Sunday, September 11, 2022

August 2022

We enjoyed a Shaved Ice for Family Home Evening.

We tried to use our Get Out Pass to go Glow Golfing on a Monday for FHE, but they don't accept the pass on Mondays, so we had to go back later in the week.

We met up with the Little Leos to use our Get Out Pass at Splash Summit.  We arrived before they did and swam and got lunch.  They arrived and then the fun really began.





A little rain storm came through and it wasn't all too dry under the umbrellas, but it was better than the downpour.

Then the sun came out and we enjoyed more water time.

Emily, Alex, Derek, Tu;er. Caroly, Hadley, Tansy and Megan

I had a chance to go to tea at the Grand America with my fifth grade team from the 2020-2021 school year.  It was fun to catch up and visit. (Jenna Craker, Barbara Antonetti, Laura Passey and me)


Darrell and I had a date night to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at the Centerpoint Legacy Theatre.  It was good!

We used our Get Out Pass to go to the Kearns Pool.

Tyler had Young Men's Camp the week before school started.

Emily decided to get her ears pierced.

The girls went to Montana for a few days while Tyler was at camp and I had teacher meetings.

My current 5th grade team at the Granite School District Kick-off. (Amber Parry, Rachel Crane, me and Laura Passey)

We weren't necessarily planning on this little addition to our family, but my parents and the girls brought down Zelda from Montana.  She is 4 months old and a sweetheart. (And her one white whisker is so funny.)


Emily and Megan had a short day on Wednesday, August 17, to go to Matheson Junior High to find their classes and meet their teachers. (Emily, Renee-the girl we carpool with-and Megan heading off.


Later that night Tyler, Darrell and I went to Cyrpus High School for Tyler's Freshman Orientation.


The next day was the first official day of school.

Tyler-9th grade

Megan-7th grade

Emily-7th grade

Me-5th grade (again)

Zelda loves chasing after Emily's laser light.

We found a picture of Zelda when she was just a wee one on the Animal Shelter's Facebook page.

Poor Zelda with Megan

The girls were trying to get Zelda to cooperate for a Halloween-themed photo shoot. Ha!

Zelda makes it hard to pay attention during scripture study.

Matheson had a tailgate party before the Cyprus High School game.  We went around to different booths to get our tickets punched and then we got nachos.

Tyler played in the band at the high school game.  He dropped him off at the high school and then went back later to watch the game.  Cyprus lost 56-6, but it was fun to see Tyler be part of the band.

If you look really close, you can see the "C" lit up on the mountain.

Poor Zelda had diarrhea since she came home from the animal shelter.  We thought her digestive track might settle down once she adjusted to a new house, but we eventually had to take her to the vet.  She didn't seem too stressed to be there. We got her some medicine and probiotics and they'll do a sample of her poo.

Emily bought Zelda and mummy toy and she  LOVES it.  She'll jump up high to try and catch it.

Emily and Zelda napping together.

The girls couldn't wait to decorate for Halloween.  Can you spy our live addition?