This year marked the 50th Anniversary of a University of Dallas tradition known as Groundhog. It began as students finding a good excuse to go drinking in the woods. It used to be an "underground" thing planned by students, but around the time I started at UD the school took it over. This year the school planned a huge event and had record breaking crowds of around 1,800. For our small little school that is pretty huge. A lot of friends traveled from out of town to be there for the big event and I have to say I was super jealous that they were all their together. Still we have our own Groundhog party to help make up for it. We have hosted the official Phoenix Alumni Groundhog Party for the last three years. This year we had one of our best turnouts despite the fact that many of our usual attendees went off to Dallas.

We encouraged everyone to bring their kids this year so no one would have to stay home for lack of a babysitter. Don't worry, we made sure the kids were all well versed in the classics before they were allowed to become unofficial alumni.
Then we taught them how to pump the keg.
Of course, we had our own Groundhog in attendance.
He anxiously awaited Groundhog Without Borders.
This is where we talk to our friend Adam in China via Skype.
He celebrates over there with a bunch of friends from around the world.
They think Groundhog is a big deal in America and not just at UD.
Zach and the boys played a litte game of War with Adam and his Groundhog.
By the end of the night, the Groundhog had lost his shirt. It happens.
Last, Gus just wants to show off his artwork in the new University of Dallas coloring book.
(Okay, I did help, but he is getting pretty good at attempting to stay in the lines)
Happy Groundhog!