Sunday, January 17, 2016

My neglected blog

Good morning,

It's not that I am unfocused about eating well or exercising, it's just that write now my time and energy are so squeezed, I don't have a lot of either for posting or reading of blogs.

Doing fine - work is going well.

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Good morning

Just wanted to do a quick check in again.  Work is still busy, I expect the days to be long for a while.  This weekend we are going to Wilmington to see my son (mom is going with me).  I am looking forward to that since he was home for Christmas for such a short time.

Not really reading a lot of blogs - I try to pop in now & again. 

Take care!

Tuesday, January 05, 2016


Just wanted to check in.  I get home from work late, eat, and I am wiped out!!  I am walking at lunchtime and I do have my kettlebells here at home, but it's definitely going to take me a bit to find my groove.  In the meantime I am having a good time!  Tired, but good. :-)

Take care!

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Lift off

The house is quiet, I'm jamming out to the "Zohan" soundtrack, and it is now COLD here!! :-O  But sunny, so the dogs and I will be taking a walk today.

I found a recipe for pumpkin pancakes in Shape magazine I plan to make for breakfasts this week.  I'm doing kimchi fried rice for lunches (it's mostly vegetables, I put maybe a quarter cup of brown rice in each serving).  Keeping dinners simple since I am wiped when I get home from work and my mom is not into cooking.

Back in September or early October my son and I made about 3 gallons of mead (a honey wine).  I plan to get that bottled this weekend, take my mom and MIL to see Star Wars, and I am meeting Janet at the gym for another workout tomorrow.  I am signed up for water aerobics for January, so I will be starting that back up.

I am thankful for my job - not only because money is nice but because I like the people and it really consumes a lot of my energy.  I did have some moments of anger and sadness at my ex over the holidays, but my energy is a lot more focused on work and on my future - a much better place to be. 

It continues to be a journey, but I feel a lot more positive!

Be well!

Friday, January 01, 2016

Happy New Year!

Here's to a better 2016 and good riddance to darn 2015! :-)  Went to bed at 9:30 last night - exhausting week.

Went to the gym this morning, so I started the new year off right!  After that I sat down and work on my book keeping.  I worked on my budget, reviewed my debt, balanced my checkbook etc.  Always a good thing to do periodically.

I have 3 simple goals for this year:

1. lose 60 pounds
2. Become debt free
3. Purchase a home (incurring some more debt, but that will be my only debt)

Simple, not necessarily easy. But very doable.

I hope you achieve your goals this year!!