Sunday, April 10, 2022

California 2021

 After 2 years of not being able to visit Darrell's mom due to COVID restrictions, we were FINALLY able to visit in California.

We left at 5:20 a.m. and drove to make it in time to see the fireworks at the harbor.

Darrell and Tyler playing catch in the backyard.

Brenda and Steve treated us to dinner at the Shake Shack.

We found a grassy area near the harbor to wait and watch the fireworks. It was a little chilly.

The fireworks were so cool!

Fourth of July donuts

We spent the 4th of July with Darrell's mom, Carol, and his sister, Brenda, and her family.

The kids had fun playing in the pool and hot tub with Kayden, David's son.




It was so fun to eat yummy food, visit and play games.  It was a fabulous 4th of July.





Tyler, Megan, Debbie, Emily and Darrell

Jeff, Farrin, Brenda, Steve and Carol

Debbie, Darrell, Carol, Brenda and Steve

Darrell, Carol, Brenda

We went took flowers to Wayne's grave.


Spending time with Grandma.  The kids enjoyed learning about Carol's parents (she has a lot of family pictures in the hall) and playing a game with her.


The kids and I spent an afternoon at Huntington Beach.  It was a dream come true for Megan because her American Girl Joss is "from" Huntington Beach.

Carol treated us to dinner at Hof's Hut.  It's such a favorite tradition.

The kids think the deli sandwiches at Grandma's house taste the best.

We went downtown Los Angeles.  The girls were SOOOOO excited to be able to go to The American Girl Store. They took their dolls --Joss and Molly--with them.




Emily got a mini Molly

We drove downtown LA by the Staples Center.  Darrell and Tyler got out and took pictures by the statues while the girls and I drove around the block since there was no place to park.


We also drove to Dodgers Stadium.


We treated Carol to dinner at The Olive Garden.  De-LISH!

The kids sleeping out in sleeping bags on the front room floor.

On the way home from California our van mileage turned to 100,000 somewhere out in the middle of the California/Nevada dessert.

We got dinner at In 'N' Out in Henderson, NV.  

The girls arranged a little meal for Joss and Molly also.


It was SO hot in Henderson, even at night.  The kids enjoyed the pool and I sweated!


The view of Las Vegan from our hotel room.

We made a brief stop at the strip in Las Vegas.  It was SOOO hot!  Emily wanted pictures taken by the Eiffel Tower.


The M&M store

We stopped at the Beaver Creamery for ice cream on the way back.