Sunday, June 26, 2022

August 2021

My friend Jamie helped me layout set up a layout for our pictures and I was finally able to get them up on the wall.


Emily's cute cat and note she slid under the bathroom door for me.

Tyler rocking a "pony tail."

We headed back to school in August.  The kids stayed in Montana with my parents while I had teacher meetings.  I got inspiration from a fellow teacher on Instagram and decided to change up some things in my classroom.

Our new 5th grade team--Amber Parry, Rachel Crane, Laura Passey and me

We met up with the Richards for a picnic in the park.

Megan had been asking since 2nd grade to shave her legs.  I finally decided the time had come to learn.  They had lessons in the bathtub with their swimming suits on.


The first day of school.

Tyler is in 8th grade.

Megan is in 6th grade.

Emily is in 6th grade.

We had to do a comparison of the girls first day of kindergarten and first day of 6th grade.

Emily with Mrs. Marsing

Megan with Mrs. Marsing

Our opening flag ceremony

We had a "New Years Party" and the kids loved it.

Darrell left us sticky notes on the van for the first day of school.


Emily started Phase 2 of braces.  She had to geta Herbst appliance to help align her overbite.  It replaces the good old head gear of my day.

Emily and her American Girl doll (wearing matching aprons) helping make zucchini bread.

Emily is so creative.  She converted this box into a closet for American Girl Doll clothes.


The girls made these sun ovens at school and wanted to cook hot dogs.  They didn't put them out soon enough so the hot dogs needed a little extra help from the microwave.

Sunday dinner out back.

We went to Leatherby's to celebrate school starting and reading 30 days from the Book of Mormon.


Tyler wore the big cowboy hat for hat day at school.

The girls bought this kitchen set from their 6th grade teacher's daughter.

Family reunion 2021

My parents hosted a family reunion in Island Park, Idaho.  It was at a beautiful cabin in the mountains.

Sloppy joes for dinner

Cousins in the hot tub

We brought a craft to do--painting little chests.


Emily painted a scene on a plate.

My co-worker Laura won this HUGE bar of chocolate from a PTA drawing and gifted it to us.  It was a perfect family reunion treat.

One of the fun, invented games was a cactus ring toss game that turned into "ring the antlers on the wall game." Sometimes a broom was needed to get the rings down.

Lunch of chicken salad sandwiches and sloppy joes.


We went to Big Springs and had a chance to feed the big fish.

Megan, Emily and Tyler


The "Little Leos"

We drove up to the top of Sawtell Mountain.

We ate dinner at a park in West Yellowstone, MT.

We saw Newsies at the Playmill Theater.  It was so good!

We went to Mesa Falls.

Yummy wild raspberries along the trail.

Fun fuzzy caterillars


Megan loved seeing the horse.

Feeding bread to ducks and fish


We stopped at Big Jud's in Ashton, ID.  We ordered the Family special--six 1-pound burgers to share, 6 orders of fries, unlimited drinks and 18 cups of ice cream.


Some of us went to Tarhee Creek Trailhead and went on  5 mile (round trip) hike.



The kids enjoyed spending lots of time in the hot tub.

Tyler, Darrell and my dad playing Corn Hole.

Some fun memories--our room signs


Emily's drawing of the family tree

Emily, Tyler and Megan


Ours of entertainment with the rings and antlers.

Darrell, Debbie, Tyler, Megan and Emily

It was so good to be together in the beautiful mountains!