Sunday, February 28, 2016


Here are some pictures from February.

Emily looking cute in a beanie.

Tyler decorated his Valentine's box.  The girls didn't have to make boxes, but they wanted to create Valentine's art too.

Megan created a board game for us to play.

The kids continue to put on "shows."  Here the girls were dancing at a "ball" Megan and Emily came up with.

The black paper hanging on our shelf between 2 Valentine's decorations is Emily's "disco ball."

Emily's portion of "the ball."  We had to play a game.

A close-up of the disco ball and Megan's rules for the ball. (Welcome to the ball.  Rules.  Don't touch people.  Don't eat people's food.  ABC ball.  Pleeeeeeeeees like it.  123 Ball Plees plees plees like it.)

Megan created a store in her bedroom.  (There are some pretty good deals there!)

Every Sunday Tyler has "Pokémon Club" where he teaches us about different Pokémon.

Tyler started basketball at the fitness center again. It's fun to see how much better he is than last time.  He's a very good defender with his arms up.

Getting ready to shoot the ball.

We had a Papa Murphy's heart pizza a couple days before Valentine's day.

We were able to attend the Provo City Center Temple open house.  We had reserved tickets for another day, but it worked out better to go on a busy Saturday, so we joined the throngs of others waiting in the stand by line.  (Tyler, Megan and Emily)

Tyler, Emily, Megan

After the open house we went for a drive up to Evanston, WY.  Darrell wanted to get out and go for a drive.  It was nice to get away from the inversion and see blue sky and white clouds.  We stopped in the visitor center and the kids LOVED seeing all of the taxidermy-ed animals, antlers, furs, etc.

Then we made our traditional run to In 'N' Out for a Valentine's treat.

A Valentine's heart hairdo for Emily.  (We ran out of time to get Megan's done.)

The kids have been into watching "how to draw" videos on You Tube.  Here is Emily with Pikachu.

More games the kids created.  (I'd like to take credit for instigating all of their creativity, but they just come up with all of this stuff on their own.)

Emily's game (going to church).

Tyler also had a going to church game, but this one was a loopy one from a palace.  (Emily wishes we would have spelled her names E-M-I-L-E, so Tyler humored her here.)

Megan's game was a snowman game.

We went to another Grizzlies hockey game.  They played the Rapid City Rush and won 5-1.  (Megan, Tyler, Emily and Darrell.)

There were A LOT of fights in the 3rd quarter.  See all the pairs of gloves on the floor?  They threw off their gloves and started throwing punches.

There were too many groups fighting for the refs to keep up.  It made for some pretty exciting watching.

My parents were in town for a day and they treated us to dinner and then dessert at Menchies.

Emily wanted to draw some shapes (that they were studying in school) for my parents on the white board, and then she wrote their names too.

The girls got a Hello Kitty "fashion plate" set from our neighbor and went to town make different combinations of Hello Kitties and then plastered the wall with them.

Freddy's Steakhouse was have 91 cent single-serve cones and cups of custard, so Darrell took the kids to get a treat one night.  (I was tired and just wanted to stay home by myself--which is a luxury sometimes.)  Anyway, Megan came home and brought me her ice cream cone paper.  Mom!  I brought you something for your earrings!  It's even clean inside!  I obliged.

We went back to Freddy's a couple nights later for Family Home Evening.  (Darrell, Tyler, Emily)

Me and Megan

The girls participated in a local high school drill team clinic.  They went to "class" for 2 nights to learn the dance.  (Emily closest one in black leotard and pink skirt.  Megan is in the black leotard and black skirt.)

The second night of class Tyler came for a few minutes before I had to take him to his basketball game.  He danced right along from the sidelines.

The girls then performed their dance at the dance showcase.  They had a lot of fun. (Emily, Tyler the photo bomber, and Megan)

The girls are in the back.  They were in the group of 2-5 year olds so they were some of the oldest/biggest.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Grandma!

We want to send a big Happy Birthday shout out to Darrell's mom!

We love you!

Sunday, February 7, 2016


January was a pretty normal month.  We got back in to school, work, piano and homework.  Here are a few pictures.

Megan's Hello Kitty collection

Tyler and his new basketball hoop

We had the assignment to help clean the church in January.  We got to clean the gym and the stage.  The kids were really good about helping and were sad when January was over and we weren't going to go clean anymore.  Cleaning the walls on the stage.

The kids have loved this art kit and the drawing paper they got for Christmas.

We had more shows (a favorite Sunday afternoon/evening activity.)


Tyler and his Pokémon book.


We went to watch a Grizzlies hockey game.

They gave out free horns and the kids got some (lucky us!)

Megan had a little tea party for her stuffed animals.  I didn't get a picture of the party, but I got a picture of her seat assignments and some of the guests.

Wishful and Big Bluey

Hello Kitty and Boo


The girls were invited to a birthday party where Princess Anna was a special guest who did face painting for them.  They LOVED it!  (Megan and Emily)

Megan in Emily's Anna costume

Tyler, Megan and Emily with my scarf and coats on

Tyler had an early birthday party. 

Here is his agenda.

Here we are looking at the Pokémon cards.

A police office who lived in our stake was killed while on duty.  While the funeral was held at a large venue so lots of police officers (both local and those from far away) could attend, the viewing was held at our church building.  It was really cool to see all of the flags around the church.  There were also flags all down the street leading to the officer's house.

The Unified Police vehicles all lined up.

News reporters were also on site.

One day while I was teaching piano Megan decided to classify all of her shells. (Notice her tally marks--something she learned at school.)

Tyler's drawing of an M&M cycle.  (Another carry-over from school--well, the cycle part at least.)

We had some more snow and Tyler went out and helped Darrell shovel the snow.

We went to Culver's for shakes as a way to celebrate good report cards and helping clean the church in January.

Emily and Megan
