord.
I guess the jokes on me.