Tuesday, 9 December 2008

New Tutorial coming soon!

I made this one this morning and was pretty pleased with how it turned out.

I hope someone likes it =D

It should be available later today.
The tutorial is all written up and ready, Im just trying to find the site that the snow animation is on so I can link it up lol
Blogspot doesnt like animation lol, but it is animated

Monday, 8 December 2008

Charity Kit by Bittersweet Designs

wow, I just spotted this in an email from MPT and thought I would post it on my blog too.
The more people who see this, the better!

Well I'm finally finished with the charity kit I talked about in a earlier post! For those of you just coming in and didn't see the other post this kit is for a very sweet, dear friend of mine who is currently living with bone cancer. For those of you who don't know what bone cancer is or does to your body I suggest looking it up and becoming aware of it. This is a horrible, nasty cancer (as they all are)!! But it's also one you don't hear much about. Well you see not only is she living with this disease but she also has a HIGH medical expense debt and a 10 year old daughter. All she wants for Christmas is to be able to provide a great Christmas morning for her daughter. I know we are all having it rough right now but this kit will help someone give for her child and give her one more hope to hang on to. Sadly nobody knows what Christmas will be her last so PLEASE help me, help her make it a GREAT one!!
**Please feel free to pass on the information about this kit and where to get it to all your friends, I know if we all come together we can make this little girls Christmas amazing and hopefully help with the climbing medical expenses**
There is TONS in this kit and you can see it ALL below! Since this is an important kit to me I wanted you all to be able to see everything offered in the kit!
The papers are 1200*1200 at 300dpi and the elements are sized proportionately also at 300dpi .. will work for digital layouts and smaller printing projects or for embellishments to larger printing layouts.
Seen below is:
40 Papers
4 Posers
Wrapped Angel Wings
4 Satin Bags
28 Bows
12 Butterflies
4 Bling Butterflies
4 Calla Lilies
4 Charmes Cherubs
8 Christmas Glitter Doodles
4 Gem Stars
8 Glitter Christmas Trees
4 Eyelets
4 Birds
4 Felt Doodle Frames
16 Flowers
4 Folded and Clipped Flowers
12 Flower Frames
4 Flower Strands
4 Flower Gems
4 Heart Gems
4 Pin Gems
4 Dragonfly Gems
4 Glitter Felt Matts
4 Flower Glitter Doodles
4 Heart Glitter Doodles
4 Glitter Snowflakes
4 Strands of Heart Bling
3 Jean Pockets
4 Lace Butterflies
4 Metal Photo Corners
16 Ornaments
4 Heart Drawings
8 Presents
24 Ribbons
4 Beautiful Roses
4 Beautiful Roses with Stems
Beautiful Rose Bundle
4 Gemed Pins
12 Glitter Doodle Snowflakes
4 Staples
4 Stardusts
4 Starry Sparkles
Stone Bench
Stone Wall
4 Strands of Bling Tear Drops
4 Beautiful Wings
7 Word Art
That's 284 elements plus the posers and papers all for $5.00 and knowing you helped someones Christmas be a little brighter.

Word Art details:
*Don't Suffer In Silence
*Live the Life you Dreamed
*Live like you never Lived before
*Love like you never Loved before
*You are my life now
*Snowflakes are kisses from heaven
*If you want to know how much I Love you count the Snowflakes

Purchase this kit at http://www.designsbybittersweet.blogspot.com/

CT Call

Would you like to be on my Creative Team?
I'm looking for SOME tutorial writers.
Simply send me 2 examples of your work, and the link to your website!
send your information to the following email
Thank You

Sunday, 7 December 2008

New Tutorial!

Using my Snow Drift Kit

Its by the fabulous Crystal, isnt she beautiful???

The tutorial is called 'Winter Angels'

and it can be found


Sneak Peek!

Ive been working on a new kit which uses some commercial

use items by the fantastic Suzanne Woolcott!

Its very cute, and I love the colours.

Unfortunately, the kit is only available in Taggers Size at the moment,

but I plan on making a similar one full size sometime soon.

Here's a sneaky peek =P

she's called 'Rockin Around' and she will be available to

purchase sometime tonight!