Wednesday, July 29, 2020
When every day feels like Wednesday
Yesterday I woke up and the first thought in my head was to try & figure out what day it was. Especially because my husband has rotating days off, the days really all run together for me. This week he is off Thursday and Friday, so today is his "Friday" and my "Wednesday". It's both nice and frustrating.
Anyway, took care of some boring stuff around here, saw mom off yesterday, and I finished hemming the new curtains for my guest room. Now I need to make the pleats. It's a 50s room so it gets pinch pleat drapes, what can I say? :-)
Anyway, things are going ok. I've started adding an evening walk, which I am really enjoying.
Take care.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Doing ok
Good morning. Just checking in. I'm doing okay - just the same old same old. I have a very long period (5-6 days. Ugh). So when I dropped 1.5 pounds overnight I was relieved that there was a cause for me staying the same even though I had cleaned up my snacking.
Mom came up for a couple of dr appointments, it's been really nice having her here.
Take care!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Where I'm at
Not too much to report. This week has been less crazy so far. Busy, but less crazy. Work has said we're home and they will evaluate again in September. Salary decrease remains in place. :-(
I'm working on new curtains for my guest room, so that's exciting. It's hot here.
Take care.
Friday, July 17, 2020
What a week
Saturday my mom called, Jan (ex MIL) had fallen and been taken to the hospital. She'd forgotten her phone. Could I drive to Kernersville, get her keys, go to her apartment, and take her the phone? Then Sunday she needed a ride home from the hospital. Also Sunday found out a friend had a massive stroke Saturday. Ed died Wednesday. Also Wednesday T was going to make dinner (pasta carbonara). He was stirring it all together in a bowl and it slipped and it all ended up on the floor. We went out for Mexican and Dos Equis - my weight went up 2 pounds and hasn't gone back down.
How has your week been?
Monday, July 13, 2020
I feel like my stress level is part of the issue. Despite making many positive changes, the weight is just stuck. I have not been as consistent as I should be, but I've certainly been doing much better! In any case, that's where I am right now.
Tuesday, July 07, 2020
T's job is just a huge source of stress right now (lots of ridiculous employee drama). The weekend just pretty much sucked, neither of us have been sleeping well, my snacking has been out of control, and I am exhausted. I'm down to 2 pair of shorts and he has none. So it's time to get a grip and start doing the things I know I need to do to help me feel better. Yesterday I packed up all the wine and put it in time out. Lol
It's a start. Take care of yourselves.
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