Sunday, January 06, 2019

Scaring the crap out of Cami

Creed wanted to prank Cami really really bad and was patient with the long game....At the end of swimming season last year he came to me with a plan. He wanted to buy a shark for the pool and sneak it in before anyone got in next summer. He wanted to get the girls outside then open the pool cover and make them scream when they saw a shark in our pool. He said "I want to scare the crap out of Cami!" I thought its good to have goals so I quietly shopped amazon and Target for plastic pool sharks and found one. Creed loved it and did indeed sneak it into the pool before the girls came out to go swimming....Cami gave him just the reaction he wanted (because she is a good sister not because she was actually scared). He then spent the rest of the summer swimming with his shark and loving every minute of it!

Colle Voice last concert of the year

Cami participated in show choir this past school year. She gained a lot of confidence and made some great friends. I am always amazed at how talented all the kids are. Their last concert was in the library with crazy lighting situations but the sounded all kinds of good. Cami was also in charge of making all the choir fliers, programs, and certificates for everyone. She always went above and beyond to help her teacher. She's a good kid with "skills" and we are lucky to call her ours.

Cami and her teacher

Thrilled about the award but not so much about the picture...

After watching sisters get this award for years Creed was very committed to getting his Radiant Roadrunner Award. He did all kinds of extra work and met all kinds of bench marks and requirements. He turned in all of his homework all year and logged all his reading minutes. He didn't miss too many days of school. He also participated in reflections contest, story telling festival, the science fair, and every other bonus activity. He also had great citizenship/behavior all year.  After all the work he was really excited to get his medal and certificate...but he wasn't too excited to take more pictures....

Spring Soccer

Pee Wee rec league soccer is the best way to spend a Saturday morning. Jocelyn and Creed both played spring soccer. It was so fun to watch both of them. Jocelyn seems to really get positions more and passing and the thinking parts of soccer. And after she got new glasses in March she really could see/play the ball better too. Creed is just all over the field kicking trash and taking names...Just kidding but he is pretty aggressive. He has had the same kids on his team for several years now and they are playing well as a group.

Dancing Queen

Jocelyn performed in the annual de file for her dance studio. She tapped this past semester and she says it is her favorite. Getting to the recital was crazy as she went straight from a soccer game and changed in the bathroom at the recital. I busted out make up on the fly which is not my forte but she sure did look cute up on the stage tapping away. Since we were late we almost missed getting flowers (there weren't may choices) but luckily the lady just gave us bonus flowers so she could be done selling and get into the performance. Anyway everything turned out great and Jocelyn was fun to watch.

Last Kindergarten program ever :(

Kindergarten programs are the best....totally funny and totally impressive with how much the kids have learned in a year. It was really sad to think this is the last one we'll get to go to. Creed's teacher is the most compassionate, kind, patient teacher ever. We were so lucky to have her for the school year.  Creed was also lucky to have his buddy in his class...although they never did get to sit by each other (its too tempting to mess around constantly if your partner in crime is by you...) Creed really did learn a ton and he really did behave like a champ. Creed knew the words to all the songs. He stayed in his seat the whole time and he didn't do anything too crazy. It was a win. 


Last April our cousin Marissa got married. We made a little road trip out of it and had a great time. The wedding was in Salt Lake City in the morning. Marissa looked beautiful and Ammon is a great guy. The reception was later in the afternoon in Lehi. That night we took the older kids to the new Avenger movie which was epic. We also stopped at Cabellas the next day since Jocelyn was missing a class field trip to a wildlife museum. She got her fill of taxidermy and loved the giant fish tank.  We all loved the fudge. We also spent sometime up at papa weights trying to help him with some jobs. Jocelyn and Creed particularly liked helping Brent "fix" the 4 wheelers...they still don't start...
Creed and cousin Jake both looking dapper
One of the funniest moments of the day was that Ammon the groom got a speeding ticket on their way to the honeymoon post wedding....with this on his windows....too bad to police officer didn't think it was as funny as we did...
The movie to end all movies...I'm glad my girls like marvel flicks...
Taxidermy's finest...just really is a fascinating place...