Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall time favorites

I love fall time. I love leaves changing colors and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I love the smell in the air when people start having fires in their fireplaces and I love the feel of the air when it gets cool enough to wear sweaters but not cold enough for coats. I love love love BYU football-especially great shut outs/kicking the other teams bums completely. But mostly I love fall time for all the happy soccer memories I have. I love the smell of the fresh cut grass and the way I felt after the game, so tired and so happy. I love the after game snacks and I love winning. I have always said that when my kid is old enough to play I would coach her team. I think pee wee bumble ball soccer is one of the funniest things to watch. SO welcome fall time and welcome Amy (coaching) and Cami (playing) making more soccer memories!

Cami's first Game

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Nine Years and Hoping for Infinity More

So tomorrow is our nine year anniversary and I cannot believe it! In some ways it seems like time has flown by. I mean really, we have two kids and responsibilities and jobs and that seems way too adult for me. But in most ways I cannot remember life before Brent. Maybe I am feeling a little smoozery from reading too much Twilight lately but please indulge me anyway for a minute of serious gooey lovin'.

Brent is really an easy person to live with. He doesn't sweat too many of the details and he is the best dad ever. His love of kids was one of the first things I was most attracted to. He lets me kick his bum playing speed (although I could totally do it without his help :) ) and he indulges my preference for driving really big trucks. He BBQs like no other and agrees with me that its important for me stay at home with the kids rather than working. He runs all the technology in the house so I don't have to feel frustrated continually and he can fix ANYTHING. seriously anything. Brent makes up great songs/lyrics and sings them really loud just to make me laugh (but only gives private concerts). Brent is a great kisser....I will stop there just in case I go overboard but I could go on indefinitely. In short, I feel totally lucky to have talked Brent into marrying me and I want to keep him forever.

In honor of the day I have put together some of my most favorite happy moments from the last nine years-not necessarily in order of date or favorite time-just in the order that I could figure out downloading them. Yes this should be a slide show but I haven't figured that out yet... Many of them you have seen but there are some choice ones I was able to sneak in as well. Obviously this is a monster post so scroll through at your leisure... Thanks for all the memories and smiles Brent!