Thursday, June 27, 2024

Life is what happens when you make other plans

Longest break since I started blogging!

Thank you for the condolences regarding Susie. We miss her but being a 1 dog family is beginning to be our new normal.

Had a lovely time camping, came home, got laid off Monday. True story.

My bestie and I recently purchased a franchise (more on that another time), with the plan I would handle the books, budget, planning, etc. I had planned to ease into it, but instead I am jumping off a cliff. It is both exciting and terrifying.

Here's the funny part, the weight is really dropping.

May 1 - 212

May 31 - 202

Today - 198.5.

So while I have hardly killed it weight loss wise this month, for someone who lost her dog and job I'm doing pretty well.

I hope to be back here more often as I really want to document and write out my feelings regarding this transition.

Thursday, May 30, 2024


 I am going camping with a friend this weekend. It will be nice just to get away. Because I have been having a bit of a pity party, we bought a pool from Wally World so we have a distraction. They were already marked down!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Good bye girl

 We said goodbye to Susie Friday. It was a rough weekend.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Not good news

 Our dog Susie is quite sick. Unfortunately even after 2 trips to the vet and 2 nights in the hospital, we are waiting further test results. I'm not expecting a good outcome for our girl. 

So I was just going along, feeling pretty good about life until Miss Susie got ill. :-(

Sunday, May 05, 2024


 I am not sure what's happened and I don't care - I'm walking the dogs consistently. my sleep is improving, and I have dropped 3.5 pounds.

Now I just have to continue!

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Checking in

 Now that the office is done, I've been enjoying a bit of "down-ish" time. No big projects, but trying to do a deep spring cleaning and some yard work.

Weight is meh - not up or down. I am not happy but I'm not ready to figure out how to change. But I feel like it's happening, albeit slowly. I'm back to walking every morning and I'm eating salads and more veggies, so at least I finally seem to be moving in a good direction - even if the pace feels glacial.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Productive month

 Well I got my home office redone!

Built ins along back wall, corner built ins with accent wallpaper, new light fixture, and a desk I made out of an old messed up coffee table I got from FB marketplace for $5. All in all a busy couple of weeks, but I love it!