Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

from our family to yours!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snug as Bugs

I love these little ones SO much!




The girls can both hold their own bottles now!

(Well, I may be premature in celebrating because lately Megan has decided that she'd rather not hold on, but Emily is pretty much becoming Master Bottle Holder!) At any rate they sure have Tyler, the King, beat!

The above accomplishment means I don't have to do this as much:

Christmas Prep

'Tis the season!

Our Christmas tree smells SO good! I love the smell of real trees! The decorating of this year's tree is evidence of how busy life is with 3 little ones. We bought the tree on a Saturday and got it up in the stand that day. But we didn't get around to decorating it because I had to put the outside Christmas lights up and run to Old Navy with Tyler while Darrell watched the girls. (You don't just take 3 kids on errands.) I put the lights on the tree on Sunday, but then I didn't get the decorations on until Tuesday. I didn't put on the ribbon or the balls this year--we're just lucky to have up what we have! AND we're lucky to have presents under the tree thanks to Darrell's sister and mom. (I still haven't wrapped any gifts yet.)

Emily thought the outside lights looked like a fun toy.

I'm not sure how she did it, but Emily picked out her gift from the pile and was playing with it.

We finally put our shelf up by our front door so we could hang our Christmas stockings on it.

We made and decorated Christmas cookies on Sunday.

The girls watched from the Bumbos. (Notice a new scratch on Megan's face thanks to Tyler.)

Tyler LOVED the cookies. He kept trying to sneak a cookie before we decorated them.

He also discovered the sprinkles.

Picture Potpourri

Introducing Grabby Abby, a.k.a Emily. I guess Tyler's "s'ghettios" weren't far enough out of the way.

Tyler's not quite sure he likes the whole "dress up to go out in the snow" scenario...

...because, "See, Mom, you don't have to have all of that on to play in the snow."

The girls hanging out with Mom in the kitchen.

Tyler loves playing with the cars he brought back from Grandma's house at Thanksgiving. Some of them are Darrell's old cars. (Can we say vintage?)

Emily was so tuckered out she fell asleep with a car in her mouth.

War wounds. Tyler loves to scratch Megan's face (GRRRRRRR!!!!!)

Tyler got a hold off a pen and wrote on his face. (At least pen is easier to erase than scratches on Megan's face. Double GRRRRRR!)

Carrots sure are fun to "chew" on. (The girls don't have any teeth yet, so these aren't choking hazards yet.)

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Normally it takes me FOREVER to get anything done. Then you add in a few holidays and it REALLY takes me FOREVER to get anything done. So, I'm a little behind on blogging (again.) Someday I'll catch up. (maybe?)

We were able to spend Thanksgiving with Darrell's family and we had a wonderful time. It was great to spend time with family and be away from the cold, arctic chill happening at home.

Thanksgiving dinner at Steve and Brenda's house. Everything was deLISH!

Grandpa's lap was very comfortable.

So was Grandma's shoulder

We were able to visit Darrell's grandma, Nellie, twice at the care center that she is in.

All ready for church in their Christmas outfits. (You might as well get in as much use out of those as possible, right?)

Lunch at Hof's Hut. Yummy!

Grandma and her granddaughters

Getting ready to head to the airport. The weekend went by so fast!

We came home to lots of snow. Thank goodness for awesome neighbors who shoveled twice before we got home so we could pull into our driveway.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuckered Out

Fall Break

My mom, my sister Kimberly and her kids Kyle, Aubrey and Olivia came down to visit us during their fall break. Tyler loves his cousins so much. We loved having them come hang out with us.

Aubrey and Emily

Tyler would spontaneously hug his cousins. It was so cute to watch. Here's a group hug.

Having fun with the bubble machine.

Summer Wrap Up

This post should tie up the loose ends of our summer activities.

Darrell spent tons of time getting rid of the black lava rock in the flower beds. Here are some before and after pictures.

Darrell put the lava rock into a rented garbage dumpster.

When the waste management company came to pick up the dumpster, the dumpster was so heavy that it started to bend the crane they used to lift it. The company ended up bringing us another dumpster and poor Darrell had to shovel out half of the lava rock from one dumpster and put it in the other one. Darrell's own words: "I NEVER want to see another lava rock again!"

Every week the city's "parks management crew" would come and mow the open green space across the street from us. Tyler loved watching the mowers.

Some summer evenings our little family would go for a walk. Sometimes we'd stop at the neighborhood school for Tyler to play on the slides. The girls hung out in their car seats in our double stroller.

Tyler discovered he loved "cycles," as he called them. He'd eat 3 or 4 every evening.

This summer was all about Tyler learning about being a big brother.

I love these pictures of Tyler feeding his baby a bottle.