Saturday, April 30, 2011

she speaks again

I went to go pick up Babs a few days ago and as I reached down she said "up." I looked at her and asked "Did you just say 'up'?" And she repeated back "uh-p." Then she said it for her daddy. And now she says it when she feels like it. Uh-oh, and up.

Does this give us an insight to her priorities?

why we live here

It may be more than a little non-traditional, but this is my girl's nursery. This is her world view. That's got to mean something.


Kiddo and I were playing scrabble yesterday. (Any one have some forgotten boxes they want me to sort through? I'm really good at it now.) I spelled her name, which she recognized. I was pretty excited about that. Then she told me she was spelling her new name.

ADHRIYETQ, except you read it from right to left. It's pronounced "ellie." She told me this, then Babs when she woke up, and then Daddy when he got home. Lest you think this new name signifies something, no, in fact you should not call her by her new name. Her name is "Kiddo" (or her given name at any rate.)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

happy easter

the doll

Inspired by Kiddo's present opening, we started Babs' presents early (note the jammies). This particular present was a request from me to my mom: a doll with hair.

Babs, being one, is a little weirded out by this box we're pushing on her.
In fact, she, unsurprisingly, was uninvolved in the opening.
And the present itself seemed interesting, but still boxed.
But then, as usual, the packaging proved tougher than the parents. This is when Babs lost all patience.
And now is somewhat mollified now that the doll is in her arms. She loves it.

Kiddo also got a doll for her first birthday, which was also very well packaged. In a sweet video, she is excited and anxious and helpful, hooting the whole time to express to me how much she wants me to get it out. Babs, being a second child, assumed that we weren't giving her the doll, as opposed to not being able to get it out, and thus made her cry of injustice that usually accompanies her toys being stolen from her. I like that she stands up for herself.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

one year, one day

It's been a year. That went really fast.

happy birthday baby

My Babs is one year old now. She had a really fun birthday, thanks to a visit from Grandma and Aunt M. Because they were here we got to go to the Aquarium, which really pleased both children. Who knew my Babs loved animals so much? And we also had cake, and dinner, and presents. Plus extra love from family? what could be better than that?
Kiddo also loved the aquarium. Her favorite part, hands down, was "her walrus," which as you can see, is just a plaster statue. We actually went back to see it twice.
And this is a recent family photo, with the adopted walrus. It qualifies as "good" because we're all looking at the camera. And the birthday girl looks beautiful.