Monday, September 29, 2014


Here is a wrap up of some pictures from July.

The kids love, love, LOVE Legos.  They can spend hours playing with them.

Megan (with a whole bunch of other toys)



One day the girls made a whole bunch of sheep. (Megan)

Close up view

Some pictures of our garden

Tyler by the tomatoes

Emily and Megan by the strawberries


This picture is brought to you courtesy of some "naughty kids."  See the apples in the bucket that they decided to pick while they weren't ripe?  This wasn't the first time they had done this, so we really didn't have many apples at all this year.

Enjoying some Icees at Seven Peaks.

We also made a small attempt to do some Granite Unplugged activities.  (That's where you do a non-device activity and go to a sponsoring business to collect a little badge.)  The Rhodes Roll activity was the best.  The kids had to make dough creations and bake them.  Then we took pictures to the Rhodes business on the designated day and got our choice of free cinnamon rolls, orange rolls or yogurt cones.

Megan's doll before and after


Tyler's car before and after


Emily's Mickey Mouse before and after




Enjoying free Slurpees from 7-Eleven on July 11.  (Emily, Megan and Tyler)



Story time/activity time at the library.


$2 Tuesday at a local pool and splash pad

Megan, Emily and Tyler

Our stake had a huge neighborhood carnival that the kids loved.  Here are their face paint creations.

Emily with a rainbow


Megan as a kitty

Tyler as Spiderman


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Yellowstone Park

In July my dad celebrated his 70th birthday and we had a special family trip to Yellowstone Park to celebrate.

We headed to my parents house on a Thursday afternoon.  We were able to help tie baby quilts for Derek and Tansy's twins (I didn't get pictures) and then head to the Sno Shack for some ice cream and sno cones.

Cousins checking out the grate in the parking lot

The next day we got an early start to the day.

Eating donuts before we left.  Aubrey, Emily, Tyler, Megan, Olivia

We made a quick stop in Virginia City, an old mining town.  The kids by the courthouse.

Emily, Tyler and Megan

Downtown Virginia City

Emily, Megan, Tyler


We met up with everyone at a city park in West Yellowstone, Montana for a picnic lunch before heading into Yellowstone Park.

We stopped at Lower Geyser Basin and walked along the walkway. 

Mud pots

The hot pools were beautiful.

Megan, Tyler, Emily

Then we headed to Old Faithful. 

Waiting for Old Faithful to go off.  Megan, Emily and Samuel (wearing Emily's jacket and being just as big as the big kids.)

Olivia, Aubrey, Tyler, Megan, Emily

I don't know how many times I've seen Old Faithful go off, but it never gets old.

The fam watching Old Faithful go off.

Afterwards we got our traditional ice cream at Old Faithful Inn and ate it out on the balcony.  Yummy!  Love that stuff!

Then we headed to Fishing Bridge.




My parents

Snack time for the troops out of my parents' trunk

Lots of buffalo along the side of the road

This guy headed across the road in front of us.


Emily, Tyler and Megan at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.


This is why it's called Yellowstone

The Lower Falls


Me, Tyler, Emily, Megan and Darrell

The Upper Falls

We stayed at a motel outside of Yellowstone Park. 

Tyler on the roll away that he thought was so cool.

Emily fell asleep on the way to the motel and was tuckered.


Megan showing off her new Happy Meal toy (elephant) and souvenir (wolf) from Yellowstone

The next morning at breakfast we presented my dad with his birthday gift from all of us kids and "kid in laws."  It is a fleece blanket with our family pictures on it.  I am grateful we were able to celebrate his special birthday with him.  Oh how I love him!


The view of the mountain across from the motel

Tyler, Megan, Emily (and Darrell) on the swing by the motel office.

The fam waiting to walk down to Tower Falls


Tower Falls

The grandkiddos walking back with Grandma (Tyler, Olivia, Megan, Aubrey and Emily)

Emily, Tyler and Megan by the petrified tree

Cousins--Olivia and Megan

Norris Geyser Basin


We headed to the visitor center in West Yellowstone where they had pelts, antlers, etc. for the kids to touch.

Tyler with buffalo horns

Megan with bird wings

Emily with a fur

That evening we attended a performance of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" at the The Playmill Theatre.  I love attending plays/musicals at the Playmill.  It is a small/intimate theater with incredible talent.


Emily (She was so tuckered she slept through the whole first half.  She finally woke up at intermission and enjoyed the rest of the show.


(I first saw "Joseph..." at the Playmill and have loved it ever since.  I think it's safe to say my kids have now caught the "Joseph bug" and only want to listen to that soundtrack in the van.)

Our trip to Yellowstone was fast, but awesome.  I don't know what it is about Yellowstone Park, but my spirit just seems to be at home there.  I feel peace, contentment, joy and happiness amongst God's diverse creations there.  I leave rejuvenated.  And it was even better this year sharing all of that beauty with my family--both my little family and my extended family.  I think Tyler started to feel a little of the wonder of this little piece of God's great creations.  On the way to Yellowstone Park, we passed through an area called "Quake Lake."  As Tyler took in the lake, pine trees, mountains, etc. he said, "This is BEAUTIFUL!"  Then he said, "Emily, don't you think this is beautiful?"  I loved his unsolicited observations.  It is indeed beautiful!