Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter holidays-way after the fact

Easter weekend was a fun affair here this year. Two sisters and their kids came to town to play and the in town cousins played and the neighbors played.Basically everyone played and had a good time.
We went exploring one morning on a hiking trail. Brent and I saw it awhile ago and wanted to try it but hadn't found the time. Then the neighbor lady told us it was a great one so we had been dieing to go. Brent had to work but the girls and the cousins/sisters went and it was really fun. There were even green areas mixed in with the red rock. It is definitely a repeater hike.
We also had an Easter egg hunt in grandma's back yard. The older cousins helped me hide the almost 200 eggs. Jocelyn quickly learned what she was supposed to do and the older kids hid and re hid the eggs several times so the could find and re find...
After that we checked out the Art in the Park festival thing that they do here every year. I get a kick out of it because it brings a different demographic of people to town than is usual and I love the variety. They offer free face painting and hair do's from a beauty school in town and lots of free craft projects too. Local bands play and some are great and some are funny....(in a nice way ish....)
We also rode bikes (and cousin Luke spanked it!), had picnics at parks and BBQs and painting a lot of toe nails and finger nails....What a great weekend! I am starting to realize that as much as we love the hiking and outdoors and weather here, the best part of living here is getting to see family often. The girls know their cousins and cant get enough of them. What lucky girls they are.
The Easter egg hunt

Lots of riding of wiggle cars and check out the finger nails!!!
The art festival-entertaining kids by taking pictures while they wait and wait and wait in the face painting line.

I will call this picture "peace out" and leave it at that......
The faces finally painted.
Jocelyn and her great buddy who lives behind us. They are so little to be such good friends but they really show interest and affection towards each other.
The whole egg hunting gang
Jocelyn's first experience with Cadbury...I guarantee it won't be her last....although next time I might insist on a healthy breakfast before I let her dig into the chocolate and then not want anything else all morning...
Cami and Taryn love love love the Easter Bunny. They came jumping in on our bed at the crack of dawn telling us the good news that he came. We made them promise to wake us before checking out their baskets...again I might rethink this strategy....
Digging a hole to china at the park volley ball court...I am sure the park maintenance people LOVE us. (We did make them fill it back in.) And it is fun to see that the games and imaginings of my childhood aren't lost, just replayed with my kids.
Jocelyn feeling territorial about her gold fish....Don't even try taking them....

The hike and hikers....
It must have been good because everyone is still smiling after the fact.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This and That.....

It's been a while...We have started doing P90X every night which significantly impacts TV watching and blogging time....not a bad thing....BUT we have been busy with other fun things like....
Playing at the park

taking naps...
Again the park

Cami's science fair project-the night before it was due :) .....She got second place and was super proud of herself...I help with the everyday homework but I totally handed off the science fair to Brent. It worked out great-especially for me! ps if you boil one egg and compare it to a raw egg they have different properties-like buoyancy.....
Cami's multi school choir concert-singing the wild wild west and slinging guns. I had to laugh because just the day before I had read that a kindergarten kid got suspended for making a gun with his fingers and pointing it at some other kid during a game at recess (cops and robbers or hunters or soldier or something like that I am sure). Here hundreds of kids are TAUGHT to gun up and shoot at the crowd of on lookers....
Again more park....
And just in closing I am pretty sure I have the worlds cutest kids. Sure they have their moments but most of the time they are just good easy kids and I couldn't be luckier...