Thursday, July 26, 2007

Catching Up

Since it has been months and months since we have written, and months since we intended to update our blog, we are glad to now finally be writing. I don't know what we have been so busy doing...We have been hiking some but lately it is way too hot for that. If we go outside our faces melt off like the guy in Indiana Jones. The girls have had a blast swimming in the pool all summer. Cami is content to splash around but dare devil Taryn goes for the whole head submersion even though she has not mastered holding breath or closing her mouth. I have been refinishing chairs and repainting the picnic table. Brent has been busy working a lot.

The most important part of hiking with the girls is snack time. Mommy likes the M&M trail mix too.

My Daddy is sooo strong. He could kick your daddy's bum.

If you look closely you will notice Taryn's whole wet head and face and she is not at all unhappy about it.
Cami prefers the lighter side of swimming.

We went camping with the Weight family in April and despite the freezing weather it was really fun. It is great to live close enough to family that the girls can get to know and enjoy their cousins.

Hiking Emerald Pools at Zion National Park with the cousins.

I thought the older one was supposed to teach the younger one how to get into mischief. Not so.
Cami's happy tired face. The past month every week during family calendar time she asks if we can go camping this week.

We went to the county fair in May and Cami had a close run in with an escaped pig. Good thing she doesn't know ham comes from pigs or we would have a vegetarian 3 year old....She also had a run in with a mirror in the hall of mirrors...Poor kid. But she did have fun on the carousel several times. Taryn had fun just playing with her buddy Chase.

Cami loving life and Daddy getting a little sick.

Taryn and her buddy. They hug and then they usually tackle each other.

Cami got her first real injury involving a cousin, a baseball bat, and lots of tears on every one's part. When in question, a metal bat will always beat a 3 year old's skin...She was incredibly brave about the stitches. She even fell asleep during the stitching which is remarkable since we could in fact see her skull through her gash. At first the doctor's wanted to sedate her but some good numbing gel, Curious George stories, and holding Daddy's hand was all she really needed.

She also got her first "real" hair cut in March. For the past year I have been trimming her hair every couple months to get it to grow thicker/more even. Well let's just say it is not a good idea to try this at bedtime when mommy and Cami are a little grouchy...then expect dad to be able to fix it after a half an hour of "trimming." So she ended up with a very cute chin length bob after a trip to the hair salon. She felt better after it was fixed and got used to it.

"I don't want to look like a boy mommy!" (In response to hearing hold still or you'll end up looking like a boy-a little too close for comfort:) )

Cami is into counting and numbers. She can count to about 30 but gets a little messed up with the teens...She recognized letters and their sounds and can spell her own name. She is constantly playing dress ups and pretending. She went with us to see Cinderella as a play and has been dancing around ever since. I'm kind of worried she'll want to take ballet lessons now.

Both Girls really got into Easter this year. Cami is getting old enough to ask when the next holiday is and anticipates it. Taryn is old enough to eat the candy...

Easter at Grandma's with the cousins. (Melissa, Taryn, Camilla, Marceli, and Luke) Thanks to Madison, Melissa, and Uncle Glen they got to find eggs all morning (over and over again).

Taryn has learned some new tricks like self induced vomiting but only in Wal-mart. I had to take her shirt off the mop of the groceries so I could hand them to the check out girl. Actually mommy gagged her to barfing the other day too after she downed some medicines from the bathroom cabinet. She is fast and yes she is fine...She also has managed to get the royal blue toenail polish and bright pink with sparkles toenail polish out of the same cabinet. Yes she got them both open and the damage was done....The down side of renting is not being able to drill holes for child proof locks. Good thing she has an angelic face to minimize the pain of the clean up.

She also has mastered how to get naked quick as a flash. She repeats this during nap times especially, but it unnerves her to wake up naked and peeing in her crib. Even though Taryn is still tiny she packs a some serious energy and coordination for her size. She did finally hit a milestone of 20#'s this week now that she is almost two.

It is probably safe to attribute a large portion of the 20#s to chocolate pudding, yogurt covered raisins, and broccoli.

This is what we do to burn off the pudding. It is really hard to ride a bike across rocks so she takes the push it around the yard route.

She is finally getting "enough" hair for two ponys. Yes we use the term "enough" very loosely in this house.

Taryn has also discovered babies lately. Another one of her favorite tricks is taking the panties/bloomers off her baby dolls and trying them on herself. To me this says potty training time!

She is talking more but most of the time we have no clue what she is saying. She can say "backpack, backpack" so she is officially a Dora the Explorer and Diego fan now. She is very into books and reading lately-especially if they are Dora or Diego books. She likes to stand at the book case and hum until she finds just the right one.

She loves animals too, particularly the neighbors dog Russel and the goldfish at the library. It has been fun the last few months to really get to know her quirky happy go lucky self now that she actually is fun and happy go lucky...

And that is pretty much what we have been up to the last several months. We hope you all are happy and healthy. We'd love updates and pictures from all of you!