Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Happy Birthday Mom

When you are lucky enough to live by your mom you get to celebrate her milestones! 

Thursday, February 03, 2022

Story Telling Festival

Witch on a broom was the story Jocelyn memorized and told at the school storytelling festival. She has come such a long way. Memorizing has never been hard for her but in Kindergarten she froze and couldn't get up in front of the crowd. In first grade, she told her story facing the back of the room so she couldn't see the crowd. In second grade she faced the front and nailed it! She won in her school then went to the district. She did super well in both contests. 
Jack Be Nimble was what Creed chose to do. He didn't seem too nervous or scared. He just stood up did it and was happy to be done which honestly was great....I appreciated a tear-free, drama-free year.


The final cross country meet

Cami ran cross country and had a great season. Her sophomore year she made the varsity team and improved her times a lot. It was a season she could feel good about. She made a lot of close friends and enjoyed many uno games on the bus. Cross country kids are some of the best!

Fall Break...taking a break...Lehman Caves and Great Basin National Park and Camping

This year for spring break we decided to do a crazy adventure and check out Lehman Caves and Great Basin National Park. We were scared it would be too cold to camp as far north as Lehman Caves so we found a cool camping area a couple hours south of Ely called Horse Thieves Gulch. Even that far south we literally froze our nuggets off. Good thing the trailer has a heater...Bad thing it wasn't working...So we drove down and camped on Wednesday night. The next day we drove through rain and some snow to check out the caves. Great Basin really is the most wide open space ever! The caves were awesome and rivaled Carlsbad Caverns. They seemed even darker to me but not quite as long. It was Taryn's birthday and we ate delicious pie and she caught snowflakes on her tongue to welcome her new year. The next day we went hiking and for a drive. It was a surprise to us how many ranchers there were out there. It was also surprising how many bikers there were in the middle of nowhere. There must have been a bike race or something because they were tons riding down all the desert roads. The last day the kids went fishing and Jocelyn actually caught a pretty big one...but no one would eat the fish except Brent and myself...It was a good easy going time and the ride was awesome blasting loud music. We stopped on the way home for hamburgers in a small town which was so delicious after several days of camp food.

Sticky smores

Jocelyn caught it but didn't really want to touch it very badly....

Creed kept rolling off his bed and snuggling himself by the heater...too bad it wasn't on or working.