Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kids and what they say....

So usually our kids are good at going to bed but the other night Taryn kept having issues....drinks, potty, cuddles, etc...You name it and she was struggling with it. SO after a few go arounds and it being after 8 and mommy losing it and telling her if she got up again she would seriously get spanked she was quiet for a minute...Then she walked into our room to DADDY and in a very sweet voice she said "Daddy my music just keeps going lalalalala (singing it)" and sure enough her cd was scratched and stuck. Just the way she quietly walked in and told Brent her problem made us both crack up....Luckily no spank and that was the last interruption....

The other day I heard a little disturbance while the girls were playing doll house (Taryn wouldn't give up the baby she had and Cami wanted it). So I hear Cami yell "TARYN YOU ARE GROUNDED F-O-R-E-V-E-R!" And Taryn runs in crying "I grounded for revea mommy!!!wawawa!!!" ---We have never actually grounded anyone and I have no idea where Cami got the idea-especially the idea to ground her sister.....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pine Valley Camp Out

Last weekend we were able to go camping in Pine Valley and I highly recommend it! It was still pretty chilly but nothing a good campfire couldn't cure. We camped right by a stream and the girls got a kick out of chucking pine cones in and watching how far they floated. We went on a short walk Friday night and then Saturday we hiked up pine valley mountain (Whipple trail) a short ways...(the girls couldn't walk through the snow very easily but got a kick out of throwing chunks at Brent). It was also really fun because we talked Grandma Rice into coming and she introduced the girls to "wee meg barneyleg" (a traditional rice family story). It distracted Cami great from her smashed, black and blue thumb... :) Anyway, it was a good spontaneous time and good memories were made.

A word to the wise-this map DOES NOT really reflect what the trail is like...

The girls surprised by the snow and trying to figure out where it came from when it's been in the 90s all week.....
Grandma taking a break with the girls after hiking through the snow.

The family looking very much like we have been camping....

Cami having fun despite her thumb incident

Good hiker girls-although mommy did get stuck with the hiking stick Cami BEGGED to take along...
Taryn in hundreds of pine cone boats...hence the name pine valley....

Cami bolting for more boats...

Grandma teaching the kids how to cross the river on the rocks and amazingly no one fell in (not that I expected grandma to but the girls had some close calls)....

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Down on the farm and in the sand

So it is no real secret Brent works like a CRAZY man (in a nice way). I can't complain because I get to have my dream job and stay home with the girls and he DOES really love his job. BUT the down side is when it has been over a week and the girls haven't so much as seen Brent and they miss him.....So since the last few weeks have been worse than usual (Brent being gone/working TONS) it was so much fun to just spend the weekend with him! Friday night we went on an actual date (thanks to mom for watching the kids at the last minute). Saturday morning we took the girls out to Snow Canyon State Park and played in the sand dunes all morning. The sand is so out there and the weather is just perfect right now (the sand doesn't scorch your feet yet but it is warm). The girls had fun making sand angels and burying each other and digging for pirate treasure. It is so fun to watch them pretend together. Later in the afternoon we went to the petting zoo that the girls have been begging for (really Uncle Ron's farm). We got there while Uncle Ron and cousin Garrett were there and they let the girls ride a horse, and pet the new baby lamb, and drive the tractor. They were really great with the girls and we had so much fun. When we got home we got out the hammock and had a picnic and hang time in the back yard. Life is way better when Daddy is around to have fun with!
Digging for pirate treasure-incidentally it is AMAZING the cracks and crannies this sand can adhere to...
The sand angle with high water jeans....
Taryn at the farm after mommy telling her to get on the horse..."You want me to do what?"
Cami took amazingly well to the horse and informed me she wants to be a cowgirl sometime...Taryn was less sure about the whole thing-kind of a role reversal to the usual natures....
Cami actually driving the John Deere and she was really really proud of herself thanks to Uncle Ron.