Monday, September 30, 2013

Soccer for Tyler

Tyler participated in fall soccer which went from the first part of August to the last part of September.

Lining up for team pictures.

Solo picture



Giving the other team "5" after a game

With his coach on the last day.


 Tyler really enjoyed soccer.  He still didn't "get it," but he liked playing just as well.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Our Garden

We had a very productive garden this summer--especially our fruit trees.  Last year our plum tree produced plums and we only got one peach total.  This year we got peaches, pears, apples, nectarines and one plum.

Our corn

Apple tree

Nectarine tree

Our one and only plum

Pear tree

Peach tree

Unfortunately the wasps liked our peaches and nectarines as much as we did.  Look at how they ate them.

Some of the "pretty" ones

Lots and lots of peaches

I peeled and cut the peaches to freeze them for smoothies and to make into jam.


I washed, cut and blended the nectarines up to make fruit leather.  I also made some nectarine freezer jam.  It took me FOREVER to get the peaches and nectarines taken care of because I'd just get started peeling or cutting and then I'd have to go referee a fight between the kids or get this, that or another thing for them.  I worked late into the night sometimes after the kids were in bed.  It was a lot of work, but I'm so grateful for all the fruit we got this year.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Summer Walks

Summertime means Sunday evening walks. Luckily we live within walking distance of several parks and a school.  Here are a few pictures.

Tyler with "his" stroller. 

Emily rolling down a hill.



Emily going down upside down.



Megan wasn't quite so sure about heading across the "bridge," but Tyler zoomed across.

Emily and Daddy








Tyler selling us hamburgers, shakes, and fries

Heading home



Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Remebering Darrell's dad on his birthday today!

We love you Grandpa!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Museum of Natural History

The kids and I participated in the library's summer reading program.  The grand prize at the end of the summer was free admission to the Museum or Natural History. We went one afternoon after Tyler was done with school.

The kids got to make dinosaur headbands and then we explored.

Tyler LOVES anything to do with deer, elk, moose, etc. so he loved seeing this display.

"Hands on" in the water

There were costumes to try on






There was a section that had a glass floor looking down on some "fossils."  Here's Emily sitting on the floor.

The girls writing notes

A cool dinosaur fossil

Digging in the sand

 Running around a "dig site."

King and queens of the rock

Emily with a tree puzzle

Tyler with a stuffed deer

Megan with a puzzle

The girls soaking up the sun on the observation deck