Sunday, July 29, 2012

Creedster and the gang

I'd just like to take this opportunity to say this is a household of whooped girls-we are all whooped by one handsome little man. He has such chubby cheeks and blue blue eyes and a smile that is a mile wide....and we are just whooped. None of us can resist him.
At his 6 month check he weighed 15 pounds 13 oz and was almost 27 inches long. Just as a reference Cami weighed 18 # at a year and Jocelyn and Taryn weighed 16 #s at a year SO he seems much bigger although he is only in like the 45% for boys his age. 
He rolls around like a maniac now and is getting fairly good at sitting as long as no one loves on him while he is concentrating on sitting. He has been pulling some long nights working on his first tooth and he has started eating "real food" in the last month. 
He loves everything except oatmeal which he pukes up and anything green which he cries and gags on (it is truly hilarious in a sad way). Bananas and yogurt are clearly his faves. 
He is doing better sleeping through the night and we are all grateful but he is such a cuddly kid that I haven't minded the 4am feedings because I get uninterrupted cuddles at that hour. He is starting to babble a lot and play with toys a lot. 
He has a pretty chilled out personality. He takes all the noise and crazies of our family in stride. He is really a pleasant kid as far as personality goes. He is just growing up so darn fast that it is sad but at the same time he gets cuter and cuter every day so I can't complain...He truly brings happiness and whoopage to our home. We're so lucky to have a Creed.

My little cougar taking a break from making dinner...

He has started cuddling with his stuffed dog and his teddy bear while sleeping. It is SO cute that he totally really likes them. Taryn added her giraffe this day...

First jump in the jumper....This is his what the heck is going on face....

This is his wait I kind of like chillin' here face.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Father's day 2012

The day after we got back from Yellowstone was Father's Day and despite having been gone for 10 days and being excessively sleep deprived we tried to make it a great day for Brent. 

We made the holiday banner to hang up. This time Taryn did all the writing herself...It said Happe Fothrsday Dad in fancy decorative writing...They all wrote notes and pictures...

Brent got a mandolin...He is really into kitchen gadgets and I think it is really funny-in a good way...I really like it when he uses them and cooks dinner every Thursday night.
We took him the traditional breakfast in bed (Brent likes Breakfast burritos with chocolate milk). Taryn then told him to lay down for a father's day back rub...FUNNIEST THING EVER!!! (of course Taryn made sure they were dressed for the occasion).

And in the end I hope it was a good day. Brent sure is a good Dad and we are so lucky to have him!

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Not your nacho libre

So a few Sundays ago I am in the middle of a meeting and Brent walks through the kitchen. I didn't give a second glance because I was involved in the meeting details. After a minute I look up and this is what I see....I couldn't stop laughing and saying "NO! PLEASE NO!!!! NO WAY!!!" Brent had decided to shave his goatee off and got a little creative. I told him it reminded me of Nacho Libre for some reason so he posed for me in his "recreational clothes." They look expensive...I love that movie. And after he shaved the stach I love this guy...Always good for a laugh...

PS-I'll probably get busted for posting his recreational clothes pose but I though it was too funny to keep to myself. Too bad you can't see the full effect of the clinched tight butt cheeks...It was great!

Swimming - summer is here!

Summer doesn't feel like summer until we have spent half the day at swimming lessons. Luckily for us lessons started the Monday after school got out. I wasn't sure how the girls would do since we haven't gone swimming tons this winter but they just picked up right where they left off from last year. Of course the water was freezing so I waited until July to start Jocelyn but when I did she swam great and protested great-surprising after wrestling her for weeks to keep her out of the pool during the older girls lessons. 
Swimming day one...Cami's ready to go after a goggles adjustment.

Taryn with a big thumbs up rarin' to go. Hopefully this year she doesn't spend half her class time trying to convince the teacher not to make her swim so far. "Closer. No Closer..."
because clearly she totally can swim farther and farther....
Slowly but surely my kiddos are getting sea worthy. I just think they have needed to develop some muscle mass to be able to propel themselves with any force....

End of the Year!!!

I always seem to get a little giddy at this time of year. I know that I get to have my kids all to myself for an entire summer and I don't have to keep up with schedules and activities or anything that I don't want to. I know parents all love their kids but I honestly think there is a difference between loving and liking your kid. I like to hear my kids running around and pretending and they honestly make me laugh A LOT. I like having my kids around. SO HURRAY FOR ME-SCHOOL IS OUT!!!! I get to hang out with my faves!

This is Taryn's end of the year program. It was really fun to watch. I am pretty sure she knew all the words to all of the songs but her favorite was Rockin' Robin. 
Taryn received a Radiant Roadrunner award. She turned in all her homework and reading charts. She participated in the speech contest thing and several other big projects. She is a hard worker and I was really proud of her. More importantly I think she was really proud of herself. She definitely had a school year to be proud of.
This is Cami-bell ringing, school is out! She too got the Radiant Roadrunner award and had a great year. Her teacher was the perfect teacher for her and she really learned a lot.
This is her climbing into the car-yes she can hardly wait for summer to begin! Me too!