Monday, August 24, 2009

If you chance to meet a frown

I don't know if anyone is familiar with the song if you chance to meet a frown but it roughly goes like this "If you chance to meet a frown do not let it stay. Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown away...."
Saturday Cami was having a rough day with the grumpies...(probably related to the fact that she got up before the sun did). After several warnings I finally said "Cami this is your last warning. You need to stop being so grumpy and whining. If you don't stop and I have to remind you again you will go to time out."
Taryn quickly responded by running over and hugging Cami and saying "Oh Cam! Turn it upside down!"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pine Valley Quickie

Last weekend we took a quick trip to Pine Valley. After a fantastic dutch oven dinner we went on a little hike. It was so nice to be in the cool mountains with pine trees. The stream was very cold to wade in but the girls were troopers and went for it anyway. We made it all the way to the reservoir at the end and the girls got their first up close look at the art of fishing...Cami thought it was very sad and Taryn just shrugged it off. Taryn kept looking for animals and animal tracks on the trail and Cami was able to jog back-at least she moved a lot faster than the rest of us by the end. It was just a fun way to spend an evening with the girls.

First Days

WE survived our first days of school with flying colors!!! I was really unsettled about sending Cami to school but after studying about all the schools in the area and waivering her into a different school I was excited. Cami planned for several weeks to wear leggings and a skirt which seemed really foreign to me first of all that she cared what she was wearing, and second of all, are leggings tights or pants?... In the end we came up with an outfit that she was happy with and dreamed about wearing for days. I just smiled and wondered where that came from.
She has also been REALLY excited about her sparkly hello kitty backpack. She has shown it to everyone the minute they have been at our house.
The first day they have a parent come and help the kindergartner do a treasure hunt for an hour. The second day they are on their own. It made for a really smooth transition with no tears on any one's part. She has a really gentle sensitive teacher who uses music a lot in teaching. It is a perfect learning style for her. He favorite thing so far is recess and apparently she can read...she came home the second day and said lets read and she did...Good for her and oops for me not knowing she could do it.

Cami is ready to go... forget the pictures!

Cami in front of her new school

Cami too excited to wait at the school door-yes she is plugging her ears...of course the school bell is loud and that is going to take some patience and ear plugs on her part...

Taryn started school the next week and the wait was killer. She got up each morning asking if she could go to school yet. When she finally got to go she just ran right in and I had to call her back out to even get a picture. She is definitely a child that enjoys life and I am glad school is part of that.
Ready to go...very early...
Taryn after being called back for a picture...incidentally what is with ME of all people having girls who want and beg to wear play dresses and skirts? They honestly LIKE them and I just can't do anything about it....maybe it's a phase.

Grandma and Papa's

The first week in August Brent was able to take a couple days off work and we visited Grandma and Papa Weight in Heber City. The girls had so much fun just playing outside and running around with the cousins. It was so pleasant to be outside on the grass and on the swing set (and not burning ourselves or melting any body part on the swings). Brent actually helped mow a lawn (his dad's) for the first time since leaving Michigan. (and he enjoyed the riding mower). He also enjoyed letting all the cousins mercilessly hose him down in a water fight. (He started it by getting a little crazy with the slip and slide action.)

The annual boat trip was sidelined a little because of some serious barf action. Poor Cami barfed something like 11 times and pooped several times in the period of about six hours. She was such a trooper for such a vial bug and the good part was it didn't last long and we didn't get it (although pretty much everyone else in the house did). After she had been barf/poop free for a few hours she still really wanted to go for a boat ride and Taryn had been wearing her suit all morning. I figured a 20 minute boat ride would not dehydrate her a lot more than she all ready was. We headed out and Cami rode in the boat and Taryn on the tube (thanks to Michele and Steph for riding with her). Taryn had such a blast that it was totally worth the $10 entrance fee for 20 minutes of fun. Her face was priceless. She has such a big sparkly infectious smile. Next year maybe Cami will be up to riding it.

The other highlights were going to Thanksgiving Point (of course we couldn't go to Grandmas house without the girls BEGGING to go), visiting our good friends the Francoms, visiting the open house to the new temple, and going bowling.

Taryn on her Thanksgiving Point pony ride. She held on by herself the whole time despite me being a little nervous that she would totally bite it.

Cami on her pony ride. She was really excited and had a TON of fun. She purposely chose the second biggest horse (her Natalie wanted the bigger one) and she was not at all scared. Way to go cow girl Cami!

Taryn, Cami, Natalie, and Jake in the jail at the petting time the sign says don't feed the animals I bet they won't!

Then again, they busted out so maybe they will...

Cami LOVES bowling...She got a great score with the ramp assist and bumpers...Two spares and a strike. No wonder she loves it!